


How to Negotiate Anything电子书

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6人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Neil Hoechlin

出  版  社:JNR


字       数:6.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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How to Negotiate Anything


Characteristics of negotiation:

Prepare yourself for Negotiation

Tools for successful negotiation

Building your negotiation process

Set goals & limits

Be a good listener

Be clear

Communication a key skill of a good negotiator

Stay calm while conducting the meeting

Push the pause button

Closing the deal

Putting your ideas into action

Handling all types of Negotiations

Effective ways to improve your negotiation skills

Elements of successful negotiating skills

International Negotiations

Negotiations among Men & Women

Negotiation over the phone and the internet

Elements influencing the negotiation process

Setting your goals and planning to achieve them

Envisioning your future

Making a commitment

Identifying your values

Planning ways to achieve your vision

The 3 year plan

Maximizing gains must be your main aim behind the negotiations

Dressing for success

Mapping the opposition

Gathering information

Setting a good goal

Setting the opening offer

Setting & enforcing limits

Components for a successful business negotiation

How to convey your message to the other person when you have decided to walk away

The role of listening in the negotiation process

Strategies to succeed with difficult customers during negotiation

Asking the right questions

Battling the Jargon

Guidelines to ask quality questions

Role of body language while listening

Tune in with your inner voice

Being crystal clear by expressing your views

Organizing your thoughts

Keep your commitments

Write it down

Encouraging others to clarify

Capturing the audience

Barriers to clarity

Turn off the anger buttons by pushing the pause buttons

Human beings are full of emotions & responses

Your attitude plays a big role during a negotiation

Dealing with discouragement

Dealing with difficult situations and people

Things that can help you enhance your negotiation outcomes

Closing the deal- The glory moment

Assessing the deal

Win-win deals

Psychological barriers to closing

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