


User Experience Mapping电子书

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作       者:Peter W. Szabo

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:39.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Understand your users, gain strategic insights, and make your product development more efficient with user experience mapping About This Book ? Detailed guidance on the major types of User Experience Maps. ? Learn to gain strategic insights and improve communication with stakeholders . ? Get an idea on creating wireflows, mental model maps, ecosystem maps and solution maps Who This Book Is For This book is for Product Manager, Service Managers and Designers who are keen on learning the user experience mapping techniques. What You Will Learn ? Create and understand all common user experience map types. ? Use lab or remote user research to create maps and understand users better. ? Design behavioral change and represent it visually. ? Create 4D user experience maps, the “ultimate UX deliverable”. ? Capture many levels of interaction in a holistic view. ? Use experience mapping in an agile team, and learn how maps help in communicating within the team and with stakeholders. ? Become more user focused and help your organisation become user-centric. In Detail Do you want to create better products and innovative solutions? User Experience Maps will help you understand users, gain strategic insights and improve communication with stakeholders. Maps can also champion user-centricity within the organisation. Two advanced mapping techniques will be revealed for the first time in print, the behavioural change map and the 4D UX map. You will also explore user story maps, task models and journey maps. You will create wireflows, mental model maps, ecosystem maps and solution maps. In this book, the author will show you how to use insights from real users to create and improve your maps and your product. The book describes each major User Experience map type in detail. Starting with simple techniques based on sticky notes moving to more complex map types. In each chapter, you will solve a real-world problem with a map. The book contains detailed, beginner level tutorials on creating maps using different software products, including Adobe Illustrator, Balsamiq Mockups, Axure RP or Microsoft Word. Even if you don’t have access to any of those, each map type can also be drawn with pen and paper. Beyond creating maps, the book will also showcase communication techniques and workshop ideas. Although the book is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to modern user experience or product management, its novel ideas can help you create better solutions. You will also learn about the Kaizen-UX management framework, developed by the author, now used by many agencies and in-house UX teams in Europe and beyond. Buying this map will give you hundreds of hours worth of user experience knowledge, from one of the world’s leading UX consultants. It will change your users’ world for the better. If you are still not convinced, we have hidden some cat drawings in it, just in case. Style and approach An easy to understand guide, filled with real world use cases on how to plan, prioritize and visualize your project on customer experience

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How Will UX Mapping Change Your (Users) Life?

Getting started with User Experience Mapping

Why did the requirements document fail?

How to jump-start mapping?

Visualizing - what the cat wants you to know

Creating a backlog for a cat-sitter

Pen and paper are all you need – but adding color makes the maps great

Drawing the diagram

Cats of the digital age use a computer


User Story Map - Requirements by Collaboration and Sticky Notes

Why should you create user story maps?

Just tell the story

How to tell a story?

The audience

Start with action


Tell the story of your passion

The grocery surplus webshop

The opportunity to scratch your own itch

How to create a user story

User story templates

The Three Rs or the Connextra format

Five Ws

Lean Startup

Kaizen-UX template

INVEST - the characteristics of a good user story

I for independent

N for negotiable

V for valuable

E for estimable

S for small

T for testable


Breaking down epics into good user stories

3 Cs – the process to turn stories into reality



The power of four amigos


The narrative flow

Events (tasks)

Milestones (activities)

The user story map on the wall

Creating user story maps digitally

Creating a new board

Adding cards to your board


Journey Map - Understand Your Users

F2P FPS (an example from the gaming industry)


3i: How to create personas

Investigating (potential) users


Existing user database and analytics


Social media

Identifying behavior likelihood

Imagining the characters

The primary persona

HAL 9000 will not use your app

Creating persona documents with Smaply

Creating a journey map with Smaply

Task models

Creating the task model in Adobe Illustrator

Milestones (stages)

The origin story

Milestones of a task model


Creating an evaluation diagram

The finished task model

Designing the user journey



Wireflows - Plan Your Product

The customer support chatbot


Wireframes and color

Low-fidelity versus high-fidelity wireframes

Lo-fi wireframes

Hi-fi wireframes

Wireframing with Balsamiq Mockups

Beyond the first wireframe

Creating symbols

The after chat survey

Creating the wireflow

Wireflow Improvement Workshop (WIW)

Why should you run a WIW?

Running a WIW


Remote and Lab Tests for Map Creation

Samsung's 2017 redesign

Test objectives

The amigos run user tests

Lab, remote, and guerrilla testing

Lab testing

Remote testing

Guerrilla testing

Why run both lab and remote testing

Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation (RITE)

How to test Samsung UK?

How many test users?

46 users walk into a lab

Finding the right users


Target audience


Private panel

Moderated versus unmoderated tests

The scenario

Writing tasks and questions

Asking for opinions and expectations

Privacy concerns

Exit questions and exit surveys

Test script for our smartphone buying journey

The pilot test

Testing with WhatUsersDo.com


Solution Mapping Based on User Insights

Contiki adventure

Tagging - the science of active watching

How to tag videos

What to tag

Tag title and comment

Tag types

Positive tags


The negatives: High, Medium and Low

The behaviorist issue severity model

The research summary

The solution map

Five steps to create the solution map

Step 1 - put the issues on the map

Step 2 - form the issue trees

Step 3 - solve the root issues

Step 4 - identify obstacles

Step 5 - create actions to remove the obstacles

Put the solution map to action


Mental Model Map - A Diagram of the Perceived Reality

What's a mental model?

Buying a car

How mental models work?

Longitudinal research

Logging types - how to log?

Prompts: what to Log?

Mental model mapping

Analyzing longitudinal research

Find units

Group units into towers

Form mental spaces

Supporting solutions

Finishing touches

Using the mental model map


Behavioral Change Map - The Action Plan of Persuasion

The Amazon miracle

Is it possible to change behaviors?


The cue-routine-reward framework

From external to internal cues

Automate repetition

Heuristic and systematic processing

The LEVER framework






Drawing the behavioral change map

How to use the behavioral change map


The 4D UX Map - Putting It All Together

The restaurant without tables

Sum of all maps

Greater than the sum of all maps

The MAYA map

The first dimension - milestones

The second dimension - events

The third dimension - importance

The fourth dimension - severity of the problems

Mental model snippets


Drawing the 4D UX Map

Using the 4D UX Map

Evolving the 4D UX Map


Ecosystem Maps - A Holistic Overview

Shutter Swipe – where photographers and models meet

The ecosystem

How to map an ecosystem

Creating hexagon maps

Hexagon mapping with Inkscape

Creating hexagon maps with Adobe Illustrator

From hexagons to ecosystem maps

Using ecosystem maps

Stakeholder maps


Kaizen Mapping - UX Maps in Agile Product Management

Your opportunity

The manager and the map

Kaizen-UX manifesto

Agile beyond the buzzword

The three UX roles

The Kaizen-UX framework

UX strategy – the beginning of all maps

The UX strategy document



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