


Obesity Weight Loss:Sedentary Life Style电子书

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作       者:Jenifer Cruz

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:4.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Do You Want To Lose Weight? Are You Frustrated, Tired, And Just Have Low Self-Esteem? ? Introducing Obesity Weight Loss: Sedentary Life Style ? Take control of your life and start shedding those unwanted pounds in no time! ? What you need to know! ·This is not a quick fix book, but teaches you how to manage your weight through holistic solutions that work! ?·Being overweight/obese effects millions of people worldwide and opens the door to many other chronic degenerative diseases.?·No fluff! We go straight to the point and underlying root causes. You don't need expensive gym memberships, personal trainers, or buy some magic pill/equipment that some infomercial sells you. You just need the right knowledge, health strategies and positive mind set!? What You Will Learn ? ·Primary causes of weight gain?·Effects of a sedentary lifestyle?·How to burn fat effectively and in a healthy manner?·Solution to kicking the extra pounds off permanently!?·Includes a healthy 7 day meal plan and J.Cruz's personal weight loss workout regiment FREE!?·If you want to learn how to lose weight effectively in this day and age, without the "fluff" and get straight to the point and fundamental causes, then it is strongly recommended you read this book and empower yourself! Take control of your body now!You don't need expensive gym memberships, personal trainers, or buy some magic pill/equipment that some infomercial sells you.You can do this on your own without spending thousands of dollars on overpriced methods. So what are you waiting for? Get Obesity Weight Loss: Sedentary Life Style now ! Change


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Revealing the Primary Cause of Obesity

Chapter 2: The Role of Proper Nutrition in Weight Loss

Chapter 3: Effects of a Sedentary Lifestyle

Chapter 4: Insulin Resistance and Its Relation to Obesity

Chapter 5: The Solutions– How to Lose Weight, Be Happy, Become Healthy

Bonus Chapter: Self-Esteem and Body Image


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