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作       者:黄敏

出  版  社:复旦大学出版社


字       数:48.2万

所属分类: 经管/励志 > 经济 > 国际经济



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  • 读书简介
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    本书是一本长期从事国际经济学双语教学的教师,按照目前我国经济学领域双语教学的实际情况编写的内容精炼、言语通俗、理论与实践相结合的教材。     本书分为十一章,包括古典贸易理论、新古典贸易理论、现代贸易理论、关税与非关税壁垒、区域贸易安排、国际收支与汇率、汇率决定理论、国际收支调节、放经济中的宏观经济政策、宏观经济政策的国际传导与协调、国际要素流动与跨国公司。本书在编写过程中充分考虑易用性,在每章篇首列出本章将出现的专业词汇,并给出中文释义,方便读者学习;在一些逻辑性较强、内容较难的章节,给出逻辑推演图或说明,帮助读者理解。     本书适合高校财经类专业师生作为教材使用,也可作为实务工作者的参考读物。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>本书在章节安排上,遵从所介绍理论的内在逻辑。**至第五章为国际贸易部分,具体为古典贸易理论、新古典贸易理论、现代贸易理论、关税与非关税壁垒、区域贸易安排。逻辑顺序为推崇自由贸易的贸易理论、现实中的贸易保护、人们所做的折中努力。第六至第十章为国际金融部分,具体为国际收支与汇率、汇率决定理论、国际收支调节、放经济中的宏观经济政策、宏观经济政策的国际传导与协调。在第六章中对后面涉及的国际金融知识行介绍,然后按汇率理论、国际收支理论、宏观政策效果、国际传导协调与合作行推。第十一章为国际要素流动与跨国公司,介绍涉及国际贸易的劳动要素流动、涉及国际金融的资本要素流动及其集中体现——跨国公司。<br/>



Chapter 1 Classical Theories of International Trade

1.1 Mercantilism

1.2 Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith

1.3 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David Ricardo

1.4 Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Cost

1.5 Comparative Advantage with More Than Two Commodities and Countries

1.6 Theory of Reciprocal Demand

1.7 Offer Curve and Terms of Trade

Chapter 2 New Classical Theories of International Trade

2.1 Specific Factor Model

2.2 Factor Endowment Theory (H-O Model)

2.3 Other New Classical Theories

2.4 Leontief Paradox

Chapter 3 Modern Trade Theories

3.1 Existence of Intraindustry Trade

3.2 Technological Gap, Product Life Cycle and International Trade

3.3 Theory of Overlapping Demands

3.4 Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade

3.5 Reciprocal Dumping Model

Chapter 4 Tariffs and Nontariff Barriers

4.1 Theories for Trade Protection

4.2 Tariffs

4.3 Nontariff Trade Barriers

Chapter 5 Regional Trading Arrangements

5.1 Types of Regional Trading Arrangements

5.2 Effects of Customs Union

5.3 Practice of Regional Integration

Chapter 6 Balance of Payments and Foreign Exchange

6.1 Balance of Payments

6.2 Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rates

6.3 Exchange Rate System

Chapter 7 Theories of Exchange Rate Determination

7.1 Theory of Purchasing Power Parity

7.2 Theory of Interest Rate Parity

7.3 Balance of Payments Approach to Exchange Rates

7.4 Asset Market Approach to Exchange Rates

Chapter 8 Balance of Payments Adjustments

8.1 Elasticities Approach to the Balance of Payments

8.2 Multiplier Approach to the Balance of Payments

8.3 Absorption Approach to the Balance of Payments

8.4 Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments

Chapter 9 Macroeconomic Policies in Open Economy

9.1 Internal Balance and External Balance in Open Economy

9.2 Policy Mix to Achieve Both Internal Balance and External Balance

9.3 Effects of Macroeconomic Policies under Fixed Exchange Rates

9.4 Effects of Macroeconomic Policies under Floating Exchange Rates

Chapter 10 International Transmission and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies

10.1 International Transmission of Macroeconomic Policies under Fixed Exchange Rates

10.2 International Transmission of Macroeconomic Policies under Floating Exchange Rates

10.3 International Transmission of Inflation

10.4 International Policy Coordination and Monetary Cooperation

Chapter 11 International Factor Movements and Multinational Enterprises

11.1 International Movement of Labor

11.2 International Movement of Capital

11.3 Multinational Enterprises and Foreign Direct Investment Theories


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