


Ruskin Bond's World:Thematic Influences of Nature, Children, and Love in his Maj电子书

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作       者:Gulnaz Fatma

出  版  社:Modern History Press


字       数:26.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Ruskin Bond has won the hearts of millions of readers with his countless charming short stories and introspective novels. From biographical tales about acting as a grandfather to children, to tales of unrequited love, the cross-cultural dimensions of Indian society, and the power and beauty of nature, Bond's more than forty novels and short story collections have made him an internationally acclaimed author. In Ruskin Bond's World, Indian scholar Gulnaz Fatma, Ph.D. sheds light on one of her country's greatest and most beloved storytellers, tracing the influences in his stories from a childhood in colonial India through his time spent in Britain and his life today among India's hills and mountains. She explores the biographical as well as the imaginary elements of his fiction and explores in detail the themes of nature, children, love, and animals in his novels and short stories. Throughout these pages is revealed Bond's love for humanity in all its variety, from honorable rogues to proud beggars, heartbroken lovers, and wise old men and women. "Gulnaz has successfully traced major themes in Bond's prolific work under the lenses of her careful examination, proving he is the product of his environment...a sincere study of Ruskin Bond." --Stephen Gill, Ph.D., author and poet laureate of Ansted University "I welcome this long overdue study of one of India's literary shining lights. Ruskin Bond's World opens the door to a deeper understanding of one author's imagination and deepest wisdom." --Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D. and award-winning author of The Gothic Wanderer Literary Criticism: Asian - Indic www.ModernHistoryPress.com

Title Page




Chapter One – Shaping Influences on Ruskin Bond’s Life

Chapter Two – The Theme of Children’s Stories

Chapter Three – The Theme of Nature

Chapter Four – The Theme of Love in the Stories

Chapter Five – The Theme of Animals and Wildlife

Appendix: An Interview with Ruskin Bond


About the Author


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