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作       者:王天华

出  版  社:电子工业出版社


字       数:40.2万

所属分类: 经管/励志 > 管理 > 管理学



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语篇分析作为一门学科,始于20世纪50年代到60年代,发展于20世纪70年代,成熟于20世纪80年代到90 年代。21世纪,语篇分析在人文社会科学"话语转向”的势头中,已经超越了语言学领域的其他任何一门学科。本书主要由七章组成: *章语篇研究的概况、第二章语篇研究的历史回顾、第三章篇章性的标准、第四章语篇的衔、第五章语篇的连贯、第六章语篇结构、第七章批评语篇分析。在语篇分析的概况及流派部分里,作者对这一领域的重要学者行了梳理,对他们在语篇分析领域的主要贡献做了详尽的论述。在篇章性的标准这一章,作者介绍了什么是语篇特征,什么是篇章性、什么是篇章,以及衔与连贯的概念、意图性、受性、信息性、情景性及互文性。在语篇的衔与连贯这两章中,作者介绍了衔手段及衔与连贯的关系,并从语义、语用及认知的角度分析了连贯问题。 在语篇结构这一章, 作者介绍了主位结构及主位推模式、信息结构、会话语篇结构及会话分析。第七章为批评语篇分析,本章主要介绍批评语篇分析的理论框架、原则、研究内容、方法及批评语篇分析方法等。本书旨在对语篇研究领域作详尽深的研究,本书是语篇分析的一本门书,也是一本介绍语篇分析核心内容的著作。本书主要适用于语篇分析的学习者与研究者。<br/>【作者】<br/>王天华,女,1973年出生,1995年在黑龙江大学英语系工作至今。现任黑龙江大学西语学院教授,博士生导师,中国功能语言学学会理事、中国语篇分析学会理事。2008年毕业于山东大学外国语学院,获得英语语言文学博士学位。研究方向为功能语言学、语篇分析和语用学。2008-2009美国UIS大学作访问学者。近五年来,主持承担国家哲学社科基金项目1项,*人文社科项目1项,*"留学回国人员科研启动基金”1项;参加*人文社科项目2项(均为成员),黑龙江省哲学社会科学项目2项(成员),主持承担并完成黑龙江省教育厅人文社科科研项目2项,参加黑龙江省高校教改项目1项(成员)。近几年,发表学术论文20余篇,其中,期刊C类6篇、 CSSCI论文10余篇。2011年出版语言学专著1部。获得2013黑龙江省社会科学优秀成果第十五届佳作奖1项。2014年获得黑龙江大学"杰出青年”称号。教学上主要承担功能语言学导论(博士生、硕士生课程)、语篇分析(博士生、硕士生课程)语言学概论(本科生)等本学科专业主干课。<br/>




Chapter 1 Coming to Grips with Discourse Analysis

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Formalism and functionalism

1.1.2 Anything beyond the sentence

1.1.3 Discourse: language use

1.1.4 Discourse: utterances

1.2 Discourse analysis

1.2.1 Introduction

1.2.2 Discourse

1.2.3 Analysis

1.3 Terms issue

1.4 The significance of discourse analysis

1.4.1 Limitations of sentence grammar

1.4.2 Understanding the nature of language

1.4.3 Understanding discourse itself

1.4.4 Two levels of achievement in discourse analysis

1.4.5 Summary: some uses of discourse analysis

1.5 The scope of discourse analysis

1.6 Principles of discourse analysis

1.6.1 Introduction and classification

1.6.2 Principles of discourse analysis: language as social interaction

1.6.3 Text-linguistic perspectives on discourse

1.7 Approaches to discourse analysis

1.7.1 Mchoul

1.7.2 Schiffrin

1.8 Research methods in discourse analysis

1.8.1 Research design (a sample)

1.8.2 Nature of data

1.8.3 Sources of discourse data

1.9 Resources for doing discourse analysis

1.9.1 Online resources

1.9.2 Major journals publishing discourse research

Chapter 2 A Historical Overview of Discourse Analysis

2.1 Historical background

2.1.1 Plato & Aristotle

2.1.2 The ancient distinction between grammar (grammatical)and rhetoric (rhetorical)

2.1.3 The emergence of historical and comparative linguistics at the beginning of the 19th century

2.1.4 The birth of structural linguistics at the beginning of the 20th century

2.2 The origins of modern discourse analysis

2.2.1 Europe

2.2.2 America

2.3 The emergence of discourse analysis as anew discipline

2.3.1 Sociolinguistics

2.3.2 Philosophy of language or pragmatics

2.3.3 Text grammar

2.3.4 Artificial intelligence

2.3.5 Sociology: American ethnomethodologists

2.4 The interdisciplinary study of discourse

2.5 The 1990s

2.5.1 Shift from structural to functional analysis

2.5.2 From descriptive to critical analysis

2.6 Discourse analysis: the state of the art

Chapter 3 Standards of Textuality

3.1 Texture, textuality, text-ness

3.2 Cohesion

3.2.1 Reusing patterns

3.2.2 Compacting patterns

3.2.3 Signalling relations

3.3 Coherence

3.3.1 Concept

3.3.2 Relation

3.4 Intentionality

3.4.1 Speech act

3.4.2 The cooperative principle

3.4.3 Interactive problem-solving

3.5 Acceptability

3.6 Informativity

3.7 Situationality

3.8 Intertextuality

Chapter 4 Discourse Cohesion

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Text and texture

4.1.2 Cohesion and cohesive tie

4.2 Reference

4.2.1 Phoricity

4.2.2 Types of reference

4.3 Substitution

4.3.1 Substitution and reference

4.3.2 Types of substitution

4.4 Ellipsis

4.4.1 Introduction

4.4.2 Types of ellipsis

4.5 Conjunction

4.5.1 Definition of conjunction

4.5.2 Types of conjunction

4.6 Lexical cohesion

4.6.1 Textual properties of lexical items

4.6.2 Types of lexical cohesion

4.7 Cohesive harmony

4.7.1 Cohesive ties

4.7.2 Cohesive chains

4.7.3 Chain interaction

4.7.4 Cohesive harmony

4.8 Structural cohesion

4.8.1 Theme-rheme development

4.8.2 Given-new organization

4.9 Phonological cohesion

4.9.1 Intonation contour served as cohesive device to signalinformation left unsaid

4.9.2 Phonological cohesive in literary works

4.10 Summary: cohesive devices

Chapter 5 Discourse Coherence

5.1 Cohesion and coherence

5.1.1 Definitions of cohesion and coherence

5.1.2 The role of cohesion with respect to coherence

5.2 Semantic perspectives

5.2.1 Local coherence

5.2.2 Global coherence

5.3 Pragmatics perspectives

5.3.1 Discourse as sequence of illocutionary acts

5.3.2 Rhetorical Structure Theory(RST)

5.4 Cognitive perspectives

5.4.1 Coherence as a mental phenomenon

5.4.2 Schema theory and coherence

5.4.3 Procedural approach to coherence

5.4.4 Relevance theory

5.5 Informational coherence

5.6 Summary: approaches to coherence

Chapter 6 Discourse Structure

6.1 Thematic structure and thematic progression

6.1.1 Function sentence perspective

6.1.2 Thematic structure

6.1.3 Types of the theme

6.1.4 Thematic progression (staging, thematization)

6.1.5 General rules of the thematization process

6.1.6 Analyzing the thematic progression of discourse

6.2 Information structure

6.2.1 Definition

6.2.2 Realization of information structure in discourse

6.2.3 Given-new strategy

6.2.4 Topicalization and left dislocation

6.2.5 Topic continuity

6.3 Conversational discourse structure

6.3.1 Lesson

6.3.2 Move

6.3.3 Act

6.4 Sample analysis

6.5 Conversation analysis

6.5.1 Transition relevance place: the recognizable end of a turn-construction unit

6.5.2 Turn-taking rules

6.5.3 Conversational structure

6.5.4 Superstructure of written discourse

6.5.5 Systemic-functional approach to discourse structure: GenericStructure Potential(GSP)

6.5.6 Story-grammar approach to discourse structure

6.5.7 Textual pattern

6.5.8 Combination of approaches

Chapter 7 Critical Discourse Analysis

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Conceptual and theoretical frameworks

7.3 Principles of CDA

7.4 Research in CDA

7.4.1 Gender inequality

7.4.2 Media discourse

7.4.3 Political discourse

7.4.4 Ethnocentrism, anti-semitism, nationalism, and racism

7.4.5 From group domination to professional and institutionalpower

7.5 Methods of doing CDA

7.5.1 What to be analyzed?

7.5.2 A three-dimensional method of discourse analysis

7.6 CDA: From theory to Practice

7.6.1 The grammar of transitivity

7.6.2 The grammar of modality

7.6.3 Transformations

7.6.4 Classification

7.6.5 Coherence, order and unity of discourse




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