


Puritan' Democracy of Thomas Hill Green电子书

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作       者:de Sanctis, Alberto

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:139.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The central concern of this book is to demonstrate how Puritanism was a theme which ran through all Green's biography and political philosophy. It thereby reveals how Green's connections with Evangelicalism and his known affinities with religious dissent came from his way of conceiving Puritanism. In Green's eyes, its anti-formalist viewpoint made Puritanism the most suitable tool for avoiding the drawbacks of democracy. The key objective of the book is to illustrate how the philosophy elaborated by Green aimed to encapsulate the best of Puritanism whilst eschewing the dangerous abstractions of both Puritan philosophy and German idealism. It follows that Green's conception of positive and negative freedom, and his vision of political obligation, stemmed from his effort to revive the Puritan heritage rather than from an ambiguous flirtation with idealism. The book purports to show how the influence of Puritanism in Green's political thought is an element which can help to integrate the literature in the area, contributing to a better comprehension of a philosopher who, despite being unanimously considered as the founder of the so-called Oxford idealist school, had a very difficult and sometimes obscure connection with idealism. It has been widely argued that Green's relationship with idealism seemed to be infected by a religious germ which, because it was unrelated to German idealism, gave it a bad taste. This study aims to encourage further investigation into the nature and propagation of that germ in the British idealist School.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information




Body matter


Chapter I: The Influence of Puritanism

1. Cromwell and Aristotle

2. Idealism and Empiricism

3. The Primacy of the Spirit

4. Faith in Progress

5. International Politics

6. A Judgment on India

Chapter II: Victorian Puritanism and Green’s Conception of Politics

1. Green’s Exceptional Individuality

2. The Force of Circumstances: J.S. Mill and the Victorian Novel

3. After Balliol: Green’s Radicalism

4. Anglicanism and Germany

5. The Role of the Philosopher

6. Assistant to the School Commission

7. The Puritan Revolution

Chapter III: Political Activity

1. The Importance of Facts

2. The 1867 Electoral Reform

3. Gladstonian Reformism

4. The Land Question

5. The Liquor Question

6. The Need for Education

7. The 1874 Election Defeat

8. The Disraeli Government and Green’s Political Activity

9. The Problem of Mass Political Participation

10. Electoral Corruption

11. Democracy and War

12. A Puritan Citizenship

13. The End of a Life

Chapter IV: Political Obligation

1. The Puritan Way

2. Inward and Outward Man

3. The Problem of Obedience

4. Character and State Intervention

5. A Teleological Conception of Citizenship

6. Custom and Reason

7. An Empirical General Will

8. Common Sense and Self-realization

9. The Right of Property

10. Vane and Positive Freedom

11. A New Liberalism


Back matter

Appendix: A Selection of Green’s Undergraduate Essays


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