


Using Stories to Teach ICT Ages 9 to 11+电子书

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作       者:Loughrey, Anita

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:66.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Using stories to teach ICT is a new, excellent series of four books that will make the teaching of ICT a more exciting and creative cross-curricular experience.The aim of the series is for ICT to be presented in a format that shows how information technology is used in our everyday lives and demonstrates ways how ICT skills can be taught and extended while linking to a wide variety of other subject areas of the curriculum.Ages 9-11 contains: 6 fun and original stories, detailed lesson plans, up to 4 worksheets with each lesson, activities to develop a range of ICT skills.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information

Using Stories to Teach ICT


Curriculum Overview

Interior Designer

Teacher’s Notes

The Story

Activity Sheet 1: Arrange the Furniture

Activity Sheet 2: Design a Bedroom

Activity Sheet 3: Measurements

Activity Sheet 4: Measurements.

Victorian Childhood

Teacher’s Notes

The Story

Activity Sheet 1: Finding Out

Activity Sheet 2: Website Evaluation

Activity Sheet 3: Victorian Life

Activity Sheet 4: Graphs

Activity Sheet 5: Improve Conditions

Surprise Party

Teacher’s Notes

The Story

Activity Sheet 1: Entering Data

Activity Sheet 2: Formulae

Activity Sheet 3: Party Planner.

Activity Sheet 4: Invitation.

The Fairground

Teachers’ Notes

The Fairground

Activity Sheet 1: Fairground Ride

Activity Sheet 2: Fairground Sign

Activity Sheet 3: Control Storyboard

Activity Sheet 4: Fairground Poem

Save the Polar Bear

Teachers’ Notes

The News Article

Activity Sheet 1: Monitoring

Activity Sheet 2: Melting Ice

Activity Sheet 3: Control and Monitoring

Activity Sheet 4: Analysis

Activity Sheet 5: Hyperlinked Pages

Security Alert

Teachers’ Notes

The Story

Activity Sheet 1: Monitoring Systems

Activity Sheet 2: Lighthouse

Activity Sheet 3: Security System

Activity Sheet 4: Here is the News

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