


Mastering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement电子书

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作       者:Deepesh Somani

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:25.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A comprehensive guide packed with the latest features of Dynamics 365 for customer relationship management Key Features * Create efficient client-side apps and customized plugins that work seamlessly * Learn best practices from field experience to use Dynamics 365 efficiently * Unleash the power of Dynamics 365 to maximize your organization’s profits Book Description Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an all-in-one business management solution that's easy to use and adapt. It helps you connect your finances, sales, service, and operations to streamline business processes, improve customer interactions, and enable growth. This book gives you all the information you need to become an expert in MS Dynamics 365. This book starts with a brief overview of the functional features of Dynamics 365. You will learn how to create Word and Excel templates using CRM data to enable customized data analysis for your organization. This book helps you understand how to use Dynamics 365 as an XRM Framework, gain a deep understanding of client-side scripting in Dynamics 365, and create client-side applications using JavaScript and the Web API. In addition to this, you will discover how to customize Dynamics 365, and quickly move on to grasp the app structure, which helps you customize Dynamics 365 better. You will also learn how Dynamics 365 can be seamlessly embedded into various productivity tools to customize them for machine learning and contextual guidance. By the end of this book, you will have mastered utilizing Dynamics 365 features through real-world scenarios. What you will learn * Manage various divisions of your organization using Dynamics 365 customizations * Explore the XRM Framework and leverage its features * Provide an enhanced mobile and tablet experience * Develop client-side applications using JavaScript and the Web API * Understand how to develop plugins and workflows using Dynamics 365 * Explore solution framework improvements and new field types Who this book is for Mastering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement is for you if you have knowledge of Dynamics CRM and want to utilize the latest features of Dynamics 365. This book is also for you if you’re a skilled developer looking to move to the Microsoft stack to build business solution software. Extensive Dynamics CRM development experience will be beneficial to understand the concepts covered in this book.

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Mastering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Second Edition

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Section 1: Introduction to Sales, Service, and Marketing Modules with a Unified User Interface

Working with Sales

The stages of the sales process

Entities in Dynamics 365

Case studies

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3


Working with Service

Entities in the Service module

The Customer Service Hub

Case studies

Scenario 1 – configuration of the Customer Service Hub

A walkthrough of the Customer Service Hub



Scenario 2

Scenario 3


Working with Marketing

Contents of the Marketing module

The structure of the Marketing module

The marketing list

Creating a marketing list


Quick campaigns

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3


Understanding the New Unified User Interface

An overview of Dynamics 365 Hub

Accessing Hubs in Dynamics 365

Adding Sales and the Customer Service Hub in Dynamics 365

Creating a Unified Interface

New UI updates in Unified Interface

Understanding the Sales Hub in Dynamics 365

Understanding the Customer Service Hub


Section 2: Understanding Customization and App Design

Designing Unified Interface Apps


Resolving the scenario

Creating the Vendor custom entity

Product management

Creating the Vendor Management application

Creating applications from existing solutions and site maps

Managing security roles

Creating new views in the Vendor Management application

Showing a default welcome page


Customization Enhancements in Dynamics 365

New enhancements in Dynamics 365

New attribute type – MultiSelect Option Set

Custom grid controls in Dynamics 365

Scenario 1

Resolving the scenario

Scenario 2

Resolving the scenario

Scenario 3

Resolving the scenario

Scenario 4

Resolving the scenario


Business Process Flows and Rules in Dynamics 365

Key components

Key changes

Creating a business rule

Scenario walkthrough


Business process flows


Creating a business process flow

Scenario walkthrough



Section 3: Development Enhancements and Code Improvements in Dynamics 365

Client-Side Scripting

Scenario 1

Resolving the scenario

Source code

Microsoft Dynamics 365 web API

Authenticating with the web API

Scenario 2

Resolving the scenario

Source code

Scenario 3

Retrieving metadata using the web API

Source code

Scenario 4

Resolving the scenario

Source code


Plugin Development with Dynamics 365

Event execution pipeline

Pipeline stages

Database transaction

Plugin isolation mode

Writing a plugin

Registering a plugin step

Scenario walkthrough

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3


Working with the XRM Framework

Scenario walkthrough

Adding resources

Creating custom fields

Attributing data types

The Calculated and Rollup fields

What operations can the Rollup fields perform?

What types of formula are allowed on Calculated fields?


1:N relationships

N:1 relationships

N:N relationships

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Entity forms

Entity views

Sample scenarios


Mobile Enhancements in Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 mobile application requirements

Dynamics 365 tablet application requirements

Dynamics 365 web browser support for tablet


Visual controls in Dynamics 365

Scenario – For visual controls

Scenario – Configuring the timeline control

Scenario – Configuring the Pen Control


Virtual Entities in Dynamics 365

Scenario demonstrating use of virtual entities

Resolving the scenario

Getting JSON data for the virtual entities

Creating the OData v4 source

Publishing the OData v4 source in Azure

Creating the virtual entity data source

Creating a virtual entity

Creating the Zip Code virtual entity

Currency conversions virtual entity

Limitations of virtual entities


Section 4: Learning about the Portal, Configuration, and Security Enhancements in Dynamics 365

Working with Dynamics 365 Portals

Overview of Dynamics 365 portal

Configuring the customer service portal

Managing portal pages and setup using the portal content editor

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Scenario 4

Scenario 5


Configuration Enhancements in Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 theme

Scenario one

Dynamics 365 organization settings

Scenario two

Dynamics 365 personal option settings

Scenario three


Analytics with Dynamics 365 (Word and Excel Templates)

Word templates


Creating a Word template

An alternative way to create a template

Types of controls

Uploading the template to Dynamics 365

Excel templates

Customizing data present in the document

Uploading the template

Configuring the security roles in templates


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