


Mastering Entity Framework Core 2.0电子书

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6人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Prabhakaran Anbazhagan

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:32.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn how to leverage the features of the new Entity Framework Core APIs and use them to build pure .NET Core applications. About This Book ? Learn how to effectively manage your database to make it more productive and maintainable. ? Write simplified queries using LINQ to acquire the desired data easily ? Raise the abstraction level from data to objects so teams can function independently, resulting in easily maintainable code Who This Book Is For This book is for .NET Core developers who would like to integrate EF Core in their application. Prior knowledge of .NET Core and C# is assumed. What You Will Learn ? Create databases and perform CRUD operations on them ? Understand and build relationships (related to entities, keys, and properties) ? Understand in-built, custom, and remote validation (both client and server side) ? You will learn to handle concurrency to build responsive applications ? You will handle transactions and multi-tenancy while also improving performance In Detail Being able to create and maintain data-oriented applications has become crucial in modern programming. This is why Microsoft came up with Entity Framework so architects can optimize storage requirements while also writing efficient and maintainable application code. This book is a comprehensive guide that will show how to utilize the power of the Entity Framework to build efficient .NET Core applications. It not only teaches all the fundamentals of Entity Framework Core but also demonstrates how to use it practically so you can implement it in your software development. The book is divided into three modules. The first module focuses on building entities and relationships. Here you will also learn about different mapping techniques, which will help you choose the one best suited to your application design. Once you have understood the fundamentals of the Entity Framework, you will move on to learn about validation and querying in the second module. It will also teach you how to execute raw SQL queries and extend the Entity Framework to leverage Query Objects using the Query Object Pattern. The final module of the book focuses on performance optimization and managing the security of your application. You will learn to implement failsafe mechanisms using concurrency tokens. The book also explores row-level security and multitenant databases in detail. By the end of the book, you will be proficient in implementing Entity Framework on your .NET Core applications. Style and approach This book is filled with various examples that will help you use Entity Framework Core 2.0 to write efficient software.

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Mastering Entity Framework Core 2.0


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Kickstart - Introduction to Entity Framework Core


Creating a new project

The Start page

The File menu

Structuring the web app

Installing Entity Framework

Data models

Blog entity

Post entity

Database context

Registering the context in services (.NET Core DI)

Creating and seeding databases

CRUD operations


The Other Way Around – Database First Approach

Preparing the database

Blog entity script

Post entity script

Creating new project

Installing Entity Framework

Reverse engineering the database

Configuring data context

Working with the Blog entity

Working with the Post entity

Registering context in services (.NET Core DI)

Refactoring the OnConfiguring() method

Refactoring the ConfigureServices method

The appsettings.json setting

Performing CRUD operations

Creating controller action

Edit controller action

The Delete view


Relationships – Terminology and Conventions

Understanding relationship terms

Data models

Blog entity

The Post entity

Principal entity

Principal key

Dependent entity

Foreign key

Navigation property

Collection navigation property

Reference navigation property

Inverse navigation property

Conventions in a relationship

Fully-defined relationships

Fully-defined relationships - under the hood

No foreign key property

No foreign key property - under the hood

Single navigation property

Foreign key

Inverse property


Building Relationships – Understanding Mapping


The one-to-one relationship

Building one-to-one relationships using the Fluent API

The one-to-many relationship

The many-to-many relationship

Building many-to-many relationship using the Fluent API

Fluent API

Identifying navigation property and inverse navigation

Identifying the single navigation property

Relationship-building techniques

Building relationship using a foreign key

Building relationships using a principal key

Building relationships using the IsRequired method

Cascade delete

Data migration issue with EF Core 2.0


Know the Validation – Explore Inbuilt Validations

Diving into built-in validations

Required field validation

Incorporating the Required validation in blogging system models

EmailAddress field validation

Incorporating EmailAddress validation in blogging system models

Compare field validation

Incorporating the Compare validation in blogging system models

Url field validation

Incorporating Url validation in blogging system models

MinLength field validation

MaxLength field validation

RegularExpression field validation


Save Yourself – Hack Proof Your Entities

Client-side validation

Validating data without client-side scripting

Server-side validation

Manual validation

Custom validation

Creating client-side logic for custom validation

Remote validation


Going Raw – Leveraging SQL Queries in LINQ

Basic raw SQL queries

Building parameterized queries

Composing with LINQ

Executing SQL query without a DBSet or POCO


Query Is All We Need – Query Object Pattern

Introduction to query objects

Improving repositories with the query object pattern

Introduction to repositories

Solution to the repository assignment

Incorporating the query object pattern into repositories

List query object support in the repository

Single query object support in the repository

Solution to the repository with the queries assignment

Composing queries with commands

Solution to the command queries assignment

Enhancing queries with expression trees

Solution to the expression trees assignment


Fail Safe Mechanism – Transactions

Default behavior of a transaction

Adding tags support in the blogging system

Leveraging default transaction behavior

Creating a simple transaction

Creating a cross-context transaction

File upload support to the blogging system

Limitations to the transaction scope

Custom transaction scope support

Adding date picker support to the blogging system

Leveraging transactions between multiple technologies

Recent posts support to the blogging system

Anonymous posts list and individual blog post

Listing comments

Adding comments using external database transactions


Make It Real – Handling Concurrencies

Handling concurrency in EF

Understanding the concurrency conflicts

Optimistic concurrency

Pessimistic concurrency

Introducing concurrency tokens

Non-timestamp based concurrency tokens

Configuring non-timestamp tokens through data annotation

Configuring non-timestamp tokens through Fluent API

Timestamp-based concurrency tokens

Configuring timestamp tokens through data annotation

Configuring timestamp tokens through Fluent API

Handling concurrency conflicts

Applying optimistic concurrency

Database wins

Client wins

User-specific custom resolution

Applying pessimistic concurrency


Performance – It's All About Execution Time

The AsNoTracking() method

How does tracking work?

No-tracking queries


Detecting changes

Asynchronous operations

Transactions leveraging asynchronous operations

Unnecessary volume returned

The N+1 Select problem

More data than required

Mismatched data types

Missing indexes


Isolation – Building a Multi-Tenant Database

Authentication in the blogging system

Row-Level Security

Filter predicate

Block predicate




Shared multi-tenant

Dive into multi-tenancy

Blocking cross-tenant write operation


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