


A to Z Shampoo Recipes for Total Beginners25 Easy Shampoo Recipes电子书

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作       者:Lisa Bond

出  版  社:sbBooks


字       数:5.0万

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Save Hundreds of Dollars Making Your Own, Better, More Healthy Shampoo. This Book includes links to 50 plus, free healthy Mexican Recipes. Did you know that an average person has around 130,000 strands of hair on their head? Can you imagine what happens when you do not take care of all these strands? Wayne Rooney is a professional footballer that underwent a hair transplant. A hair transplant is the right way for fixing hair loss, but guess what? It can cost you an arm and a leg! Scientists have discovered that overuse of commercial shampoos can cause deadly hair loss problems. Let us do an easy five-minute procedure that will end up making a nice smelling, cheap, natural and reliable shampoo. Making one's hair oily has a lot of reasons behind it. Most commercial shampoos are acidic, denuding your hair glands that produce natural oils. To resolve this issue, you have to go organic. The benefits that come with an oily hair include having a natural protective substance - the natural hair oil. If you do not have an oily hair, there is no cause for alarm. The variations seen between oily and non-oily hair mostly result from genetics. The shampoo moisturizes and softens greasy hair. It also protects the hair against the environment, especially harsh sunlight. Do you want to save money? If you yes, then you can make your natural shampoo that's way better than most expensive commercial shampoos. Here is how.

Book Dedication

1. An Amazing Orange Juice Shampoo That Leaves Your Hair Tidy

2. An Incredible Shampoo Recipe for Non-oily Hair

3. How to Make a Healthy Natural Shampoo from Baking Soda

4. Free Aloe Vera Shampoo for Shaggy Hair

5. How to Make a Cheap Shampoo for Your Hair That Works

6. How to Make an Amazing Home Made Hair Shampoo from Eggs

7. How to Make a Miraculous Organic Shampoo

8. How to Make a Rosemary Shampoo That Will Clean and Moisturize Your Natural Hair

9. How to Make a Magical Herbal Shampoo That Works

10. The Mighty Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo

11. How to Make an Organic Shampoo in 7 Easy Steps

12. Getting Smart with a Honey Shampoo

13. Getting Smart with a Herbal Water Shampoo

14. How to Make a No-Nonsense Natural Shampoo for Your Hair

15. The Amazing Benefits of Rice Water for Hair

16. How to Make a Natural Herbal Shampoo

17. How to Make Activated Charcoal Shampoo

18. How to Rock Using an Onion Shampoo

19. How to Make a Universal Eucalyptus Shampoo

20. Tactics to Clean Your Hair Using Natural Garlic

21. Amazing Beetroot Hair Shampoo to Try Right Now

22. A Beginners Guide to Make a Potato Hair Shampoo

23. How to Make a Strong Ginger Hair Shampoo

24. Proven Way to Make an Organic Hibiscus Shampoo

25. Easy Sunflower Shampoo to Clean and Moisturize Your Natural Hair.

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