


The Upside of Death电子书

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作       者:Parker Rimes

出  版  社:Parker Rimes


字       数:35.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Upside of Death


Chapter One - The Meet and Greet

Chapter Two - What you do is illogical

Chapter Three - Missing you

Chapter Four - Those bastards, that drink

Chapter Five - Cops can add up

Chapter Six - You wanna be in a movie?

Chapter Seven - They lacked warmth

Chapter Eight - When the portals are open

Chapter Nine - Crazy logic of desperation

Chapter Ten - Lift arms in air

Chapter Eleven - Her feet not touching the ground

Chapter Twelve - Wasn’t made for killing

Chapter Thirteen - Who are these guys?

Chapter Fourteen - The Wild West

Chapter Fifteen - Sampling the wares

Chapter Sixteen - A messy disagreement

Chapter Seventeen - A new shape alongside her

Chapter Eighteen - The glass moved

Chapter Nineteen - Delivered like packaged beef

Chapter Twenty - Her instinct is to resist

Chapter Twenty-One - I have a thick skin

Chapter Twenty-Two - We need to reshoot

Chapter Twenty-Three - The Colombian Standoff

Chapter Twenty-Four - Unwanted physical contact

Chapter Twenty-Five - How do I use this asset?

Chapter Twenty-Six - Leave a good-looking corpse

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Using the dead to fool the living

Chapter Twenty-Eight - A grenade in the room

Chapter Twenty-Nine - He didn’t deserve to go like that

Chapter Thirty - Walk away, no harm, no foul

Chapter Thirty-One - What about the old man?

Chapter Thirty-Two - Your story doesn’t wash

Chapter Thirty-Three - Three million reasons

Chapter Thirty-Four - Blame this mysterious government agency

Chapter Thirty-Five - You’re so bad at this

Chapter Thirty-Six - You can't explain

Chapter Thirty-Seven - They're out shopping

Chapter Thirty-Eight - Well, that lightens the caseload

Chapter Thirty-Nine - The crime rate is worse than I thought

Chapter Forty - A smile, too bright and too quick

Chapter Forty-One - Easy for you to say

Chapter Forty-Two - You get five minutes

Chapter Forty-Three - The beasts already out of the cage

Chapter Forty-Four - A fresh horror arrives

Chapter Forty-Five - You’re gonna miss me?

Chapter Forty-Six - Heard you folks had some trouble

Chapter Forty-Seven - Worse things than death.

Thank you for reading The Upside of Death


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