

James Joyce
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詹姆斯.乔伊斯久负盛名的短篇小说集,置景于二三十年代的都柏林,截取中下层人民生活的横断面,一个片刻一群人,十五个故事汇集起来,宛若一幅印象主义的绘画,笔触简练,错落成篇,浮现出苍凉世态,遥远、清冷,然而精致,是上上之品。 This short story collection draws a vivid portrait of Joyce's Dublin at the turn of the twentieth century, with rich imagery and characterization.置景于二三十年代的都柏林,截取中下层人民生活的横断面,一个片刻一群人,十五个故事汇集起来,宛若一幅印象主义的绘画,笔触简练,错落成篇,浮现出苍凉世态,遥远、清冷,然而精致,是上上之品。这15篇故事,以写实和讽刺的表现手法描绘了二十世纪初期都柏林中下阶层的生活,瘫痪和死亡贯穿全书。 was born in Dublin on February 2, 1882. He was the oldest of ten children in a family which, after brief prosperity, collapsed into poverty. Nonetheless, he was educated at the best Jesuit schools and then at University College, Dublin, where he gave proof of his extraordinary talent.In 1902, following his graduation, he went to Paris, thinking he might attend medical school there, but he soon gave up attending lectures and devoted himself to writing poems and prose sketches, and formulating an "aesthetic system'." Recalled to Dublin in April 1903 because of the fatal illness of his mother, he circled slowly towards his literary career. During the summer of 1904 he met a young woman from Galway, Nora Barnacle, and persuaded her to go with him to the Continent, where he planned to teach English.The young couple spent a few months in Pola (now in Yugoslavia), then in 1905 moved to Trieste, where, except for seven months in Rome and three trips to Dublin, they lived until June 1915. They had two children, a son and a daughter. His first book, the poems of , was published in London in 1907, and , a book of stories, in 1914. Italy's entrance into the First World War obliged Joyce to move to Zürich, where he remained until 1919. During this period he published (1916) and , a play (1918).After a brief return to Trieste following the armistice, Joyce determined to move to Paris so as to arrange more easily for the publication of , a book which he had been working on since 1914. It was, in fact, published on his birthday in Paris, in 1922, and brought him international fame. The same year he began work on , and though much harassed by eye troubles, and deeply affected by his daughter's mental illness, he completed and published that book in 1939. After the outbreak of the Second World War, he went to live in Unoccupied France, then managed to secure permission in December 1940 to return to Zürich. Joyce died there six weeks later, on 13 January 1941, and was buried in the Fluntern Cemetery.   爱尔兰作家,诗人。1882 年2月2日生于都伯林信奉天主教的家庭,1941 年1月13日卒于瑞士苏黎世。先后就读于都柏林大学克朗格斯伍德学院、贝尔沃迪尔学院和大学学院,很早就显露出音乐、宗教哲学及语言文学方面的才能,并开始诗歌、散文习作。他谙熟欧洲大陆作家作品,受易卜生影响尤深,并渐渐表现出对人类精神世界特殊的感悟及对家庭笃信的宗教和自己生活环境中的习俗、传统的叛逆。1902年大学毕业后,曾与当时的爱尔兰文艺复兴运动有所接触,不久即成为其对立面。同年,迫于经济压力及为摆脱家庭宗教和自身狭隘环境的束缚,自行流亡到欧洲大陆,先后在法国、瑞士、意大利过着流离的生活,广泛地吸取欧洲大陆和世界文化的精华。1905年以后,携妻子儿女在意大利的里亚斯特定居,带病坚持文学创作詹姆斯·乔伊斯是二十世纪伟大的作家之一,他的作品及“意识流”思想对全世界产生了巨大的影响。 “Caedmon has done a brilliant job in matching each story to a reader, resulting in fifteen readings as unique and personal as the stories themselves, each one glowing with individuality, color, and nuance.”--From The Critics

