


GeoServer Beginner's Guide - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Stefano Iacovella

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:37.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This step-by-step guide will teach you how to use GeoServer to build custom and interactive maps using your data. About This Book ? Exploit the power of GeoServer to provide agile, flexible, and low -cost community projects ? Share real-time maps quickly ? Boost your map server's performance using the power and flexibility of GeoServer Who This Book Is For If you are a web developer with knowledge of server side *ing, have experience in installing applications on the server, and want to go beyond Google Maps by offering dynamically built maps on your site with your latest geospatial data stored in MySQL, PostGIS, MySQL, or Oracle, this is the book for you. What You Will Learn ? Install GeoServer quickly ? Access dynamic real-time geospatial data that you can easily integrate into your own web-based application ? Create custom styles for lines, points, and polygons for great-looking maps ? Command GeoServer remotely using REST ? Tune your GeoServer instance for performance ? Move GeoServer into production ? Learn advanced topics to extend GeoServer's capabilities In Detail GeoServer is an opensource server written in Java that allows users to share, process, and edit geospatial data. This book will guide you through the new features and improvements of GeoServer and will help you get started with it. GeoServer Beginner's Guide gives you the impetus to build custom maps using your data without the need for costly commercial software licenses and restrictions. Even if you do not have prior GIS knowledge, you will be able to make interactive maps after reading this book. You will install GeoServer, access your data from a database, and apply style points, lines, polygons, and labels to impress site visitors with real-time maps. Then you follow a step-by-step guide that installs GeoServer in minutes. You will explore the web-based administrative interface to connect to backend data stores such as PostGIS, and Oracle. Going ahead, you can display your data on web-based interactive maps, use style lines, points, polygons, and embed images to visualize this data for your web visitors. You will walk away from this book with a working application ready for production. After reading GeoServer Beginner's Guide, you will be able to build beautiful custom maps on your website using your geospatial data. Style and approach Step-by-step instructions are included and the needs of a beginner are totally satisfied by the book. The book consists of plenty of examples with accompanying screenshots and code for an easy learning curve.

Title Page

GeoServer Beginner's Guide

Second Edition


GeoServer Beginner's Guide

Second Edition


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GIS Fundamentals

What is GIS about?

The foundation of any GIS - spatial data

Measuring the world

Moving on to the planet with decimal degree coordinates

Projecting a sphere on a plane

Understanding coordinate systems

Commonly used coordinate systems

Universal Transverse Mercator system

Web Mercator

Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)

Exploring the EPSG registry

Representing geometrical shapes

Modelling the real world with raster data

Representing the world

Exploring OpenStreetMap

Adding more colors to your maps

Choropleth maps

Proportional maps

Making your thematic map


Getting Started with GeoServer

Installing required components

Checking presence of Java on your windows machine

Checking the presence of Java on your Linux machine

Installing JRE on your server

Installing Tomcat on your server

Configuring Tomcat as a service on Linux Mint

Installing GeoServer

Deploying GeoServer on Tomcat

Implementing basic security

Improving security settings

Understanding the GeoServer release cycle

Upgrading your installation


Exploring the Administrative Interface

Understanding the interface

The About & Status section

The Server Status link

The GeoServer Logs section

The Contact Information section

The About GeoServer section

Manually reloading the configuration

The Data section

The OpenLayers preview

The KML preview

The Services section





Limiting the SRS list from WMS


Changing your logging configuration

Tile Caching

The Security panel

The Settings panel

Users, Groups, and Roles


Catalog security

Services security


Exploring Demo requests

Filtering the projection list


Adding Your Data

Configuring your data

Configuring vector data sources

Java properties files

Adding properties files

Using shapefile

Adding shapefiles

Using PostGIS

Installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS

Loading data in PostGIS and publishing them in GeoServer

Configuring raster data sources






Adding a raster

Exploring additional data sources

Using Oracle

Adding Oracle support in GeoServer

Loading data in Oracle


Accessing Layers

Web services

WMS formats


Exploring the OpenLayers options

Working with tiles

Exploring further Web Map Service output formats

The AtomPub format

The GIF format

The GeoRSS format

The JPEG format

The KML (Plain) format

The KMZ (Compressed) format

The PDF format

The PNG format

The SVG format

The TIFF format

Web Feature service

The CSV format

The GeoJSON format

Parsing GeoJSON


Extra output options

The TEXT/HTML format

Using the GetFeatureInfo freemarker template


Using the WMS Reflector


Styling Your Layers

Understanding Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD)

Editing styles

Installing the CSS module

Exploring the standard structure of a style

Exploring GeoServer bundled styles

Loading data for styling

Working with point symbols

Creating a simple point style

Adding a stroke value

Dealing with angles and transparency

Composing simple shapes

Using external graphics

Composing your symbol

LineString symbols

Creating a simple line style

Adding a border and a centerline

Using hatching

Using dashed lines

Mixing dashing lines and markers

Working with polygon symbols

Creating a simple polygon style

Using a graphic filling

Using hatching with polygons

Adding labels

Labeling points

Labeling lines

Labeling polygons

Thematic mapping

Classifying roads

Setting visibility

Enhancing thematic roads maps

Putting it all together

Grouping layers

Styling with CSS

Creating a style with CSS


Creating Simple Maps

Exploring the Google Maps API

Adding a GeoServer layer as overlay

Adding a GeoServer layer as a base layer

Using OpenLayers

Integrating GeoServer and OpenLayers

Using tiled WMS

Mixing WMS and WFS

Exploring Leaflet

Creating a basic map with Leaflet


Performance and Caching

Exploring GeoWebCache

Configuring GeoWebCache

Configuring Disk Quota

Setting Caching Defaults

Direct integration



Default layers options

Default Cached Gridsets

Configuring gridsets

Creating a custom gridset

Configuring Tile Layers

Configuring layers and layer groups for caching

Using tiles with OpenLayers

Seeding a layer

Using an external GeoWebCache


Automating Tasks - GeoServer REST Interface

Introducing REST

Using REST

Installing the Requests library

Managing data

Working with workspaces and namespaces

Managing workspaces

Using data stores

Managing data stores

Using feature types

Adding a new shapefile

Adding a PostGIS table

Publishing data

Working with Styles

Adding a new style

Working with Layers

Managing Layers

Administer GeoServer with REST

Managing global settings

Reloading configuration

Managing services


Securing GeoServer Before Production

Basic Security Settings

Enabling strong encryption

Changing the master password

Defining users, groups, and roles

User definition

Group definition

The Users/Groups services

Roles definition

Creating users and groups

Defining roles

Accessing data and services

Securing layers


Tuning GeoServer in a Production Environment

Tuning Java

Configuring Java runtime parameters

Installing native JAI

Removing unused services

Enabling the Marlin rasterizer

Setting a proxy

Avoiding service faults

Configuring a cluster


Going Further - Getting Help and Troubleshooting

Going beyond maps

Delivering vector data

Retrieving vector data

Delivering raster data

Retrieving raster data

Advanced configuration - Database connection pooling

Creating a connection pool

Advanced configuration - Monitoring GeoServer

Installing and configuring the monitoring extension

Getting help


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