


Undeniable Vengeance: Rules of Vengeance, Book II电子书

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作       者:Giacomo Giammatteo 

出  版  社:Inferno Publishing Company


字       数:88.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Sethian Shield is weakening—one of the Banished Ones has already escaped. Was it a flaw in the Shield's design or something more sinister? And more importantly, will any more of them escape?

Copyright Fiction

1. Forlandia South


2. Eyes of the Ancients

3. Immortals Do Die

4. Revelations

5. The Shulan's Words

6. Preparations

7. Famine

8. A New Path

9. Departure

10. A New Mission

11. A Long Voyage

12. Shifting

13. A New Land

14. Preparations for Journey

15. The Paaren

16. Sykor Again

17. A New Friend

18. The Warrior

19. Memories

20. On The River

21. A Land Path

22. Mission Revealed

23. A Vicious Attack

24. Alliance

25. New Companions

26. Shatir―A Narrow Pass

27. Streets of Khatara

28. Dreams Again

29. A Cold Wind

30. Roads of Arangar

31. Pirates in the Sand

32. Chingua

33. The Voyage Begins

34. Triala―Desert Blooms

35. A Thief's Training

36. Cergala

37. Another Prophecy

38. A Walk in the Forest

39. Suk Won―Old Ghosts

40. Wolves and War

41. Hall of Echoes

42. Hope Forsaken

43. Scaling the Norkaans

44. Ancient Echoes

45. Tribal Oaths

46. Book of Truth

47. Chun Preparations

48. Chande's Rise

49. Another Conversation

50. A New Direction

51. The Truth

52. Peace or War

53. Night Dreams

54. Path to Glory

55. A New Arm

56. Strategy

57. March to War

58. Obelisk

59. Siege

60. Secrets

61. Messenger of Truce

62. A Message from the Chun

63. Mirana

64. Forbidden Entry

65. Strange Allies

66. Desert Sands

67. Bury the Dead

68. The Cave

69. Exit Wounds

70. Sethia

71. To Fulfill an Oath

72. Final Strike

73. Aftermath


About the Author

Also by Giacomo Giammatteo

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