


Hands-On Deep Learning Architectures with Python电子书

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作       者:Yuxi (Hayden) Liu

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:34.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Concepts, tools, and techniques to explore deep learning architectures and methodologies Key Features * Explore advanced deep learning architectures using various datasets and frameworks * Implement deep architectures for neural network models such as CNN, RNN, GAN, and many more * Discover design patterns and different challenges for various deep learning architectures Book Description Deep learning architectures are composed of multilevel nonlinear operations that represent high-level abstractions; this allows you to learn useful feature representations from the data. This book will help you learn and implement deep learning architectures to resolve various deep learning research problems. Hands-On Deep Learning Architectures with Python explains the essential learning algorithms used for deep and shallow architectures. Packed with practical implementations and ideas to help you build efficient artificial intelligence systems (AI), this book will help you learn how neural networks play a major role in building deep architectures. You will understand various deep learning architectures (such as AlexNet, VGG Net, GoogleNet) with easy-to-follow code and diagrams. In addition to this, the book will also guide you in building and training various deep architectures such as the Boltzmann mechanism, autoencoders, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), natural language processing (NLP), GAN, and more—all with practical implementations. By the end of this book, you will be able to construct deep models using popular frameworks and datasets with the required design patterns for each architecture. You will be ready to explore the potential of deep architectures in today's world. What you will learn * Implement CNNs, RNNs, and other commonly used architectures with Python * Explore architectures such as VGGNet, AlexNet, and GoogLeNet * Build deep learning architectures for AI applications such as face and image recognition, fraud detection, and many more * Understand the architectures and applications of Boltzmann machines and autoencoders with concrete examples * Master artificial intelligence and neural network concepts and apply them to your architecture * Understand deep learning architectures for mobile and embedded systems Who this book is for If you’re a data scientist, machine learning developer/engineer, or deep learning practitioner, or are curious about AI and want to upgrade your knowledge of various deep learning architectures, this book will appeal to you. You are expected to have some knowledge of statistics and machine learning algorithms to get the best out of this book

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Section 1: The Elements of Deep Learning

Getting Started with Deep Learning

Artificial intelligence

Machine learning

Supervised learning



Unsupervised learning

Reinforcement learning

Deep learning

Applications of deep learning

Self-driving cars

Image translation

Machine translation

Encoder-decoder structure


Building the fundamentals

Biological inspiration


Activation functions

Linear activation

Sigmoid activation

Tanh activation

ReLU activation

Softmax activation

TensorFlow and Keras

Setting up the environment

Introduction to TensorFlow

Installing TensorFlow CPU

Installing TensorFlow GPU

Testing your installation

Getting to know TensorFlow

Building a graph

Creating a Session

Introduction to Keras

Sequential API

Functional API


Deep Feedforward Networks

Evolutionary path to DFNs

Architecture of DFN


Loss function

Regression loss

Mean squared error (MSE)

Mean absolute error

Classification loss

Cross entropy

Gradient descent

Types of gradient descent

Batch gradient descent

Stochastic gradient descent

Mini-batch gradient descent



Train, test, and validation

Training set

Validation set

Test set

Overfitting and regularization

L1 and L2 regularization


Early stopping

Building our first DFN

MNIST fashion data

Getting the data

Visualizing data

Normalizing and splitting data

Model parameters

One-hot encoding

Building a model graph

Adding placeholders

Adding layers

Adding loss function

Adding an optimizer

Calculating accuracy

Running a session to train

The easy way


Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Autoencoders

What are RBMs?

The evolution path of RBMs

RBM architectures and applications

RBM and their implementation in TensorFlow

RBMs for movie recommendation

DBNs and their implementation in TensorFlow

DBNs for image classification

What are autoencoders?

The evolution path of autoencoders

Autoencoders architectures and applications

Vanilla autoencoders

Deep autoencoders

Sparse autoencoders

Denoising autoencoders

Contractive autoencoders




Section 2: Convolutional Neural Networks

CNN Architecture

Problem with deep feedforward networks

Evolution path to CNNs

Architecture of CNNs

The input layer

The convolutional layer

The maxpooling layer

The fully connected layer

Image classification with CNNs




Building our first CNN


Data loading and pre-processing

Object detection with CNN


Faster R-CNN

You Only Look Once (YOLO)

Single Shot Multibox Detector

TensorFlow object detection zoo


Mobile Neural Networks and CNNs

Evolution path to MobileNets

Architecture of MobileNets

Depth-wise separable convolution

The need for depth-wise separable convolution

Structure of MobileNet

MobileNet with Keras


Motivation behind MobileNetV2

Structure of MobileNetV2

Linear bottleneck layer

Expansion layer

Inverted residual block

Overall architecture

Implementing MobileNetV2

Comparing the two MobileNets

SSD MobileNetV2


Section 3: Sequence Modeling

Recurrent Neural Networks

What are RNNs?

The evolution path of RNNs

RNN architectures and applications

Architectures by input and output

Vanilla RNNs

Vanilla RNNs for text generation


LSTM RNNs for text generation


GRU RNNs for stock price prediction

Bidirectional RNNs

Bidirectional RNNs for sentiment classification


Section 4: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Generative Adversarial Networks

What are GANs?

Generative models

Adversarial – training in an adversarial manner

The evolution path of GANs

GAN architectures and implementations

Vanilla GANs

Deep convolutional GANs

Conditional GANs



Section 5: The Future of Deep Learning and Advanced Artificial Intelligence

New Trends of Deep Learning

New trends in deep learning

Bayesian neural networks

What our deep learning models don't know – uncertainty

How we can obtain uncertainty information – Bayesian neural networks

Capsule networks

What convolutional neural networks fail to do

Capsule networks – incorporating oriental and relative spatial relationships


One big challenge in deep learning – training data

Meta-learning – learning to learn

Metric-based meta-learning


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