


Natural Language Processing with Java电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Richard M. Reese,AshishSingh Bhatia

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:40.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Discover how you can migrate a traditional on-premise SQL server database to a cloud-based solution with Microsoft Azure. Built with database administrators in mind, this book emulates different scenarios you might come across while working with large, complex SQL database migrations and provides solutions for effectively managing the migrated databases. Key Features *Implement backup, restore, and recovery of Azure SQL databases *Create shards and elastic pools to scale Azure SQL databases *Automate common management tasks with PowerShell *Implement over 40 practical activities and exercises across 24 topics to reinforce your learning Book Description As the cloud version of SQL Server, Azure SQL Database differs in key ways when it comes to management, maintenance, and administration. It’s important to know how to administer SQL Database to fully benefit from all of the features and functionality that it provides. This book addresses important aspects of an Azure SQL Database instance such as migration, backup restorations, pricing policies, security, scalability, monitoring, performance optimization, high availability, and disaster recovery. It is a complete guide for database administrators, and ideal for those who are planning to migrate from on premise SQL Server database to an Azure SQL Server database. What you will learn *Learn how to provision a new database or migrate an existing on-premise solution *Understand how to backup, restore, secure, and scale your own Azure SQL Database *Optimize the performance by monitoring and tuning your cloud-based SQL instance *Implement high availability and disaster recovery procedures with SQL Database *Develop a roadmap for your own scalable cloud solution with Azure SQL Database Who this book is for This book is ideal for database administrators, database developers, or application developers who are interested in developing or migrating existing applications with Azure SQL Database. Prior experience of working with an on-premise SQL Server deployment and brief knowledge of PowerShell and C# are recommended prerequisites.

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Natural Language Processing with Java Second Edition


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Introduction to NLP

What is NLP?

Why use NLP?

Why is NLP so hard?

Survey of NLP tools

Apache OpenNLP

Stanford NLP




Apache Lucene Core

Deep learning for Java

Overview of text-processing tasks

Finding parts of text

Finding sentences


Finding people and things

Detecting parts of speech

Classifying text and documents

Extracting relationships

Using combined approaches

Understanding NLP models

Identifying the task

Selecting a model

Building and training the model

Verifying the model

Using the model

Preparing data


Finding Parts of Text

Understanding the parts of text

What is tokenization?

Uses of tokenizers

Simple Java tokenizers

Using the Scanner class

Specifying the delimiter

Using the split method

Using the BreakIterator class

Using the StreamTokenizer class

Using the StringTokenizer class

Performance considerations with Java core tokenization

NLP tokenizer APIs

Using the OpenNLPTokenizer class

Using the SimpleTokenizer class

Using the WhitespaceTokenizer class

Using the TokenizerME class

Using the Stanford tokenizer

Using the PTBTokenizer class

Using the DocumentPreprocessor class

Using a pipeline

Using LingPipe tokenizers

Training a tokenizer to find parts of text

Comparing tokenizers

Understanding normalization

Converting to lowercase

Removing stopwords

Creating a StopWords class

Using LingPipe to remove stopwords

Using stemming

Using the Porter Stemmer

Stemming with LingPipe

Using lemmatization

Using the StanfordLemmatizer class

Using lemmatization in OpenNLP

Normalizing using a pipeline


Finding Sentences

The SBD process

What makes SBD difficult?

Understanding the SBD rules of LingPipe's HeuristicSentenceModel class

Simple Java SBDs

Using regular expressions

Using the BreakIterator class

Using NLP APIs

Using OpenNLP

Using the SentenceDetectorME class

Using the sentPosDetect method

Using the Stanford API

Using the PTBTokenizer class

Using the DocumentPreprocessor class

Using the StanfordCoreNLP class

Using LingPipe

Using the IndoEuropeanSentenceModel class

Using the SentenceChunker class

Using the MedlineSentenceModel class

Training a sentence-detector model

Using the Trained model

Evaluating the model using the SentenceDetectorEvaluator class


Finding People and Things

Why is NER difficult?

Techniques for name recognition

Lists and regular expressions

Statistical classifiers

Using regular expressions for NER

Using Java's regular expressions to find entities

Using the RegExChunker class of LingPipe

Using NLP APIs

Using OpenNLP for NER

Determining the accuracy of the entity

Using other entity types

Processing multiple entity types

Using the Stanford API for NER

Using LingPipe for NER

Using LingPipe's named entity models

Using the ExactDictionaryChunker class

Building a new dataset with the NER annotation tool

Training a model

Evaluating a model


Detecting Part of Speech

The tagging process

The importance of POS taggers

What makes POS difficult?

Using the NLP APIs

Using OpenNLP POS taggers

Using the OpenNLP POSTaggerME class for POS taggers

Using OpenNLP chunking

Using the POSDictionary class

Obtaining the tag dictionary for a tagger

Determining a word's tags

Changing a word's tags

Adding a new tag dictionary

Creating a dictionary from a file

Using Stanford POS taggers

Using Stanford MaxentTagger

Using the MaxentTagger class to tag textese

Using the Stanford pipeline to perform tagging

Using LingPipe POS taggers

Using the HmmDecoder class with Best_First tags

Using the HmmDecoder class with NBest tags

Determining tag confidence with the HmmDecoder class

Training the OpenNLP POSModel


Representing Text with Features


Word embedding



Dimensionality reduction

Principle component analysis

Distributed stochastic neighbor embedding


Information Retrieval

Boolean retrieval

Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval

Wildcard queries

Spelling correction


Vector space model

Scoring and term weighting

Inverse document frequency

TF-IDF weighting

Evaluation of information retrieval systems


Classifying Texts and Documents

How classification is used

Understanding sentiment analysis

Text-classifying techniques

Using APIs to classify text

Using OpenNLP

Training an OpenNLP classification model

Using DocumentCategorizerME to classify text

Using the Stanford API

Using the ColumnDataClassifier class for classification

Using the Stanford pipeline to perform sentiment analysis

Using LingPipe to classify text

Training text using the Classified class

Using other training categories

Classifying text using LingPipe

Sentiment analysis using LingPipe

Language identification using LingPipe


Topic Modeling

What is topic modeling?

The basics of LDA

Topic modeling with MALLET




Using Parsers to Extract Relationships

Relationship types

Understanding parse trees

Using extracted relationships

Extracting relationships

Using NLP APIs

Using OpenNLP

Using the Stanford API

Using the LexicalizedParser class

Using the TreePrint class

Finding word dependencies using the GrammaticalStructure class

Finding coreference resolution entities

Extracting relationships for a question-answer system

Finding the word dependencies

Determining the question type

Searching for the answer


Combined Pipeline

Preparing data

Using boilerpipe to extract text from HTML

Using POI to extract text from Word documents

Using PDFBox to extract text from PDF documents

Using Apache Tika for content analysis and extraction


Using the Stanford pipeline

Using multiple cores with the Stanford pipeline

Creating a pipeline to search text


Creating a Chatbot

Chatbot architecture

Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity

Understanding AIML

Developing a chatbot using ALICE and AIML


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