


Email Marketing: A Step-by-Step System to Build Passive Income Using Email Marke电子书

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18人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:Tim Shek

出  版  社:Abiprod


字       数:5.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Email Marketing: A Step-by-Step System to Build Passive Income Using Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing?

Different kinds of email marketing

The Benefits of Email Marketing

A targeted list of customers

Automated marketing process


Personalized engagement

Simple to create

Easily measurable

Highly scalable

Huge profits

How to build an Email List?

Five steps of creating an email list

Tips when generating your email list

Segmenting Email Lists

Best practices for segmenting email lists

Email list segmentation tool

New email subscribers

Interest segmentation

Service preference segmentation

Rate of engagement

Lead segmentation

Opened, but not converted

Purchase history

Buyer’s cycle and frequency

Desktop and mobile customers

Subscribers who help in promotion

The profession of your subscribers

Gender segmentation

Segmenting for education level

Segmenting according to income

Qualifying your Subscribers

How to qualify your subscribers?

Site visitors who permitted you to send emails

Subscribers who filled a form on your landing page

Business cards you obtain from office visitors and trade events

Members of your social media community or forum

Customers who have bought a product or a service from you

Emails available in your address book

The list you have rented or purchased

Clean your email list

Building a Relationship with Your List

How can you achieve all three factors?!

Become a consistent and disciplined email marketer

Share a variety of content that matches subscribers’ interests

Make them click every email with a dazzling headline

Optimize emails for user convenience

Don’t just try to sell

Combine multiple affiliate deals in emails

Write interactive call-to-actions

Use impressive rewards

Always publish on-time

Avoid sending too many emails every day

Always send easily consumable information-packed emails

Choose your autoresponders wisely

Monitor results of your efforts and modify

Make Money with Your List

Indulge in affiliate marketing

Offer advertising space in your emails

Sell your products

Rent email lists to others

Follow a proven promotion path

Match sales approach with list segmentation

Use an up-selling approach

Use down-selling approach

Re-target “opened, but not converted” segment

Sell premium content through a paid subscription

Start one-on-one consulting or coaching

Rules that will help you make money consistently through your email list

How to convert every subscriber into a customer?



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