


Mastering Ethereum电子书

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作       者:Merunas Grincalaitis

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:60.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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An expert guide to implementing fast, secure, and scalable decentralized applications that work with thousands of users in real time Key Features * Implement advanced features of the Ethereum network to build powerful decentralized applications * Build smart contracts on different domains using the programming techniques of Solidity and Vyper * Explore the architecture of Ethereum network to understand advanced use cases of blockchain development Book Description Ethereum is one of the commonly used platforms for building blockchain applications. It's a decentralized platform for applications that can run exactly as programmed without being affected by fraud, censorship, or third-party interference. This book will give you a deep understanding of how blockchain works so that you can discover the entire ecosystem, core components, and its implementations. You will get started by understanding how to configure and work with various Ethereum protocols for developing dApps. Next, you will learn to code and create powerful smart contracts that scale with Solidity and Vyper. You will then explore the building blocks of the dApps architecture, and gain insights on how to create your own dApp through a variety of real-world examples. The book will even guide you on how to deploy your dApps on multiple Ethereum instances with the required best practices and techniques. The next few chapters will delve into advanced topics such as, building advanced smart contracts and multi-page frontends using Ethereum blockchain. You will also focus on implementing machine learning techniques to build decentralized autonomous applications, in addition to covering several use cases across a variety of domains such as, social media and e-commerce. By the end of this book, you will have the expertise you need to build decentralized autonomous applications confidently. What you will learn * Apply scalability solutions on dApps with Plasma and state channels * Understand the important metrics of blockchain for analyzing and determining its state * Develop a decentralized web application using React.js and Node.js * Create oracles with Node.js to provide external data to smart contracts * Get to grips with using Etherscan and block explorers for various transactions * Explore web3.js, Solidity, and Vyper for dApps communication * Deploy apps with multiple Ethereum instances including TestRPC, private chain, test chain, and mainnet Who this book is for This book is for anyone who wants to build fast, highly secure, and transactional decentralized applications. If you are an Ethereum developer looking to perfect your existing skills in building powerful blockchain applications, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Ethereum and blockchain is necessary to understand the concepts covered in this book.

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Section 1: Blockchain - Ethereum Refresher

Blockchain Architecture

Beyond Ethereum

Explaining Ethereum

Ethereum's history

Ethereum's development


The EEA's vision

The EEA membership

The EEA architecture

Understanding the Ethereum blockchain

The reasoning behind a decentralized blockchain

The blockchain as a set of nodes

The CAP theorem

Introducing the Ethereum Virtual Machine

Introducing the state machine

The P2P network

Consensus rules



Workings of smart contracts

Smart contract deployment process

Ethereum transactions

Essential smart contract programming


File structure


Visibility of variables



Strings and bytes






Data location




The fallback function


Vyper by example


Ethereum Ecosystems

Introducing the Ethereum chain specification

The genesis object

Blockchain technology

Application layer

Infrastructure layer

Mining layer

Peer-to-peer layer

Understanding DEVP2P

Blockchain consensus

Introducing blockchain consensus

Envisioning the future

The nothing-at-stake problem

Blockchain economics

Understanding inflation

Evaluating cryptocurrency economics

Determining the value of cryptocurrencies

Ethereum-based tokens

Blockchain metrics

Number of transactions

Address growth

Ether market capitalization

Developer adoption

Miner activity


Ethereum Assets

Ethereum protocol implementations

Protocol implementations

Understanding Geth

Creating accounts

Downloading the blockchain

Mining with your CPU


Downloading the blockchain

Creating accounts

Mining with your CPU

Best scenario for each protocol

Smart contract development

Managing accounts

Other use cases

INFURA essentials

Understanding INFURA

Inner workings of INFURA

Using INFURA's dashboard

Decentralized autonomous organizations

Explaining DAOs

Operating within a DAO

Tooling for DAOs

Miscellanea and concerns

Understanding Ethereum improvement proposals

Differentiating the usage of Truffle and IDEs

Understanding smart contract limitations

Creating your own private Ethereum network

Setting up a private blockchain on Mac

Setting up a private blockchain on Windows

Choosing a wallet for Ethereum

Understanding the concept of an Ethereum wallet

Explaining online wallets

Choosing MyEtherWallet

Using MetaMask

Understanding hardware wallets

Using Ledger

Using Trezor

Learning to use multi-signature wallets

Using Etherscan for transactions

Understanding block explorers

Using Etherscan for analyzing transactions

Creating accounts

Creating accounts with MetaMask

Creating an account with Coinbase


Section 2: Decentralized Application Development Workflow

Mastering Smart Contracts

Getting up to speed

Planning the marketplace idea

Designing the code in Solidity

Deploying your smart contract with Truffle

The EVM in depth

Explaining the EVM

Operation of smart contracts in the EVM

Upgradable and scalable smart contracts

Upgradable smart contracts

Storage smart contracts

Upgradable smart contracts

Proxy smart contracts

Scalable smart contracts

Using state channels for scalable smart contracts

Gas and data-efficient smart contracts

Making gas-efficient smart contracts

Making data-efficient smart contracts

Smart contract security analysis

Techniques to secure a smart contract


Mastering dApps

Introducing dApp architecture

Installing Ethereum and Truffle

Setting up and configuring Ethereum and Truffle

Installing the required packages

Setting up webpack

Setting up the source folder

Creating dApps

Creating the smart contract

Creating user interfaces

Connecting smart contracts to web applications

Designing the setup form

Implementing the setup function


Tools, Frameworks, Components, and Services

Using developer tools

Development frameworks

Integrated development environments

Testnet faucets

Understanding Ethereum communication tools

Frontend Ethereum APIs

Backend Ethereum APIs

Application binary interface tools

Making sense of the Ethereum infrastructure

Ethereum clients

Ethereum storage

Ethereum messaging

Learning Ethereum testing and securing tools

Understanding monitoring utilities

Using security testing utilities

Understanding auditing tools

Getting important open source libraries


Using the 0xprotocol

Building a relayer

Becoming market makers








Deployment on Testnet

Using Ropsten for smart contract development

Features of Ropsten

Getting Ropsten Ether

Understanding Rinkeby with proof-of-authority

Describing proof-of-authority

Getting Rinkeby Ether

Using Kovan for smart contract development

Getting Kovan Ether

Introducing the Mainnet


Various dApps Integrations

Better React applications

Organizing components properly

Generating components dynamically

Starting up projects faster

Scalable Node.js backends with NGINX

Creating a Node.js server

Getting a hosting solution

Setting up your server on a VPS hosting

Getting a domain name

Setting up NGINX

Adding SSL security

Better web3.js dApps

Setting up a fixed web3.js version

Creating helper functions

Promisifying your functions

Listening to events with web3.js

Building your own Oracles

Building a random generation Oracle

Improving your development workflow


Decentralized Exchanges Workflow

Introducing decentralized exchanges

Cons of DAXs

Pros of DAXs

Essential trading terms

Understanding the trading and matching engine

Managing cryptocurrency wallets and cold storage

Building the user interface

Building the Ethereum backend

Finishing the dApp


Section 3: Ethereum Implementations

Machine Learning on the Ethereum Blockchain

Understanding machine learning

Decentralized machine learning marketplaces

Building a smart contract machine learning marketplace

The prediction function

The cost function

The optimization algorithm

The train function


Creating a Blockchain-based Social Media Platform

Understanding decentralized social media

The initial concept

Creating the user interface

Configuring the webpack style

Setting up the initial structure

Rendering hashtags

Improving the appearance

Building the smart contract

Planning the design process

Setting up the data structures

Documenting the future functions

Implementing the adding content function

Creating the promotion engine

Implementing the getter functions

Finishing the dApp

Setting up the smart contract instance

Decentralizing your data

Creating the hashtag component

Creating the hashtag getter

Creating the publishing functionality


Creating a Blockchain-Based E-Commerce Marketplace

Creating the user interface

Planning the marketplace interface

Setting up the index page

Configuring the webpack dev server

Creating the Header component

Creating the Home component

Creating the Product component

Creating the Sell component

Creating the Orders component

Understanding ERC-721 tokens

Explaining the ERC-721 functions

The ERC-721 smart contract

Developing the e-commerce smart contract

Creating the publish function

Creating the buy function

Creating the mark orders function

Creating the getter functions

Deploying the smart contract

Finishing the dApp

Setting up the contract instance

Updating the index file

Updating the Buy component

Updating the Sell component

Updating the Orders component


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