


The Scent of Apple Tea电子书

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作       者:Valerie Ihsan

出  版  社:Willow Bench Books


字       数:35.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Family. Courage. Love. Kathryn Gordon’s cozy rural life falls apart when her adult daughter, Heather, is diagnosed with ovarian cancer. While Kathryn researches alternative cures, including communicating with a dead Scottish ancestor, Heather Gordon makes a heroic journey to Scotland with an ex-boyfriend she still loves. The Scent of Apple Tea is a story of wanting what you can’t have, and finding the courage to live and love the life you’re given. If you like reading about strong female protagonists and scenic foreign lands, you’ll love Valerie Ihsan’s debut contemporary women’s fiction novel. Buy today?and transport yourself to the quaint farmlands of Oregon’s Willamette Valley and the lush lochs and village

Title Page

title page



Other books by this author:

1. Kathryn

2. Heather

3. Kathryn

4. Heather

5. Heather

6. Kathryn

7. Kathryn

8. Kathryn

9. Heather

10. Heather

11. Kathryn

12. Kathryn

13. Heather

14. Kathryn

15. Heather

16. Kathryn

17. Kathryn

18. Kathryn

19. Kathryn

20. Heather

21. Kathryn

22. Kathryn

23. Heather

24. Kathryn

25. Heather

26. Heather

27. Heather

28. Kathryn

29. Kathryn

30. Heather

31. Kathryn

32. Heather

33. Heather

34. Heather

35. Kathryn

36. Heather

37. Heather

38. Kathryn

39. Kathryn

40. Kathryn

41. Kathryn

42. Kathryn

43. Heather

44. Heather

45. Kathryn

46. Kathryn

47. Heather

48. Kathryn

49. Kathryn

50. Heather

51. Kathryn

52. Kathryn

53. Kathryn

54. Kathryn

55. Heather

56. Heather

57. Heather

58. Heather

59. Kathryn

60. Kathryn

61. Heather

62. Kathryn

63. Kathryn

64. Heather

65. Kathryn

66. Heather

67. Kathryn

68. Kathryn

69. Heather

70. Heather

71. Kathryn

72. Kathryn

73. Kathryn

74. Kathryn

75. Kathryn

76. Kathryn

77. Kathryn


Letter to Readers

book club questions

About the Author

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