


The Art of War in the Middle Ages电子书

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作       者:Charles Oman

出  版  社:Merkaba Press


字       数:125.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The Art of War in the Middle Ages

Book I: The Transition from Roman to Mediæval Forms in War

The Last Days of the Legion A.D. 235–450

Belisarius and the Goths A.D. 450–552

Book II: The Early Middle Ages A.D. 500–768

The Visigoths, Lombards, and Franks

The Anglo-Saxons

Book III: From Charles the Great to the Battle of Hastings A.D. 768–1066

Charles the Great and the Early Carolingians A.D. 768–850

The Vikings A.D. 800–900

The Vikings Turned Back A.D. 900–1000

The Magyars A.D. 896–973

Arms and Armour A.D. 800–1100

Siegecraft A.D. 800–1100

The Last Struggles of Infantry

Book IV: The Byzantines A.D. 579–1204

Historical Development of the Byzantine Army

Arms and Organization of the Byzantine Army

Strategy and Tactics of the Byzantine Army

Decline of the Byzantine Army 1071–1204

Book V: The Crusades 1097–1291


The Grand Strategy of the Crusades

The Tactics of the Crusaders

The Tactics of the Crusaders – continued

The Great Defeats of the Crusaders – Carrhae, Harenc, Tiberias, Acre, Mansourah

Book VI: Western Europe from the Battle of Hastings to the Rise of the Longbow


The Armies of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

English Battles and their Tactics 1100–1200

English Battles of the Thirteenth Century

Continental Battles, 1100–1300

Arms and Armour 1100–1300

Fortification and Siegecraft 1100–1300

Book VII: England and Scotland 1296–1333

England and Scotland 1296–1328

Continuation of the Scottish War

Book VIII: The Longbow in France and Spain 1337–1370

The Hundred Years’ War: The Armies of Edward III

The Longbow in France – Creçy

Poictiers, Cocherel, and Auray 1356–64

Navarette and Aljubarotta

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