


The Secret Garden电子书

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作       者:Frances Hodgson Burnett

出  版  社:WS


字       数:36.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Mary Lennox is a sour-faced 10-year-old girl, who is born in India to selfish wealthy British parents who had not wanted her and were too wrapped up in their own lives. She was taken care of primarily by servants, who pacify her as much as possible to keep her out of the way. Spoiled and with a temper, she is unaffectionate, angry, rude and obstinate. Later, there is a cholera epidemic which hits India and kills her mother, father and all the servants. She is discovered alone but alive after the house is empty. She is sent to Yorkshire, England to live with her uncle, Archibald Craven at his home called Misselthwaite Manor.

The Secret Garden

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Chapter 1 There is no one left

Chapter 2 Mistress Mary quite contrary

Chapter 3 Across the moor

Chapter 4 Martha

Chapter 5 The Cry in the corridor

Chapter 6 "There was some one crying--There was!"

Chapter 7 The Key to the Garden

Chapter 8 The robin who showed the way

Chapter 9 The strangest house any one ever lived in

Chapter 10 Dickon

Chapter 11 The nest of the missel thrush

Chapter 12 "Might I have a bit of Earth?"

Chapter 13 "I am Colin"

Chapter 14 A young Rajah

Chapter 15 Nest building

Chapter 16 "I won't!" said Mary

Chapter 17 A tantrum

Chapter 18 "Tha' munnot waste of time"

Chapter 19 "It has come!"

Chapter 20 "I shall live forever--and ever--and ever!"

Chapter 21 Ben Weatherstaff

Chapter 22 When the sun went down

Chapter 23 Magic

Chapter 24 "Let them laugh"

Chapter 25 The curtain

Chapter 26 "It's Mother!"

Chapter 27 In the garden

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