


Getting Started with Unity 2018 - Third Edition电子书

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作       者:Dr. Edward Lavieri

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:29.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn how to use Unity 2018 by creating your very own 3D game while developing your essential skills About This Book ? Learn to create immersive 3D games and Virtual Reality experiences with Unity 2018 ? Build custom scripts to make your game characters interactive ? Explore and implement AritificiaI Intelligence techniques to bring your game to life Who This Book Is For If you are an aspiring game developer interested in learning Unity 2018 and becoming familiar with its core features, then this book is for you. No prior knowledge of Unity is required. What You Will Learn ? Set up your Unity development environment and navigate its tools ? Import and use custom assets and asset packages to add characters to your game ? Build a 3D game world with a custom terrain, water, sky, mountains, and trees ? Animate game characters, using animation controllers, and scripting ? Apply audio and particle effects to the game ? Create intuitive game menus and interface elements ? Customize your game with sound effects, shadows, lighting effects, and rendering options ? Debug code and provide smooth error handling In Detail The Unity game engine has revolutionized the gaming industry with its complete set of intuitive tools and rapid workflows, which can be used to create interactive 3D content. With Unity, you can scaffold your way from the basics and make make stunning interactive games. This book will guide you through the entire process of creating a 3D game, from downloading the Unity game engine to publishing your game. It not only gives you a strong foundation, but puts you on the path to game development. Beginning with an overview of the Unity engine and its interface, you will walk through the process of creating a game environment and learn how to use built-in assets, as well as assets created with third-party 3D modeling tools such as Blender. Moving on, you will create custom scripts to control non-player character behaviors and gameplay. You will master exciting concepts such as Heads-Up-Displays, mini-maps, game navigation, sound effects, and lighting effects. Next, you’ll learn how to create your first VR experience, right from setting up the project to image effects. You'll be familiarized with all the tools that Unity has to offer to create your own immersive VR experiences. Each section is a stepping stone toward the completion of the final game. By the end of the book, you'll have learned advanced topics such as cross-platform considerations which enable your games to run on multiple platforms. Style and approach A step-by-step guide giving you the perfect start to developing 3D games with Unity 2018

Getting Started with Unity 2018

Third Edition

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Downloading and Installing Unity

Game engine overview

Game engines for specific game genres

First-person shooters (FPS)

Third-person games

Other game genres

Available 3D game engines



Microsoft's XNA Game Studio

Unreal game engine

Unity – past, present, and future

Version 1.0 - 2005

Version 2.0 - 2007

Version 3.0 - 2010

Version 4.0 - 2012

Version 5.0 - 2015

Version 2017 - 2017

Version 2018 – 2018

The case for Unity

Unity features



Unity community

System requirements

Development system requirements

Playback system requirements

Downloading Unity

Installing Unity


The Unity Interface

Screen real estate










Scene view

Game view

Project window

Hierarchy window

Inspector window


Transform tools

Gizmo Toggles

Cloud and Account Buttons

Layers and Layouts



Designing the Game

Game concept

Game idea

Input controls

Winning and losing

Game characters

Cucumber Man

Cucumber Beetle


Game world layout

Starting condition

Point system

Heads-Up Display

The difficulty balance

Difficulty balance questions

Implementation plan

Project organization

Custom assets

Standard assets



Creating Our Terrain

Creating the terrain

Working with height maps

Importing the terrain

Shaping the terrain

Smoothing our terrain

Creating our spawn points

Painting the terrain

Adding water

Saving your work

Adding vegetation


Lights, Cameras, and Shadows

Working with cameras

Understanding camera projections

Orientating your frustum

Creating a Skybox

Using multiple cameras

Working with lighting

Directional lighting

Point lighting

Spot lighting

Area lighting

Implementing reflection probes

Understanding shadows


Creating and Importing 3D Objects for Our Game

Understanding assets and GameObjects

Asset packages

Understanding GameObjects

Creating 3D objects in Unity

Using prefabs

Using additional 3D objects

Using the Unity Asset Store

Hands-on with the Unity Asset Store

Incorporating custom assets in our game

Working with imported assets

Planting Cherry Trees

Planting Cucumber Patches


Implementing Our Player Character

Working with Unity's standard asset package

Importing the game character

Configuring a player controller

Fine-tuning our character

Fine-tuning the motor controls

Fine-tuning scale

Fine-tuning the Capsule Collider

Changing and refining input controls

Animating our player character

Reviewing the player controller script

Reviewing the Animator component

Previewing the animations

Terraforming the terrain for our Cucumber Man


Implementing Our Non-Player Characters

Understanding the non-player characters

Importing the non-player characters into our game

Animating our non-player characters

Incorporating the non-player characters into our game

Working with the Animation Controller

Terraforming the terrain for our Cucumber Beetles

Designating a sandbox area

Planting additional cherry trees

Creating spawning sites

Adding cucumber patches to our terrain

Creating a cucumber patch area in the sandbox

Planting cucumber patches

Adding cucumbers to our terrain

Scripting our non-player characters

Getting organized

Beetle patrol

Beetle finds and eats cucumber

Beetle attacks player on the ground

Beetle stands to attack


Adding a Heads-Up Display

Designing our Heads-Up Display

Working with a canvas

Adding the canvas

Adding the health bar UI components

Creating the Lives Remaining UI components

Adding the scoring UI components

Adding the cherry UI components

Adding the cucumber and Cucumber Beetle UI components

Creating a mini-map

Scripting for dynamic content

Scripting the cucumber count

Scripting the beetle count


Scripting Our Points System

Collecting cherries from trees

Detecting collisions of Cucumber Man and cherry trees

Simulating the collection of cherries

Updating the inventory and HUD with cherry count

Adding the cherry-throwing capability

Creating a spot for the cherry

Writing a CherryControl script

Adding points based on cherry collection and combat hits

Creating a points manager script

Adding points for each cherry picked

Adding points for hitting a beetle with a cherry


Scripting Victory and Defeat

Designing victory and defeat conditions

Updating the player's health

Scripting the health bar

Decrementing health

Implementing victory

Implementing defeat

Scripting defeat based on no cucumbers remaining

Scripting defeat for no lives remaining

Updating the HUD with lives remaining

Scripting the player character's respawning


Adding Audio and Visual Effects to Our Game

Discovering Unity's audio system

Unity audio basics

Unity's Audio Mixer

Planning our game's audio

Implementing our game's audio

Importing audio assets

Implementing the Cucumber Beetle audio

Implementing the Cucumber Man audio

Introduction to Unity's lights and shadows

Adding light sources

Directional light

Point light

Spot light

Area light


Discovering Unity's special effects

Particle System

Trail Renderer

Adding visual effects to our game

Adding a Point light to our cherry trees

Add a special effect using the Particle System


Optimizing Our Game for Deployment

Using the Profiler window

Getting more out of the Profilers

Optimizing scripts

Optimized code example

Optimizing graphics rendering

Occlusion culling


Mesh renderer

Additional optimizations

Level of detail

Static colliders

Creating builds

Understanding the Unity build process

Build settings

PC, Mac, and Linux standalone






Xbox One

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita

Player Settings


Virtual Reality

Welcome to virtual reality

Development tools




PlayStation VR

Enabling virtual reality in Unity

Requisite SDKs

Configuring your Unity project

Recommendations from Unity technologies

Starter content

Oculus VR

Oculus Sample Framework

Oculus Stereo Shading Re-Projection Sample

Oculus Integration

Vive software

Vive Stereo Rendering Toolkit

Vive Input Utility

Vive Media Decoder




Unity Technologies


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