Business and Communalism: A new paradigm?

Business and Communalism: …

Praeter Praeter
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In Business and Communalism, Praeter argues that business can no longer function for its own sake. In an increasingly transparent and connected world, business is more responsible and accountable to society. Globalization and growth have made the business sector a key player in the search for sustainability. Corporations and business leaders are being called upon to think and act from a communal rather than individual or single stakeholder perspective, and to move from a short to a long-term view in decision-making. This requires a fundamental shift in how we define, measure and reward value and wealth generation. It requires us to re-visit the purpose of business. If businesses are to survive and thrive in the emerging world they need to demonstrate a ?werather than an ?Iperspective and responsible leadership is required to take the necessary steps to start the movement towards communal responsibility and action. Business is becoming more environmentally friendly and more responsive to communities and consumers. This is happening partially in response to regulation, partially in recognition of emerging business opportunities and responsible growth and partially as a result of consumer pressures. However the fundamental questions of profit, value and growth are still to be tackled. Profit: in the short or long-termValue for whom: shareholders or stakeholdersGrowth: towards what end, and is it sustainableIn this new book, the authors explore the emergence of communalism and different types of leadership, purpose and organisation. They provide the reader with a set of values for communalism and exercises to build an individual perspective for the future.

