Claiming her Alien Warrior

Claiming her Alien Warrior

Mina Carter
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In a race against the clock, she must betray his trust to acheive her mission… But fooling a Latharian warrior comes with a price.? A guest of the Lathar, Jane Allen hasn’t forgotten what she is: a hard as nails marine major. Tasked with finding a way to beat the technologically advanced, biologically superior warrior race, she needs to find answers for her superiors… before they arm the nukes and give the Lathar an excuse for war. Because the little green men aren’t so little. Or green… they’re large, ripped, scarily-attractive alpha male warriors hot enough to make any red-blooded woman weak at the knees. Especially one particular warrior with black hair and a sexy growl she can’t resist…? She’s his… she just doesn’t know it yet.? Karryl K’Vass has wanted the little human warrioress, Jane, from the moment he saw her. But she’s a tricky one, evading his claim even though he knows she desires him. His campaign for her heart is stalled when duty calls him away; a mission into a dangerous part of space to gather intelligence on the Empire’s enemies. A beautiful stowaway is the last thing he needs, even if she does make his body burn. He’ll finish his mission and get her back to the safety of Lathar Prime…? But no plan survives contact with the enemy. Reptilian mercenaries, a crash landing, and a case of amnesia later and they land in the clutches of their enemies who think it would be better if Karryl took a long walk out of a short airlock…

