


Lotteries for Education电子书

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作       者:Boyle, Conall

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:79.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Lotteries are widely used to decide places (seats) at schools, colleges and universities. Conall Boyle explores many examples to find out why. The emotional turmoil that the use of ballots can cause to students and parents alike is graphically described. But lottery selection teaches lessons too; now we can find proper answers to controversial questions like "e;Does choice work?"e;This book will be of interest to parents, pupils and teachers as well as educational administrators. Any student applying for admission to a university course should learn about the amazing weighted lottery for entry to medical schools in the Netherlands. There is a better way: it's a lottery!


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information

List of Examples of Lotteries for Educational Places

Body matter


Part I: Lotteries for Non-selective School Places

1. School Choice by Lottery?! The ‘Choice’ Agenda

2. Lotteries for Places at a School: What do Parents Think?

3. School-place Lotteries in a Borough: House-price Effects

4. Voucher Lotteries: ‘Natural Scientific Experiments’

5. Arguments about School-place Lotteries

Part II: Lotteries with Academic Selection

6. Schools Selecting Academically: Measuring Ability

7. University Entrance by Lottery: Judging Merit

8. The Dutch Weighted Lottery: Practical Politics

9. Lotteries for University Places: Dubious or Efficient & Fair?

Part III: Lotteries for Students and Teachers

10. Student Housing in the USA: Strategic Behaviour

11. Lotteries for Teachers: Sharing the Jobs

Part IV: Conclusions: Lotteries for Education

12. Lottery Practicalities: How it Should be Done

13. To Conclude: Lotteries for Education: Yes or No?

Back matter


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