


Gigantic Beasts Must Fall电子书

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作       者:IP Spall

出  版  社:M-Y Books Europe


字       数:30.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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With a strange new game under his arm, Gareth was eager to get home, fired up by his new discovery. He knew deep down that it was just a game, but the mere thought of battling such fantastical and colossal creatures, whilst travelling to strange new worlds, was just too much to be ignored. As soon as he arrived back at the flat, he laid the game out, unknowingly committing himself to whatever might lie ahead. To his astonishment the game was real, as he found himself transported through time and space, waking up in another man’s body, on a bizarre new alien world. As the game progressed, Gareth faced the most horrific and terrifying creatures, often placing himself in harm’s way, but with a new found confidence achieved with each kill, a personal obsession was then fuelled by his compulsion to complete the game. With every play, he found himself in many weird and wonderful places, times and dimensions. With courage and confidence, he suffered and endured both the benefits and consequences of battling such beasts, as his life slowly changed in various ways, with each level completed. In a set of frightening scenarios, he slowly led himself towards the final battle, where he found himself facing something beyond all comprehension; he fought bravely and reaped the biggest reward, sadly paying the ultimate price for his great success.




Chapter 1: What a find

Chapter 2: The Game

Chapter 3: The Palace Ruins

Chapter 4: The Beast of Ranula Atoll

Chapter 5: The Mountain of Ghosts

Chapter 6: Titan of the Desert

Chapter 7: Tentacle Attack

Chapter 8: Forest Dwelling Eels

Chapter 9: Heavily Plated

Chapter 10: King of the Bush

Chapter 11: Within the Depths of the Glacier

Chapter 12: The Spiderlings

Chapter 13: The Broken Crater

Chapter 14: In the end

Chapter 15: Arsenal of Weapons

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