The Book of Life 生命册

The Book of Life 生命册

李佩甫,Helena Laughton
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生我养我的无梁村,有着吴志鹏极力摆脱却终挥之不去的记忆。哺育我十多年的老姑父为了爱情放弃了军人的身份,却在之后的几十年生活中深陷家庭矛盾无法自拔;为了拉扯大三个孩子,如草芥般的虫嫂沦为小偷,陷人人可唾的悲剧命运;村里的能手春才,在青春期性的诱惑和村人的闲言碎语中自宫……在时代与土地的变迁中,人物的精神产生裂变,都走向了自己的反面。在这些无奈和悲凉中,在各种异化的人生轨迹中,又蕴藏着一个个生命的真谛。 《生命册》的主题是时代与人,在从传统乡土到现代都市的巨大的跨越中,李佩甫深切地关注着那些背负土地行走的人们。他怀着经典现实主义的雄心和志向,确信从人的性格和命运中可以洞见社会意识的深层结构。 《生命册》以沉雄老道的笔力塑造着一系列鲜明的人物形象,快与慢、得与失、故土与他乡、物质与精神、灵魂的质地在剧烈的颠簸中受缜密的测试和考验,他们身上的尖锐矛盾所具有的过渡性的特征,与社会生活的转型形成了具体而迫切的呼应。 The Book of Life portrays China's half-century transformation through orphan Wu Zhipeng's escape from the poverty of his native village in Henan province. It creates a series of distinctive persons with a bold yet profound voice. Li Peifu focuses on those who carry their rural backgrounds with them wherever they go. They are tested by intense contrasts of gain and loss, fast and slow, matter and spirit, homeland and foreign land. Their fate offers us insight into the deep structures of social consciousness. These transitional struggles are a clear and urgent echo of the transformations of contemporary society.
李佩甫这部《生命册》一个突出的思想艺术成就,正在于作家以其积累深厚的艺术功力对于他笔端这些沉重异常的灵魂世界行了深度的挖掘与表现。(山西大学文学院教授王春林评) 小说是一枚悲凉的时代缩影:在无可选择的现代化程中,古老大地上的人们难善其身,他们离乡背井陌生的城市,寻求出路、寻找价值,而在那里,农耕时代的道德,迎头遭遇商品世界的嘲弄、遭受资本社会的摧残,迷失或是坚守,或是退,这不仅是乡村和背负乡村者面临的生死抉择,其实也已是所有心怀乡愿者面临的严峻挑战。(《花城》杂志执行主编朱燕玲评) 《生命册》的主题是时代与人。在从传统乡土到现代都市的巨大跨越中,李佩甫深切关注着那些“背负土地行走”的人们。他怀着经典现实主义的雄心和志向,确信从人的性格和命运中,可以洞见社会意识的深层结构。《生命册》以沉雄老到的笔力塑造了一系列鲜明的人物形象。快与慢、得与失、故土与他乡、物质与精神,灵魂的质地在剧烈的颠簸中经受缜密的测试和考验,他们身上的尖锐矛盾所具有的过渡性特征,与社会生活的转型形成了具体而迫切的呼应。《生命册》正如李佩甫所深爱的大平原,宽阔深厚的土地上,诚恳地留下了时代的足迹。(茅盾文学奖颁奖辞)
李佩甫,1953年出生,河南人,中国当代知名作家,河南省作协主席。著有长篇小说《羊的门》《城的灯》《等等灵魂》等,中篇小说《黑蜻蜓》《村魂》《田园》等。 Li Peifu was born into a worker’s family, in Xuchang, Henan, in October 1953, is one of the most well-known authors in China today. He started to publish works in 1978. He graduated from Henan Radio and Television University in 1984, where he majored in Chinese language and literature. After graduation, he worked at Xuchang Municipal Bureau of Culture and later became president of the Henan Writers Association and Henan Literature and Art Association. On August 16, 2015, he was awarded the Mao Dun Literature Prize for his novel The Book of Life. His most influential work is The Book of Life, which he finished in 2011, and which won him the prestigious Mao Dun Literature Prize in 2015. The Book of Life is also the finale of his Plains Trilogy, after the 1999 Door of the Sheepfold and the 2003 The Light of the Cities.

