


The Origins of English Nonsense电子书

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作       者:Noel Malcolm

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:47.0万

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Noel Malcolm is one of Britain’s most original scholar-journalists. He is the chief non-fiction reviewer for the Sunday Telegraph and writes widely on both literary and political matters. He is the editor of Hobbes’s correspondence and author of the best-selling Bosnia: A Short History. He briefs governments all over the world on Bosnia and Balkan matters and speaks most western and eastern European languages, both ancient and modern. He is now writing a biography of Hobbes.

Title Page







Chapter 1: The origins and development of English seventeenth-century nonsense poetry

Chapter 2: Fustian, bombast and satire: the stylistic preconditions of English seventeenth-century nonsense poetry

Chapter 3: A short history of nonsense poetry in medieval and Renaissance Europe

Chapter 4: The sources and resources of nonsense: literary conventions, parodic forms and related genres


1. John Hoskyns, ‘Cabalistical Verses’

2. Henry peacham, ‘In the Utopian tongue’

3. John Sanford, ‘Punctures and Junctures of Coryate’

4. John Taylor, ‘Cabalistical, or Horse verse’

5. John Taylor, ‘Poem in the Utopian Tongue’

6. John Taylor, ‘Epitaph in the Barmooda tongue’

7. John Taylor, ‘Epitaph on Coryate’

8. John Taylor, ‘Certaine Sonnets’

9. John Taylor, ‘Barbarian verses’

10. John Taylor, ‘Great Jacke-a-Lent’

11. John Taylor, ‘Sir Gregory Nonsence His Newes from No Place’

12. Martin Parker, ‘Sir Leonard Lack-wit’s speech to the Emperor of Utopia’

13. Richard Corbet, ‘A Non Sequitur’

14. Richard Corbet, ‘A mess of non-sense’

15. John Taylor, ‘Aqua-Musae’

16. John Taylor, ‘Mercurius Nonsensicus’

17. John Taylor, ‘The Essence of Nonsence upon Sence’

18. John Taylor and Anon., ‘Non-sense’

19. Anon., ‘Nonsense fragment’

20. Anon., ‘A sonnett to cover my Epistles taile peece’

21. T. W., ‘I am asham’d of Thee, ô Paracelsie’

22. Anon., ‘Pure Nonsence’

23. Anon., ‘Nonsense’

24. T. C, ‘Thou that dwarft’st mountains into molehill sense’

25. James Smith, ‘Ad Johannuelem Leporem, Lepidissimum, Carmen Heroicum’

26. Anon., ‘A Fancy’

27. Anon., ‘Interrogativa Cantilena’

28A. Anon., ‘Prophecies’

28B. Anon., ‘Newes’

29. Anon., ‘A Bull Droll’

30. Anon., ‘Witley’s Lies’

31. Anon., ‘From the top of high Caucasus’

32. Anon., ‘Cure for the Quartain Ague’

33. Anon., ‘How to get a Child without help of a Man’

34A. Martin Parker, ‘A Bill of Fare’

34B. John Taylor, ‘A Bill of Fare’

35. Martin Parker, ‘An Excellent New Medley (i)’

36. Martin Parker (?), ‘An Excellent New Medley (ii)’

37. Anon., ‘A New Merry Medley’

38. Anon., ‘A New Made Medly’

39. Joseph Brookesbank, ‘Monosyllables’

40. George Dalgarno, ‘Mnemonic verses’


Notes, Bibliography, Indices

Longer Notes

Manuscript Sources


Index of authors of the nonsense poems

Index of titles and first lines of the nonsense poems

Index to the Introduction

About the Author

Also by Noel Malcolm


About the Publisher

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