


Learning Linux Shell Scripting电子书

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作       者:Ganesh Naik

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:30.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Break through the practice of writing tedious code with shell scripts About This Book ? Learn to impeccably build shell scripts and develop advanced applications ? Create smart solutions by writing and debugging scripts ? A step-by-step tutorial to automate routine tasks by developing scripts Who This Book Is For Learning Linux Shell Scripting is ideal for those who are proficient at working with Linux and want to learn about shell scripting to improve their efficiency and practical skills. What You Will Learn ? Familiarize yourself with the various text filtering tools available in Linux ? Understand expressions and variables and how to use them practically ? Automate decision-making and save a lot of time and effort of revisiting code ? Get to grips with advanced functionality such as using traps, dialogs to develop screens & Database administration such as MySQL or Oracle ? Start up a system and customize a Linux system ? Taking backup of local or remote data or important files. ? Use existing other language scripts such as Python, Perl & Ruby in Shell Scripts In Detail Linux is the most powerful and universally adopted OS. Shell is a program that gives the user direct interaction with the operating system. Scripts are collections of commands that are stored in a file. The shell reads this file and acts on commands as if they were typed on the keyboard. Learning Linux Shell Scripting covers Bash, GNU Bourne Again Shell, preparing you to work in the exciting world of Linux shell scripting. CentOS is a popular rpm-based stable and secured Linux distribution. Therefore, we have used CentOS distribution instead of Ubuntu distribution. Linux Shell Scripting is independent of Linux distributions, but we have covered both types of distros. We start with an introduction to the Shell environment and basic commands used. Next, we explore process management in Linux OS, real-world essentials such as debugging and perform Shell arithmetic fluently. You'll then take a step ahead and learn new and advanced topics in Shell scripting, such as decision making, starting up a system, and customizing a Linux environment. You will also learn about grep, stream editor, and AWK, which are very powerful text filters and editors. Finally, you'll get to grips with taking backup, using other language scripts in Shell Scripts as well as automating database administration tasks for MySQL and Oracle. By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently use your own shell scripts in the real world. Style and approach This practical book will go from the very basics of shell scripting to complex, customized automation. The idea behind this book is to be as practical as possible and give you the look and feel of what real-world scripting is like.

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Learning Linux Shell Scripting Second Edition


Packt Upsell

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Getting Started and Working with Shell Scripting

Comparison of shells

Tasks done by the shell

Working in the shell

Learning basic Linux commands

Our first script – Hello World

Compiler and interpreter – differences in process

When not to use scripts

Various directories

Working more effectively with Shell – basic commands

Working with permissions

Changing file permissions

The chmod command

Technique one – the symbolic method

Technique two – the numeric method

Setting umask



Sticky bit


Drilling Deep into Process Management, Job Control, and Automation

Introducing process basics

Monitoring processes using ps

Process management

Process monitoring tools – top, iostat, and vmstat

Understanding "at"

Understanding crontab


Using Text Processing and Filters in Your Scripts

Text filtering tools

Head and tail

The diff command

The cut command

The paste command

The join command

The uniq command

The comm command

The tr command

The sort command

IO redirection

File descriptors


Brace expansion

Pattern matching with the vi editor

Pattern searching using grep


Working with Commands

Learning shell interpretation of commands

Checking and disabling shell internal commands

The exit status

Command substitution

Command separators

Command1; command2

Command grouping

Logical operators

Command1 & command2

Command1 && command2

Command1 || command2



Exploring Expressions and Variables

Understanding variables

Working with environment variables

The local variable and its scope

Exporting variables

Working with read-only variables

Working with command-line arguments (special variables, set and shift, getopt)

Understanding set

Understanding shift

Resetting positional parameters

Understanding getopts

Understanding default parameters

Working with arrays

Creating an array and initializing it

Accessing array values


Neat Tricks with Shell Scripting

Interactive shell scripts – reading user input

Summarizing the read command with options

The here document and the << operator

The here operator with the sort command

The here operator with the wc command

The utility ed and here operator

A script for sending messages to all logged-in users

Using the << here operator for FTP usage and data transfer

Turning off variable substitution

The here string and the <<< operator

File handling

Introducing file handling

Using exec to assign a file descriptor (fd) to file

Understanding the opening, writing, and closing of a file

Understanding reading from a file

Understanding reading and writing to a file

Using the read command on a file descriptor (fd)

Reading from one file and writing to another file

Displaying the file descriptor information from the /proc folder

File handling - reading line by line

Executing the command and storing the results in a file

Summarizing usage of the exec command


Debugging mode – disabling the shell (option -n)

Debugging mode - displaying commands (option -v)

Debugging mode – the tracing execution (option -x)

Summarizing the debugging options for the Bash shell

Using the set command

Summary of debugging options for the set command

The vi editor setting for debugging

Good practices for Shell scripts


Performing Arithmetic Operations in Shell Scripts

Using a declare command for arithmetic

Listing integers

Using the let command for arithmetic

Using the expr command for arithmetic

Using an arithmetic expansion

Binary, octal, and hex arithmetic operations

Floating-point arithmetic


Automating Decision-Making in Scripts

Checking the exit status of commands

Understanding the test command

Using the test command

Using the test command with double brackets

String comparison options for the test command

Numerical comparison operators for the test command

File test options for the test command

File-testing binary operators

Logical test operators

Conditional constructs – if else

Numerical handling if constructs

Using the exit command and the ? variable

String handling with the if construct

Checking for null values

File handling with the if command

Multiple test commands and if constructs

The if/elif/else command

The null command

Switching case

Implementing simple menus with select


Automating Repetitive Tasks

Looping with the for command

Exiting from the current loop iteration with the continue command

Exiting from a loop with a break

Working with the do – while loop

Using until

Piping the output of a loop to a Linux command

Running loops in the background

The IFS and loops


Working with Functions

Understanding functions

Displaying functions

Removing functions

Passing arguments or parameters to functions

Sharing the data with many functions

Declaring local variables in functions

Returning information from functions

Returning a word or string from a function

Running functions in the background

Command source and period (.)

Creating a library of functions


Using Advanced Functionality in Scripts

Understanding signals and traps

Using the trap command

Ignoring signals

Resetting signals

Listing traps

Using traps inside a function

Running scripts or processes even if the user logs out

Creating dialog boxes with the dialog utility

Creating a message box (msgbox)

Creating a message box (msgbox) with a title

The yes/no box (yesno)

The input box (inputbox)

The textbox (textbox)

A password box

The checklist box (checklist)

The menu box (menu)

The radiolist box (radiolist)

The progress meter box (gauge)


System Startup and Customizing a Linux System

System startup, inittab, and run levels

The kernel startup and init process

Understanding run levels

System initialization boot scripts

User initialization scripts

System-wide setting scripts

User level settings – default files


Pattern Matching and Regular Expressions with sed and awk

The basics of regular expressions

sed – non-interactive stream editor

Understanding sed

Understanding regular expression usage in sed

Addressing in sed

How to modify a file with sed

Printing – the p command

Deleting – the d command

Substitution – the s command

Range of selected lines the comma

Multiple edits – the e command

Reading from files – the r command

Writing to files – the w command

Appending – the a command

Inserting – the i command

Changing – the c command

Transform – the y command

Quit – the q command

Holding and getting – the h and g commands

Holding and exchanging – the h and x commands

sed scripting

Using awk

The meaning of awk

Using awk

Input from files

Input from commands

How awk works

awk commands from within a file

Records and fields


The record separator

The $0 variable

The NR variable


Field separators

The input field separator

Patterns and actions



Regular expressions

Writing the awk script file

Using variables in awk

Decision-making using an if statement

Using the for loop

Using the while loop

Using the do while loop


Taking Backup and Embedding Other Languages in Shell Scripts

Backup of files from command line

Backup command rsync

Backup across the network

Automating backup activity

Embedding other language codes or scripts in Bash shell scripts

Embedding other language code in Bash shell script

Sending output to Bash Script

Storing other language output to Bash variable

Sending data to an embedded language code

Using data from file by embedded language

Sending user input to the embedded code

Embedding Python code in Bash shell Script

Embedding Ruby code

Embedding other language code in Bash – comparative study

A summary of commands for embedding other programming languages


Database Administration Using Shell Scripts

Introduction to database administration

Working with a MySQL Database

Checking the version of MySQL database

Creating a database

Show databases

Creating a user

Creating a table in MySQL

Inserting data into table

Retrieving data from the table

Updating data

Deleting data

Altering a table

Describing a table

Drop the table

Drop the database

Working with Oracle Database

Switching to an Oracle user

Creating a user in Oracle SQL command line

The Grant statement

The Define command

Predefined variables

Create user through a shell script

Creating a table

Inserting the data into table

Retrieving data from a table

Update the data

Delete the data

Drop the table


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