


Protecting Our Drylands电子书

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作       者:Prof. Elijah K. Biamah

出  版  社:Dolman Scott Publishing


字       数:286.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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  • 读书简介
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Kenya covers a total land area of 582,646 km2. This land area is classified in terms of agricultural potential as: 12.7% of medium to high potential for agricultural production; 11.5% of arable land, subject to periodic droughts; 70.7% of drylands; and 5.6% of non-agricultural land. High population densities are more prevalent in areas of high agricultural potential than those of low potential (drylands). Most of Kenya's population (approx. 80%) lives in rural areas and therefore depends on agriculture and livestock for food and income.This book reviews sustainable technological options for land and water management and that are appropriate to soil and moisture conservation in drylands areas of Kenya. Of significant importance are: Environment and Resource Conservation in Semi-Arid Kenya; Dryland agriculture and conservation technologies in Kenya; Sustainable Soil Management Technologies for Effective Erosion Control in Semi-Arid Kenya; Development of Sustainable Conservation Techniques for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-arid Kenya; Agroforestry for Environmental Conservation in Dryland Environments of Kenya; Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Soils; Integrated Watershed Resource Management in Semi-arid Kenya; Runoff Water Management Systems for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-Arid Kenya; Land and Water Management for Poverty Alleviation: Experiences from Iiuni Watershed, Machakos County, Kenya; and Participatory Role of Communities in Sustainable Development and Management of Resources in semi - arid environments of Kenya?

Cover Page




Acronyms and Abbreviations



1. Introduction

1.1 Country Background

2. Environment and Resource Conservation in Semi-Arid Kenya

2.1 Background of Semi-Arid Kenya

2.2 Key Environmental Issues in the Drylands

2.3 Dryland Resource Conservation

2.4 Sectoral Interventions for Drylands

2.5 Resource Conservation Technologies for Drylands

Selected References

3. Sustainable Soil Management Technologies for Effective Erosion Control in Semi-Arid Kenya

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Wind Erosion Control Practices

3.3 Water Erosion Control Practices

Selected References

4. Development of Sustainable Conservation Techniques for Dryland Agriculture in Semi Arid Kenya

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Rationale for Conservation Tillage in Kenya

4.3 Transition to Conservation Tillage in Kenya: Critical Issues

4.4 Conservation Strategies and Technological Options

4.5 Soil Tillage Types, Productivity and Fertility

4.6 Tillage Implements and Operations

4.7 Dominant Soil Types and Tillage

4.8 Conclusion

Selected References

5. Agroforestry for Environmental Conservation in Dryland Environments of Kenya

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Soil Fertility Management Options

5.3 Agroforestry for Environmental Conservation

Selected References

6. Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Soils

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Drylands and Carbon Sequestration

6.3 Carbon storage in vegetation and soils

6.4 Atmospheric carbon sequestration balance

Selected References

7. Integrated Watershed Resource Management in Semi Arid Kenya

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Planning Options for Watershed Conservation

7.3 Options for Watershed Resource Management

7.4 Enabling Conditions for Watershed Conservation

Selected References

8. Runoff Water Management Systems for Dryland Agriculture in Semi Arid Kenya

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Runoff Water Catchment Systems

8.3 Runoff Water Conservation Structures

8.4 On-farm Runoff Water Conservation Systems

8.5 Reservoir Based Runoff Water Conservation Systems

8.6 Conclusion

Selected References

9. Land and Water Management for Poverty Alleviation: Experiences from Iiuni Watershed, Machakos County, Kenya

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Agricultural Productivity in Iiuni Watershed

9.3 Issues of Concern in Iiuni Watershed

9.4 Impact of Watershed Interventions

9.5 Conclusions

Selected References

10. Participatory Role of Communities in Sustainable Development and Management of Resources in semi-arid environments of Kenya

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Dryland’s Fragile Ecology and Environment

10.3 Concepts of Community Participation and Organization

10.4 Mobilization and Motivation for Participation

10.5 Group Dynamics within Communities

10.6 Participation and Sustainability

10.7 Community Participation in Project Cycle

10.8 Participatory Community Training

10.9 Leadership in Drylands Community

Selected References

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