


Mastering Visual Studio 2017电子书

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作       者:Kunal Chowdhury

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:36.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A guide to mastering Visual Studio 2017 About This Book ? Focus on coding with the new, improved, and powerful tools of VS 2017 ? Master improved debugging and unit testing support capabilities ? Accelerate cloud development with the built-in Azure tools Who This Book Is For .NET Developers who would like to master the new features of VS 2017, and would like to delve into newer areas such as cloud computing, would benefit from this book. Basic knowledge of previous versions of Visual Studio is assumed. What You Will Learn ? Learn what's new in the Visual Studio 2017 IDE, C# 7.0, and how it will help developers to improve their productivity ? Learn the workloads and components of the new installation wizard and how to use the online and offline installer ? Build stunning Windows apps using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) tools ? Get familiar with .NET Core and learn how to build apps targeting this new framework ? Explore everything about NuGet packages ? Debug and test your applications using Visual Studio 2017 ? Accelerate cloud development with Microsoft Azure ? Integrate Visual Studio with most popular source control repositories, such as TFS and GitHub In Detail Visual Studio 2017 is the all-new IDE released by Microsoft for developers, targeting Microsoft and other platforms to build stunning Windows and web apps. Learning how to effectively use this technology can enhance your productivity while simplifying your most common tasks, allowing you more time to focus on your project. With this book, you will learn not only what VS2017 offers, but also what it takes to put it to work for your projects. Visual Studio 2017 is packed with improvements that increase productivity, and this book will get you started with the new features introduced in Visual Studio 2017 IDE and C# 7.0. Next, you will learn to use XAML tools to build classic WPF apps, and UWP tools to build apps targeting Windows 10. Later, you will learn about .NET Core and then explore NuGet, the package manager for the Microsoft development platform. Then, you will familiarize yourself with the debugging and live unit testing techniques that comes with the IDE. Finally, you'll adapt Microsoft's implementation of cloud computing with Azure, and the Visual Studio integration with Source Control repositories. Style and approach This comprehensive guide covers the advanced features of Visual Studio 2017, and communicates them through a practical approach to explore the underlying concepts of how, when, and why to use it.

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Mastering Visual Studio 2017


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What is New in Visual Studio 2017 IDE?

The new installation experience

Overview of the new installation experience

Installation using the online installer

Creating an offline installer of Visual Studio 2017

Installing Visual Studio 2017 from the command line

Modifying your existing Visual Studio 2017 installation

Uninstalling Visual Studio 2017 installation

Signing in to Visual Studio 2017

The new features and enhancements to the Visual Studio IDE

Overview to the redesigned start page

The improved code navigation tool

Changes to Find All References of an instance

Structural guide lines

Editor config

The Roaming Extension Manager feature

Open folders in a convenient way

Lightweight solution loading

Connected Services

Acquiring tools and features by using In-Product Acquisition

The Run to Click feature

Improved Attach to Process with process filtering

The new exception helper

Add conditions to Exception Settings

Updates to Diagnostic Tools


What is New in C# 7.0?

Local functions or nested functions

Literal improvements in C# 7.0

The new digit separators

Getting to know about pattern matching

The Is expression with pattern matching

Switch statements with pattern matching

The ref returns and locals

New changes to tuples

Changes to the throw expression

Changes to the expression-bodied members

New changes with the out variables

Getting to know about deconstruction syntax

Uses of the generalized async return types


Building Applications for Windows Using XAML Tools

The WPF architecture

Presentation Framework

Presentation Core

Common Language Runtime

Media Integration Library

OS Core

Types of WPF applications

The XAML overview

Object element syntax

Property attribute syntax

Property element syntax

Content syntax

Collection syntax

Event attribute syntax

Understanding the XAML namespaces

Working with inline code in XAML pages

The code behind file of an XAML page

Building your first WPF application

Getting started with WPF project

Understanding the WPF project structure

Getting familiar with XAML Designer

Adding controls in XAML

Command-line parameters in WPF application

Layouts in WPF

Using Grid as a WPF panel

Using StackPanel to define stacked layout

Using Canvas as a panel

Using WPF DockPanel to dock child elements

Using the WrapPanel to automatically reposition

Using UniformGrid to place elements in uniform cells

WPF property system

Data binding in WPF

Using Converters while data binding

Using triggers in WPF

Property trigger

Multi trigger

Data trigger

Multidata trigger

Event trigger


Building Applications for Windows 10 Using UWP Tools

Getting started with Universal Windows Platform

Generic design principles of UWP apps

Effective scaling

Effective pixels

Universal controls

Universal styles

Repositioning of controls

Resizing the UI

Reflowing of UI elements

Replacing the UI Elements

Revealing the UI elements

Getting started with UWP app development

Building your first UWP application

Setting up the development environment for first use

Setting up the developer mode

Creating, building, and running the application

Designing UWP applications

Defining XAML page layouts

The relative panels

The VariableSizedWrapGrid class

Data manipulation in a view

The GridView control

The ListView control

The FlipView control

Application designing with the XAML style

Defining a style as a resource

Inheriting a style from another style

Building your own XAML control

Creating the custom control

Exposing properties from a custom control

Generating visual assets using the new Manifest Designer

Preparing UWP apps to publish to Windows Store


Building Applications with .NET Core

Overview of .NET Core

Installation of .NET Core with Visual Studio 2017

A quick lap around the .NET Core commands

Creating a .NET Core console app

Creating a .NET Core class library

Creating a solution file and adding projects in it

Resolving dependencies in the .NET Core application

Building a .NET Core project or solution

Running a .NET Core application

Publishing a .NET Core application

Framework-Dependent Deployments

Self-Contained Deployments

Creating an ASP.NET Core application

Creating a unit testing project

Creating .NET Core applications using Visual Studio

Publishing a .NET Core application using Visual Studio 2017

Framework-Dependent Deployments

Self-Contained Deployments

Creating, building, and publishing a .NET Core web app to Microsoft Azure


Managing NuGet Packages

Overview to NuGet package manager

Creating a NuGet package library for .NET Framework

Creating the metadata in NuGet spec file

Building the NuGet Package

Building NuGet Package for multiple .NET Frameworks

Building NuGet package with dependencies

Creating a NuGet package library for .NET Standard

Editing the metadata of the project

Building the NuGet Package from Visual Studio 2017

Building a NuGet Package with package references

Testing the NuGet package locally

Publishing NuGet package to NuGet store

Managing your NuGet packages


Debugging Applications with Visual Studio 2017

Overview of Visual Studio debugger tools

Debugging C# source code using breakpoints

Organizing breakpoints in code

Debugger execution steps

Adding conditions to breakpoints

Using conditional expressions

Using breakpoint hit counters

Using breakpoint filters

Adding actions to breakpoints

Adding labels to breakpoints

Managing breakpoints using the Breakpoints window

Exporting/importing breakpoints

Using the Data Tips while debugging

Pinning/unpinning Data Tips for better debugging

Inspecting Data Tips in various watch windows

The Autos window

The Locals window

The Watch window

Using visualizers to display complex Data Tips

Importing/exporting Data Tips

Using debugger to display debugging information

Using the Immediate Window while debugging your code

Using the Visual Studio Diagnostics Tools

Using the new Run to Click feature in Visual Studio 2017

Debugging an already running process

Debugging XAML application UI

Overview of XAML debugging

Inspecting XAML properties on Live Visual Tree

Enabling UI debugging tools for XAML


Live Unit Testing with Visual Studio 2017

Overview of Live Unit Testing in Visual Studio 2017

Unit testing framework support

Understanding the coverage information shown in editor

Integration of Live Unit Testing in Test Explorer

Configuring Visual Studio 2017 for Live Unit Testing

Installing Live Unit Testing component

General settings of Live Unit Testing in Visual Studio

Starting/pausing the Live Unit Testing

Including and excluding test methods/projects

Unit testing with Visual Studio 2017

Getting started with configuring the testing project

Understanding the package config

Live Unit Testing with an example

Navigating to failed tests


Accelerate Cloud Development with Microsoft Azure

Understanding the cloud computing basics

Infrastructure as a Service

Platform as a Service

Software as a Service

Creating your free Azure account

Configuring Visual Studio 2017 for Azure development

Creating an Azure website from portal

Creating a web application

Creating an App Service plan

Managing Azure websites (Web Apps) from the portal

Creating an Azure website from Visual Studio

Creating an ASP.NET Web Application

Publishing the web application to cloud

Updating an existing Azure website from Visual Studio

Building a Mobile App Service

Creating Azure Mobile App

Preparing Azure Mobile App for data connectivity

Adding SQL data connection

Creating a SQL Database

Integrating Mobile App Service in a Windows application

Creating the Model and Service Client

Integrating the API call

Scaling App Service plan


Working with Source Controls

Working with Git repositories

Installing Git for Visual Studio 2017

Connecting to the source control servers

Getting started with Git repositories

Creating a new repository

Cloning an existing repository

Reviewing the Git configuration settings

Working with Git branches

Creating a new local branch

Switching to a different branch

Pushing a local branch to remote

Deleting an existing branch

Working with changes, staging, and commits

Staging changes to local repository

Committing changes to the local repository

Discarding uncommitted changes

Amending message to an existing commit

Syncing changes between local and remote repositories

Pushing changes to the remote repository

Fetching changes available in the remote repository

Merging changes available in the remote repository to the local repository

Resolving merge conflicts

Working with Pull Requests for code review

Creating Pull Requests for code review

Reviewing an existing Pull Request

Merging a Pull Request

Working with Git commit history

Rebasing changes to rewrite the commit history

Copying commits using Cherry-Pick

Undoing your changes

Resetting a local branch to a previous state

Reverting changes from remote branch

Tagging your commits

Working with Team Projects

Connecting to a Team Project

Cloning an existing project folder

Performing check-out operation to a file

Committing your changes to the repository

Undoing your local changes

Creating code review request

Rolling back your existing change set


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