


Mastering Machine Learning on AWS电子书

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作       者:Dr. Saket S.R. Mengle

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:35.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Gain expertise in ML techniques with AWS to create interactive apps using SageMaker, Apache Spark, and TensorFlow. Key Features * Build machine learning apps on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using SageMaker, Apache Spark and TensorFlow * Learn model optimization, and understand how to scale your models using simple and secure APIs * Develop, train, tune and deploy neural network models to accelerate model performance in the cloud Book Description AWS is constantly driving new innovations that empower data scientists to explore a variety of machine learning (ML) cloud services. This book is your comprehensive reference for learning and implementing advanced ML algorithms in AWS cloud. As you go through the chapters, you’ll gain insights into how these algorithms can be trained, tuned and deployed in AWS using Apache Spark on Elastic Map Reduce (EMR), SageMaker, and TensorFlow. While you focus on algorithms such as XGBoost, linear models, factorization machines, and deep nets, the book will also provide you with an overview of AWS as well as detailed practical applications that will help you solve real-world problems. Every practical application includes a series of companion notebooks with all the necessary code to run on AWS. In the next few chapters, you will learn to use SageMaker and EMR Notebooks to perform a range of tasks, right from smart analytics, and predictive modeling, through to sentiment analysis. By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to effectively handle machine learning projects and implement and evaluate algorithms on AWS. What you will learn * Manage AI workflows by using AWS cloud to deploy services that feed smart data products * Use SageMaker services to create recommendation models * Scale model training and deployment using Apache Spark on EMR * Understand how to cluster big data through EMR and seamlessly integrate it with SageMaker * Build deep learning models on AWS using TensorFlow and deploy them as services * Enhance your apps by combining Apache Spark and Amazon SageMaker Who this book is for This book is for data scientists, machine learning developers, deep learning enthusiasts and AWS users who want to build advanced models and smart applications on the cloud using AWS and its integration services. Some understanding of machine learning concepts, Python programming and AWS will be beneficial.


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Section 1: Machine Learning on AWS

Getting Started with Machine Learning for AWS

How AWS empowers data scientists

Using AWS tools for ML

Identifying candidate problems that can be solved using ML

The ML project life cycle

Data gathering

Evaluation metrics

Algorithm selection

Deploying models



Section 2: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms at Scale on AWS

Classifying Twitter Feeds with Naive Bayes

Classification algorithms

Feature types

Nominal features

Ordinal features

Continuous features

Naive Bayes classifier

Bayes' theorem



Prior probability


How the Naive Bayes algorithm works

Classifying text with language models

Collecting the tweets

Preparing the data

Building a Naive Bayes model through SageMaker notebooks

Naïve Bayes model on SageMaker notebooks using Apache Spark

Using SageMaker's BlazingText built-in ML service

Naive Bayes – pros and cons



Predicting House Value with Regression Algorithms

Predicting the price of houses

Understanding linear regression

Linear least squares estimation

Maximum likelihood estimation

Gradient descent

Evaluating regression models

Mean absolute error

Mean squared error

Root mean squared error


Implementing linear regression through scikit-learn

Implementing linear regression through Apache Spark

Implementing linear regression through SageMaker's Linear Learner

Understanding logistic regression

Logistic regression in Spark

Pros and cons of linear models


Predicting User Behavior with Tree-Based Methods

Understanding decision trees

Recursive splitting

Types of decision trees

Cost functions

Gini Impurity

Information gain

Criteria to stop splitting trees

Understanding random forest algorithms

Understanding gradient-boosting algorithms

Predicting clicks on log streams

Introduction to Elastic MapReduce (EMR)

Training with Apache Spark on EMR

Getting the data

Preparing the data

Categorical encoding

One-hot encoding

Training a model

Evaluating our model

Area under the ROC curve

Area under the precision-recall curve

Training tree ensembles on EMR

Training gradient-boosted trees with the SageMaker services

Preparing the data

Training with SageMaker XGBoost

Applying and evaluating the model



Customer Segmentation Using Clustering Algorithms

Understanding how clustering algorithms work

k-means clustering

Euclidean distance

Manhattan distance

Hierarchical clustering

Agglomerative clustering

Divisive clustering

Clustering with Apache Spark on EMR

Clustering with Spark and SageMaker on EMR

Understanding the purpose of the IAM role



Analyzing Visitor Patterns to Make Recommendations

Making theme park attraction recommendations through Flickr data

Collaborative filtering

Memory-based approach

Model-based approach

Matrix factorization

Stochastic gradient descent

Alternating least squares

Finding recommendations through Apache Spark's ALS

Data gathering and exploration

Training the model

Getting recommendations

Recommending attractions through SageMaker FMs

Preparing the dataset for learning

Training the model

Getting recommendations



Section 3: Deep Learning

Implementing Deep Learning Algorithms

Understanding deep learning

Applications of deep learning

Self-driving cars

Learning to play video games using a deep learning algorithm

Understanding deep learning algorithms

Neural network algorithms

Activation functions


Introduction to deep neural networks

Understanding convolutional neural networks



Implementing Deep Learning with TensorFlow on AWS

Introducing TensorFlow

TensorFlow as a general machine learning library

Training and serving the TensorFlow model through SageMaker

Creating a custom neural net with TensorFlow



Image Classification and Detection with SageMaker

Introducing Amazon SageMaker for image classification

Training a deep learning model using Amazon SageMaker

Classifying images using Amazon SageMaker



Section 4: Integrating Ready-Made AWS Machine Learning Services

Working with AWS Comprehend

Introducing Amazon Comprehend

Accessing Amazon Comprehend

Named-entity recognition using Comprehend

Sentiment analysis using Comprehend

Text classification using Comprehend



Using AWS Rekognition

Introducing Amazon Rekognition

Implementing object and scene detection

Implementing facial analysis

Other Rekognition services

Image moderation

Celebrity recognition

Face comparison



Building Conversational Interfaces Using AWS Lex

Introducing Amazon Lex

Building a custom chatbot using Amazon Lex



Section 5: Optimizing and Deploying Models through AWS

Creating Clusters on AWS

Choosing your instance types

On-demand versus spot instance pricing

Reserved pricing

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)

Deep learning hardware

Distributed deep learning

Model parallelization versus data parallelization

Distributed TensorFlow

Distributed learning through Apache Spark

Data parallelization

Model parallelization

Distributed hyperparameter tuning

Distributed predictions at scale

Parallelization in SageMaker


Optimizing Models in Spark and SageMaker

The importance of model optimization

Automatic hyperparameter tuning

Hyperparameter tuning in Apache Spark

Hyperparameter tuning in SageMaker



Tuning Clusters for Machine Learning

Introduction to the EMR architecture

Apache Hadoop

Apache Spark

Apache Hive


Apache HBase

Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN)

Tuning EMR for different applications

Configuring application properties

Maximize Resource Allocation

The AWS Glue Catalog

Managing data pipelines with Glue

Creating tables with Glue

Accessing Glue tables in Spark


Deploying Models Built in AWS

SageMaker model deployment

Apache Spark model deployment



Appendix: Getting Started with AWS

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