


Kai Lung's Golden Hours电子书

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作       者:Ernest Bramah

出  版  社:Jester House Publishing


字       数:41.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Kai Lung's Golden Hours is a fantasy novel by Ernest Bramah. It was first published in 1922, and there have been numerous editions since. The first edition included a preface by Hilaire Belloc, which is also included in this ebook edition. Its importance in the history of fantasy literature was recognized by its reissuing by Ballantine Books as the forty-fifth volume of the celebrated Ballantine Adult Fantasy series in April, 1972.

Kai Lung's Golden Hours


CHAPTER I. The Encountering of Six within a Wood

CHAPTER II. The Inexorable Justice of the Mandarin Shan Tien

CHAPTER III. The Degraded Persistence of the Effete Ming-shu

CHAPTER IV. The Inopportune Behaviour of the Covetous Li-loe

CHAPTER V. The Timely Intervention of the Mandarin Shan Tien's Lucky Day

CHAPTER VI. The High-minded Strategy of the Amiable Hwa-mei

CHAPTER VII. Not Concerned with any Particular Attribute of Those who are Involved

CHAPTER VIII. The Timely Disputation among Those of an Inner Chamber of Yu-ping

CHAPTER IX. The Propitious Dissension between Two whose General Attributes have already been sufficiently Described

CHAPTER X. The Incredible Obtuseness of Those who had Opposed the Virtuous Kai Lung

CHAPTER XI. Of Which it is Written: "In Shallow Water Dragons become the Laughing-stock of Shrimps"

CHAPTER XII. The Out-passing into a State of Assured Felicity of the Much-enduring Two With Whom These Printed Leaves Have Chiefly Been Concerned

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