


Life Without Bullying:A Practical Guide电子书

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作       者:Lynda Bevan

出  版  社:Loving Healing Press


字       数:57.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家庭/亲子



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Life doesn't have to be like this! · Are you getting pushed around? · Do you feel you need to do everything asked of you by your partner or anyone else? · Do you feel you have to fulfill all your partner's needs no matter what? · Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner? · Are you picked on and undermined if you question your partner on any issue? · Is your self-esteem low? · Have you lost your confidence? · Do you remember a time when you could think for yourself and deal with most of the things that life throws at you? · Do you ask yourself, "where have I gone wrong and how can I put it right?" · Do you ask yourself, "where is the person who could deal with the daily problems of relationships and life, gone, or indeed have I not yet learned to think and act for myself?" If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Life Without Bullying: A Practical Guide is an essential tool in assisting you to change your position from being emotionally dependent on your partner to becoming emotionally independent. It will assist you in changing from being emotionally inadequate to becoming emotionally adequate. This book will enable you to become the person you once were or it can change you to becoming the person you have always wanted to be. "It is hard to believe how much useful information the author has packed into this slender tome." --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissim Revisited For more information visit www.LyndaBevan.com Book #3 in the 10-Step Empowerment Series From Loving Healing Press (www.LovingHealing.com)

Title Page



Step 1: Are You A Victim?

Definitions of victim

If You Are A Victim…

A negative controller is someone who

Always Getting Your Own Way

Step 2: Does Fear Control You?

Frightening Someone into Submission

Controlling People, Situations and Outcomes

Shifting Blame from Yourself



Step 3: How Do You Become A Victim?

Rewards for Being a Victim

Parental Behavior

Are you really a victim?

Step 4: Do You Want to Change?

Why Do You Want To Become A Survivor?

Indicators of Change: Victim to Survivor

Relationship Development


Step 5: The Process of Change

Don’t React

What if this is as good as it gets?

Don’t Expect Anything from Anyone Else

Step 6: Being Realistic

Stay in the Here and Now

Staying in Reality

Staying Focused

Relationship goals

Step 7: Devising a Long-Term Strategy

Practical and Emotional Blocks

Ten Rules for good problem solving:

Essential Needs for Productive Problem Solving

Step 8: Devising a Short-Term Strategy




Make One Small Change

Step 9: Observe, Consolidate & Review




Positive outcomes after changing

Step 10: Continue the Strategy

Personal Power

Personal Power from What You Have Learned

“Victim” – A Poem

Appendix A: Bullying in the workplace

What Workplace Bullies Do

What Impact Does Bullying Have On You?

How do you spot a bully?

What Can You Do If You Are A Victim?

Appendix B: Emergency Contacts



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