


Concept of a Philosophical Jurisprudence电子书

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作       者:Oakeshott, Michael

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:76.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This volume brings together for the first time over a hundred of Oakeshott's essays and reviews, written between 1926 and 1951, that until now have remained scattered through a variety of scholarly journals, periodicals and newspapers. A new editorial introduction explains how these pieces, including the lengthy essay on the philosophical nature of jurisprudence that occupies an important position in Oakeshott's work, illuminate his other published writings. The collection throws new light on the context of his thought by placing him in dialogue with a number of other major figures in the humanities and social sciences during this period, including Leo Strauss, A.N. Whitehead, Karl Mannheim, Herbert Butterfield, E.H. Carr, Gilbert Ryle, and R.G. Collingwood.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information



Body Matter

Science, Religion, and Reality

The Christian Religion and Its Competitors To-day

Providence — Divine and Human

The Metaphysics of Evolution

General Theory of Value

The Principles and Problems of Philosophy

The Realm of Mind and Three Conceptions of Mind

Contemporary Thought of Great Britain

Can We Then Believe? Essays Catholic and Critical, and The Inescapable Christ

Modernism in the English Church

Fundamental Problems of Life

Authority in Church and State


The Meaning of Culture

The Principles of Politics

What is Conservatism? and The Pathetic Fallacy

God and Man

The Making of the Christian Mind

Experience of God

Afterthoughts and Aphorisms

Hunger and Love

Adventures in Philosophy and Religion

Ethical Principles in Theory and Practice

Religion without God, The New Divine Order, and Philosophy without Metaphysics

John Locke

The Social and Political Ideas of Some Representative Thinkers of the Age of Reaction and Reconstruction

The Making of the State

Interpreting the Universe

Idealistic Logic

In Job’s Balances

A New Argument for God and Survival

Civitas Dei

Natural Law and the Theory of Society

Aspects of Dialectical Materialism

Adventures of Ideas

The Horizon of Experience

Richard Hooker als politischer Denker

Thomas Hobbes

Christianity and the Nature of History and Religion and History

Morals and Politics

The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel

Right: a Study in Physical and Moral Order

History and the Social Sciences

An Introduction to Contemporary German Philosophy

The Meaning of History

The Historical Element in Religion

Collected Essays

Bernard Bosanquet’s Philosophy of the State

The Political Philosophy of Hobbes

Ideology and Utopia

This Freedom of Ours

The Modern Mind

The Concept of a Philosophical Jurisprudence

The Principles of Art

Swords and Symbols

Reason in Politics

The Politics of Democratic Socialism

Men and Ideas

Politics and Morals

The Idea of History

The Liberal Tradition

Western Political Thought

Contemporary British Politics

The Analysis of Political Behaviour

The English Festivals


Masters of Political Thought

Why We Read History

Father, a Portrait of G.G. Coulton at Home


Man and Society

Reason and Unreason in Society

Puritanism and Democracy


Science and Society

The State and the Citizen

The Triple Challenge

How to Stop the Russians without War

Principles and Ideals in Politics

The Modern Approach to Descartes’ Problem, Notes on Descartes’ Règles and Descartes

Socialism and Ethics

The Tree of Commonwealth

Insight and Outlook

Deviation into Sense

The Life of Reason

Matter, Mind, and Meaning

Barbara Celarent

The Freedom of Necessity

The Life of Reason

Marxism and Contemporary Science

The Origins of Modern Science

The Coming Defeat of Communism

Cambridge Conversations

The English Utilitarians

John Locke’s Political Philosophy


The Concept of Mind

Tell Me the Next One

Beyond Realism and Idealism

The Great Philosophers

Mr Carr’s First Volume

The B.B.C.

Modern Capitalism and Economic Progress

The City of God and Introduction to St Augustine

Citizenship and Social Class

The Discourses of Niccoló Machiavelli

History, Its Purpose and Method

Liberties of the Mind

Dominations and Powers

The Price of Revolution

Psychoanalysis and Politics

Introduction to Politics

Back Matter

Also Available

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