


From Voices to Results - Voice of Customer Questions, Tools and Analysis电子书

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作       者:Robert Coppenhaver

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:44.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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Make the right decisions about your products and services by listening effectively to the people that matter – your customers About This Book ? Understand the core components, processes and technologies available for a VOC initiative ? Structure effective VOC programs and turn VOC into actionable product success ? A handy guide to help you identify the hidden needs of your customers and strengthen your relationship with them Who This Book Is For The book is for anyone who needs to get to know their customer, how they feel and what they think about a certain subject. If you are a stakeholder in any project responsible for customer relationships, this book will help you immensely. An awareness of VOC as a topic would be useful, although not essential. What You Will Learn ? Understand different unarticulated needs of your customers ? Deploy effective VOC in your organizations ? Identify and understand the different tools and processes to set up a successful VOC program ? Integrating your findings about your customers into successful products ? Effectively utilize VOC for a successful launch of your product In Detail This book is all about getting to know your customers – what they want and need, what they like and don’t like. Voice of the Customer is one of the most popular forms of market research combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. This book shows you how to engage with customers and understand their wants and needs, likes and dislikes – something which is becoming more in more important with the rise of an increasingly connected world. The book addresses the problem of understanding your customer and engaging with those customers. It also targets people who want to know how to do an effective VOC capture and analysis. As with any engagement/research based initiative, there is also a concern with the ROI. This book shows you how to overcome this problem as well. By the end of this book, you will have a thorough understanding of the relevant stages of a VOC project. It will show you how to devise an effective plan, direct the project to their objectives, and then show you how to collect the voice of the customer, with examples and templates for interviewing and surveying. Style and approach This book is a perfect blend of concepts and real-world use-cases which will help the businesses understand and therefore serve the customers better. Written in a very engaging manner, this book ensures you are able to grasp the theory and apply it in your business seamlessly.

Table of Contents

From Voices to Results – Voice of Customer Questions, Tools, and Analysis

From Voices to Results – Voice of Customer Questions, Tools, and Analysis


About the Author


What this book covers

Who this book is for

What you need for this book

Reader feedback

Chapter 1. Solving Problems and Driving Value with VoC

Built to fail?

The fifth "P"

Customer input

Defining VoC


Chapter 2. VoC in the Product Development Process

Where does VoC fit in the product development process?

Incremental, platform, and breakthrough products

New product development

Gate 2

Who's responsible?


Chapter 3. Laying the Groundwork

The SWOT process

Porter's five-forces

Growth-share matrix

Customer segmentation

Competitive analysis


Chapter 4. Gathering the Customer Needs for Your Product

Evolutionary versus revolutionary

Idea management and VoC

Customer visit interviews


Constructing your survey

Focus groups

Lead user analysis


Other VoC methods


Chapter 5. The Interview Process – Preparation

The plan

Visit purpose

Segmenting the market

Who is the customer and selecting the right customers to visit

The interview team

Customer's visiting process and buy-in

The interview guide

Scheduling interviews


Chapter 6. The Interview Process – The Interview


Review logistics

The key to a successful VoC – robust data

Audio recording and transcriptions

Video recording

Interview roles and responsibilities

Moderator role and responsibility

Listener/note taker responsibility


Interview introduction

Moderator tips

Ladder of abstraction

The five whys

Note taker tips

Don'ts for the interview

Observational VoC

Practicing the interview

Perfecting the interview

Concept testing

Following up


Chapter 7. Understanding the Customer's Voice

Consolidating the customer's voice

Prioritizing the customer's voice

From voices into customer requirements

Sorting and prioritizing the customer's requirements


Chapter 8. Validating the Customer's Voice

Linkert scale

Kano model

Using the Kano model as part of your VoC process – Kano questionnaire

Using the Kano model as part of your VoC process – Kano analysis


Chapter 9. Completing the Circle – Using the Customer's Voice in Your Organization

From voices to product requirements – types

From voices to product requirements – characteristics

Getting the requirements into engineering – QFD


Articulating the value


Appendix A. Epilogue

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