


Where Is My Book?电子书

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作       者:Berntsen, Romy

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:1.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Lilli lives in a very special place; she lives in a library... but Lilli's library isn't an ordinary library because she lives in one of the books and at night when everyone has gone home Lilli comes out to play!Lilli loves night time when she jumps out of the book to explore. She jumps from book to book reading about all the wonderful places in the world and loves the colourful pictures and illustrations.But what's this? Someone else is in the library tonight, a little boy and he is crying. His name is Aram and he tells Lilli he has fallen from the book where he lives and can't find his way home. He lives in a book with big mountains and beautiful lakes but can't remember its name.Lilli leads Aram to a section of the library where there are hundreds of books. "e;Oh dear,"e; she says, "e;this might take all night."e;"e;We'll never find it,"e; says Aram as he wipes a tear from his eye."e;Yes we will,"e; says Lilli as she takes him by the hand and tells him it will be the greatest adventure he has ever had.Will they find his book before daybreak or will the owners of the library find out their amazing secret? This wonderful story is beautifully illustrated by Romy Berntsen and is sure to delight children and parents alike.

Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information

Where Is My Book

The Story

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