


Docker High Performance电子书

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作       者:Allan Espinosa

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:18.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Leverage Docker to unlock efficient and rapid container deployments to improve your development workflow Key Features * Reconfigure Docker hosts to create a logging system with the ElasticSearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack * Tackle the challenges of large-scale container deployment with this fast-paced guide * Benchmark the performance of your Docker containers using Apache JMeter Book Description Docker is an enterprise-grade container platform that allows you to build and deploy your apps. Its portable format lets you run your code right from your desktop workstations to popular cloud computing providers. This comprehensive guide will improve your Docker work?ows and ensure your application's production environment runs smoothly. This book starts with a refresher on setting up and running Docker and details the basic setup for creating a Docker Swarm cluster. You will then learn how to automate this cluster by using Chef Server and Cookbook. After that, you will run the Docker monitoring system with Prometheus and Grafana, and deploy the ELK stack. You will also learn some tips for optimizing Docker images. After deploying containers with the help of Jenkins, you will then move on to a tutorial on using Apache JMeter to analyze your application's performance. You will learn how to use Docker Swarm and NGINX to load-balance your application and how common debugging tools in Linux can be used to troubleshoot Docker containers. By the end of this book, you will be able to integrate all the optimizations that you have learned and put everything into practice in your applications. What you will learn * Automate provisioning and setting up nodes in a Docker Swarm cluster * Configure a monitoring system with Prometheus and Grafana * Use Apache JMeter to create workloads for benchmarking the performance of Docker containers * Understand how to load-balance an application with Docker Swarm and Nginx * Deploy strace, tcdump, blktrace, and other Linux debugging tools to troubleshoot containers * Integrate Docker optimizations for DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering, CI, and CD Who this book is for If you are a software developer with a good understanding of managing Docker services and the Linux file system and are looking for ways to optimize working with Docker containers, then this is the book for you. Developers fascinated with containers and workflow automation with benefit from this book.

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Preparing Docker Hosts

Preparing a Docker host

Enabling remote access

Setting up a certificate authority

Enabling remote access in Docker Engine

Connecting remotely from the Docker client

Building a Docker Swarm cluster


Configuring Docker with Chef

Importance of configuration management

Using Chef

Signing up for a Chef server

Setting up our workstation

Bootstrap nodes

Configuring the Docker host

Writing Chef recipes

Push Chef policies

Initializing Docker Swarm

Alternative methods


Monitoring Docker

The importance of monitoring

Collecting metrics with Prometheus

Exposing Prometheus's metrics

Scraping and visualizing metrics

Consolidating logs in an ELK stack

Deploying Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana

Forwarding Docker container logs

Other monitoring and logging solutions


Optimizing Docker Images

Reducing deployment time

Improving image build time

Using registry mirrors

Reusing image layers

Reducing the build context size

Using caching proxies

Reducing Docker image size

Chaining commands

Separating build and deployment images

Guide to Optimization


Deploying Containers

Deploying and configuring Jenkins

Deploying the Jenkins container

Finishing the Jenkins Configuration

Setting up our Docker credentials within Jenkins

Building and deploying a container

Preparing our application

Creating a Jenkins job

Running the Pipeline



Setting up Apache JMeter

Deploying a sample application

Installing JMeter

Building a benchmark workload

Creating a test plan in JMeter

Analyzing benchmark results

Viewing the results of JMeter runs

Calculating throughput

Plotting response time

Observing performance in Grafana and Kibana

Tuning the benchmark

Increasing concurrency

Running distributed tests

Other benchmarking tools


Load Balancing

Preparing application backends

Balancing load with NGINX

Scaling out our Docker applications

Deploying with zero downtime

Other load balancers


Troubleshooting Containers

Inspecting containers with the docker exec command

Debugging from outside Docker

Tracing system calls

Analyzing network packets

Observing block devices

Other container debugging tools


Onto Production

Performing web operations

Supporting web applications with Docker

Deploying applications

Scaling applications

Further reading


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