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作       者:Bill deSmedt

出  版  社:WordFire Press


字       数:73.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Jonathan Knox is one of the country’s most sought-after management consultants, not least for his uncanny skill at intuiting the solution hidden in the noise. Blessing though it may be to his clients, Knox’s so-called pattern-matching ability began as a curse, born of a nightmarish long-ago bad trip. Even after all these years flashbacks still haunt his dreams. Or did until recently, when something new came into his life: For, through no fault of his own, Knox has blundered into a relationship with —Marianna Bonaventure, an Energy Department agent charged with keeping track of nuclear proliferation risks … from behind a desk. Her only foray into fieldwork so far was the mission where she first teamed with Jon Knox, the one where they’d … well, between the two of them, they’d sort of saved the world. Now she’s on another case with Jon, investigating the disappearance of billionaire Davoud Ansari’s daughter Fatimah. It’s far less earth-shattering than last time, she thinks, but weird all the same, especially since their co-investigator is —Nietzsche, an artificial intelligence built by Ansari’s company, Psyche Industries. Nietzsche may be the first machine in the world to attain consciousness, albeit at a terrible price. But Nietzsche is also a machine with a secret agenda — one involving the kidnapping investigation he is conducting with Knox and Marianna. Yet not even Nietzsche suspects that the real danger will only emerge once they’ve cracked the case and brought Fatimah safely home.Hamza Nassiri is the author of that danger: A deep-cover agent for Iran’s feared Quds Force posing as Psyche Industries’ security chief, Hamza is laboring in secret to undermine the MERGE, an intelligence analysis capability of unthinkable power. Before it comes on line, he must use Fatimah Ansari to bring down MERGE and the country along with it.

Title Page

Praise for Singularity





1. Freddie’s Game

2. In the Dark

3. Good Intentions

4. Decrypt

5. Witness

6. Traces of Intelligence

7. Nowhere Man

8. Meeting of the Minds

9. Valentine’s Night

10. Realities, Virtual and Otherwise

11. Wedge

12. Aftermaths

II. Little Girl Lost

13. WISP of Dread

14. Back to the Salt Mines

15. Lots Better

16. The Gods Themselves

17. The Trouble with Omniscience

18. Going Rogue

19. Little Girl Lost

20. The Watches of the Night

21. Status Epilepticus

22. The Big Clock

23. Hypothermia

24. The Green Flash

III. Imaginary Friends

25. Nightwatch

26. Rock Salt

27. Two-Eleven High Street

28. Original Sin

29. Breaking and Entering

30. Active Denial

31. Keys to the Kingdom

32. One MERGE to Rule Them All

33. And in the Darkness Bind Them

34. Heaven and Hell

35. Mind-Body Priblem



About the Author

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