Talk With Your Kids: Ethics

Talk With Your Kids: Ethic…

Michael Parker
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"Would you rather your child was smart or good? Talk With Your Kids: Ethics has over 100 conversational and interactive questions for parents to discuss with their children to help decipher their child's stance on ethics, and hopefully sharpen the right values . Academic achievement is not the only important aspect of raising children. Michael says that parents also need to think consciously as to how we develop the next generation to be ethical thinkers and decent members of society. Talk With Your Kids asks universal questions perfectly pitched to 10 to 15 year olds. From Cyber-bullying, politics, terrorism, environment to crime and animal rights, every question that you have ever been asked is answered. Parents of varying opinions can choose a topic and lead the charge in a conversation that will engage, inspire and even divide their children. Ethics is written with the intention to raise more questions rather than answer them, drawing kids into an area of thinking that gets progressively trickier and murkier promoting deeper thinking. New York publishing house Black Dog & Leventhal published and distributed a US version of the book America wide, where the topic of ethics is at the forefront of every conversation. Featured as Augusts Indie Choice by US booksellers, the message of this book is set to spread around the world.

