


Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript - Second Edit电子书

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6人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Eric Pimpler,Mark Lewin

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:34.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Master the ArcGIS API for JavaScript to build web and mobile applications using this practical guide. About This Book ? Develop ArcGIS Server applications with JavaScript, both for traditional web browsers as well as the mobile platform ? Make your maps informative with intuitive geographic layers, user interface widgets, and more ? Integrate ArcGIS content into your custom applications and perform analytics with the ArcGIS Online Who This Book Is For If you are a web or mobile application developer, who wants to create GIS applications in your respective platform, this book is ideal for you. You will need Java Script programming experience to get the most out of this book. Although designed as an introductory to intermediate level book, it will also be useful for more advanced developers who are new to the topic of developing applications with ArcGIS Server. What You Will Learn ? To create an application with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript ? Build and display a broad range of different geometry types to represent features on the map ? The best way to leverage a feature layer and display related attribute data ? The functionality of the wide range of widgets and how to use them effectively ? Query data to gain new insights into the information it contains ? Work with tasks to discover and locate features on the map ? Using the geocoder and associated widgets ? The ability of the API to provide turn by turn directions and routing capabilities ? How to use the Geometry Engine and Geometry Service tasks for common geoprocessing operations ? Integrate content on ArcGIS online and add it to your custom web mapping application In Detail The ArcGIS API for JavaScript enables you to quickly build web and mobile mapping applications that include sophisticated GIS capabilities, yet are easy and intuitive for the user. Aimed at both new and experienced web developers, this practical guide gives you everything you need to get started with the API. After a brief introduction to HTML/CSS/JavaScript, you'll embed maps in a web page, add the tiled, dynamic, and streaming data layers that your users will interact with, and mark up the map with graphics. You will learn how to quickly incorporate a broad range of useful user interface elements and GIS functionality to your application with minimal effort using prebuilt widgets. As the book progresses, you will discover and use the task framework to query layers with spatial and attribute criteria, search for and identify features on the map, geocode addresses, perform network analysis and routing, and add custom geoprocessing operations. Along the way, we cover exciting new features such as the client-side geometry engine, learn how to integrate content from ArcGIS.com, and use your new skills to build mobile web mapping applications. We conclude with a look at version 4 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript (which is being developed in parallel with version 3.x) and what it means for you as a developer. Style and approach Readers will be taken through a series of exercises that will demonstrate how to efficiently build ArcGIS Server applications for the mobile and web.

Title Page

Second Edition


Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript

Second Edition


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Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Basic HTML page concepts


Primary tags

Validating HTML code

JavaScript fundamentals

Commenting code


JavaScript is case sensitive

Variable data types

Decision support statements

Looping statements



Basic CSS principles

CSS syntax

Inline styling

Internal style sheet

External style sheet

Separating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


Creating Maps and Adding Layers

The ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sandbox

Basic steps for creating an application with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Creating HTML code for the page

Referencing the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Loading API modules

Making sure the DOM is available

Creating the map

Creating the page content

Styling the page

The entire code

More about the map

Working with map service layers

Using the layer classes

Tiled map service layers

Dynamic map service layers

Adding layers to the map

Setting the visible layers from a map service

Setting a definition expression

Map navigation

Map navigation widgets and toolbars

Map Navigation with the mouse and keyboard

Getting and setting the map extent

Map events


Adding Graphics to the Map

The four parts of a Graphic

Specifying graphic geometry

Symbolizing graphics

Assigning attributes to graphics

Changing graphic attributes in an InfoTemplate

Creating the graphic

Adding graphics to the GraphicsLayer

Multiple GraphicsLayers

Practice time


The Feature Layer

Creating the FeatureLayer

Optional constructor parameters

Defining the display mode

The snapshot mode

The on-demand mode

The selection only mode

The auto mode

Setting a definition expression

Feature selection

Rendering FeatureLayer

Practice time


Using Widgets and Toolbars

Adding toolbars to an application

Steps for creating a toolbar

Defining CSS styles

Creating the buttons

Creating an instance of the Navigation toolbar

User interface widgets

The BasemapGallery widget

Basemap toggle widget

Bookmarks widget

The Print widget

Layer List widget

Time to practice

Search widget

Gauge widget

Measurement widget

The Popup widget

Legend widget

OverviewMap widget

Scalebar widget







The Analysis widgets

Feature editing


The Editing widgets

The Editor widget

TemplatePicker widget

AttributeInspector widget

The AttachmentEditor widget

The Edit toolbar


Performing Spatial and Attribute Queries

Introducing tasks in ArcGIS Server

Overview of attribute and spatial queries

The Query object

Setting query properties

Attribute queries

Spatial queries

Limiting the fields returned

Executing the query with QueryTask

Getting the results of the query

Practice time with spatial queries


Identifying and Finding Features

Using IdentifyTask to access feature attributes

Introducing IdentifyTask




Practice time - implementing identify functionality

Using FindTask to access feature attributes





Turning Addresses into Points and Points into Addresses

Introduction to geocoding

Geocoding with a locator service in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Input parameter object

Input JSON address object

Input point object

Locator object

The AddressCandidate object

The geocoding process

The reverse geocoding process

Practice time with the locator service

The Search widget


Directions and Routing

Routing task

Practice time with routing

The Directions widget

ClosestFacility Task

ServiceArea task


Geoprocessing Tasks

Models in ArcGIS Server

Using the Geoprocessor task - what you need to know

Understanding the services page for a geoprocessing task

Input parameters

The Geoprocessor task

Executing the task

Synchronous tasks

Asynchronous tasks

Practice time with geoprocessing tasks


Geometry Operations

The Geometry Service

Geometry Service operations

Using the Geometry Service

The Geometry Engine

Practice time with the Geometry Engine


Integration with ArcGIS Online

Adding ArcGIS Online maps to your applications by using a webmap ID

Adding ArcGIS Online maps to your applications with JSON

Practice time with ArcGIS Online


Creating Mobile Applications

Compact build of the API

Setting the viewport scale

Practice time with the compact build

Integrating the geolocation API

Practice time with the geolocation API


Looking Ahead - Version 4 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Steps for creating 2D maps

Accessing layers

New and changed layers







3D mapping and symbology


Creating the map

Setting elevation data

Setting the camera

Specifying the environment

Local scenes

3D symbology and rendering


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