


Horse Trader: Robert Sangster and the Rise and Fall of the Sport of Kings电子书

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作       者:Patrick Robinson,Nick Robinson

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:73.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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It was always tense in The Rooms when they were proposing to elect a statesman to membership. Actually, it was always tense in The Rooms whomever they were proposing to elect to membership. But a statesman created a special feeling of apprehension. Such an event happened only every fifty years or so, because, by and large, the Jockey Club did not see statesmen as the right calibre of chap. Most of them had depressingly brilliant intellects coupled with dazzling charm and tact. Or, put in the more ducal vernacular of the Club, they were too clever by half, ‘too smarmy’.The Earl of Rosebery, during his Lordship’s tenure as Prime Minister of England, had of course been a member of the Club back in 1894 when his colt Ladas had won the Derby at Epsom. However, having been a member since the age of twenty-two, the touchy business of electing a statesman had never really applied.The Jockey Club had admitted an Under-Secretary of State for War, Earl Cadogan, in the middle of the nineteenth century, in the knowledge that he was much preoccupied with the unrest along India’s north-west frontier. The same applied, in smaller measure, to the Marquis of Londonderry and the Earl of Zetland in the 1880s when they were appointed as successive Lords-Lieutenants of Ireland. Different frontier, similar unrest among the natives and one or two furrowed brows in the Club. Lord Randolph Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer and owner of an Oaks winner in 1889, had had to be elected. And they could not quite avoid accepting his often fractious son Sir Winston, who won the Jockey Club Cup in 1950 with his stout-hearted grey Colonist II shortly before becoming Prime Minister for the second time.

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1. Chalk Stream

2. A Glimpse of the Green

3. Facing the Almighty Dollar

4. The Raiders from Tipperary

5. Empires of Kentucky

6. The Minstrel’s Battle-Song

7. Bonanza in the Bluegrass

8. The Soft Steps of the Bedouin

9. ‘Would You Sell Him for $30 Million?’

10. Three Derbys

11. Tipperary v. Arabia

12. The $40 Million Short-head

13. Summit in the Desert

14. The Crash of ’86

15. The Harder They Fall

16. Running Out of Cash

17. The Magic Touch of the Irish



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