面对2020年年初这场突如其来的新冠病毒疫情,全国医疗卫生战线的不少医务人员主动请缨,出征疫区,用专业挽救生命。他们穿着统一的防护服,被口罩遮住了表情,除了衣服上用不同字迹书写的名字,一时之间似乎让人难以辨认。中国外科之父裘法祖院士说:“徳不近佛者不可以为医,才不近仙者不可以为医。”身处病毒风暴的中心,他们既是国之栋梁,也是火线战士,更是千万个普普通通的中国人,是丈夫、妻子、姐妹、兄弟,摘下口罩,他们的汗与泪却鲜为人知。 我们征集了全国近百家医院的工作人员在抗疫一线拍摄的图片和视频素材,记录防护服里、口罩下医护人员的点滴事迹。我们将素材整合,推出了本书,以人称视角记录医护团队不畏艰险、英勇出征的危急时刻,苦中作乐、互帮互助的花絮特写,救死扶伤、攻克疫情的动人画面,旨在呈现一幅立体、真实的抗疫场景。 Introduction Facing the epidemic of COVID-19, countless medical workers around the country volunteered to venture to Hubei to help save lives with their professional expertise. Because of identical protective suits and masks covering their faces, they can’t be distinguished from each other without names written on protective gear. Qiu Fazu, considered the father of modern Chinese surgery, once said: “Becoming a doctor requires the skill of a fairy and the morality of Buddha, and without these a practitioner would only mislead others.” At the epicenter of the outbreak, China’s elite medical workers are standing firm like warriors on the front lines, but they are also husbands, wives, sisters and brothers. When the masks finally come off after the epidemic, perhaps little has been known about the monumental efforts they made in the battle. We collected images and videos shot by medical staff on the front lines of the epidemic in nearly 100 hospitals across the nation to capture moving moments during medical workers’ efforts to combat the disease. Based on first-hand images and videos, we compiled a book to shine light on the heroic deeds of medical workers in the time of crisis as well as to illustrate how they endured hardship and adversity to save countless lives. The book aims to show an accurate, multi-faceted picture of the fight against the epidemic.展开