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作       者:王勋,纪飞

出  版  社:清华大学出版社


字       数:15.7万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 实用英语



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《伊索寓言》是世界上古老、伟大的寓言故事集,被誉为西方寓言的始祖,主要是由古希腊人伊索创作和收集整理而成。它对人类文化影响深远,堪称人类文明史上的一座丰碑。在西方人眼中,它的重要性仅次于《圣经》。其中“农夫和蛇”、“狼来了”、“披着羊皮的狼”和“龟兔赛跑”等脍炙人口的故事伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。它被译成世界上一百多种文字,而其中的英文版本更是不计其数,本书选用的是著名的英文版本之一,精选了其中著名的两百多个故事。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,本书对当代中国的大、中学生都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每篇英文传说故事的始部分增加了中文导读。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>1、本系列所选择的都是原汁原味的英文版本,非缩略版或者简写版。原版阅读的好处是能领会到外国文学的魅力,可以准确把握作家写作时的情感,并且不用忍受干巴巴和简略的英文单词描述,这种感觉非简写版那种只管学英语单词的图书能比。 2、本系列版式精美,字体较大,行距适中,读起来非常舒服,其他英语书基本32,字小。 3、即使不看了转赠别人也丝毫不跌价,封面用纸好,抗磨损能力强。阅读手感好。 4、有些品种的英语版本在国内很少见到,比如福尔摩斯归来、爱尔杰系列等。 读者留言选登:  喜欢中文导读版本。因为不会过多依赖翻译。  很喜欢这本书的排版和印刷,页眉角的风格很有英国中世纪的味道,价格物有所值  当初比较小的时候读过中文的神秘岛,很喜欢这本小说,现如今了英文版的,感觉很不错,装帧也很精美。  简爱是我*喜欢的著作之一,这个版本本来是来送给妹妹的,拿到手的时候发现手感和阅读感格外的好,遂决定再一本给自己。外表很漂亮,内容以中文作导读,英文为主文,很实用。  书很漂亮,字体很大方,看起来很舒服,书送来的时候还裹着膜,很好  这本是我见过的大概5部《小王子》里*爱的一个版本啦! 书的质量超级好,很有质感~~ 简单的中文导读比全文翻译来得美多了~喜欢,喜欢,大喜欢。以后还要这个系列的,激动~~  导读言简意赅,又完全起到冠领全文的作用。真是很棒的一个版本~小王子的内容自不用说,经典名著了,内容不多,但是经久不衰的赞誉足以证明它的妙处!这是大本,不同有普通32K书,字也适中,读起来舒服~大赞ing~  这本书真的超值,我了《爱丽丝漫游奇境》《小王子》和《彼得潘》,非常棒!印刷清晰,字又大,每章前有小部分的中文导读,然后便是完整版的英文,适合学英语的朋友看,也适合收藏,将来给孩子看,哈哈哈~我一般不留言的,这书太惊喜了。是我在当当网上过*好的书了。  首先,印刷质量很好,纸质也非常棒,赞一个~~当然*重要的是书的内容啦,这本书市中文导读的英文版,每一章都先用中文叙述一下故事大意,比直读英文原版效果更好。很喜欢~~  看了原版,才知道外国文学的魅力。<br/>



1.驴和它的主人 The Ass and His Masters

2.驴和青蛙 The Ass and the Frogs

3.驴和买主 The Ass and His Purchaser

4.驴和战马 The Ass and the Charger

5.驴和蚱蜢 The Ass and the Grasshopper

6.驴和哈巴狗 The Ass and the Lapdog

7.驴和骡子 The Ass and the Mule

8.驴和老牧人 The Ass and the Old Shepherd

9.驴的脑子 The Ass’s Brains

10.驮神像的驴 The Ass Carrying the Image

11.驴、公鸡和狮子 The Ass,the Cock,and the Lion

12.墨丘利和伐木工 Mercury and the Woodman

13.父与子 The Father and His Sons

14.熊和狐狸 The Bear and the Fox

15.熊和两个行人 The Bearand the Two Travelers

16.肚子和身体器官 The Belly and the Members

17.猴子和两个旅行者 The Apes andthe Two Travelers

18.射手和狮子 The Bowman and the Lion

19.男孩和榛子 The Boy and the Filberts

20.洗澡的男孩 The Boy Bathing

21.铜匠和他的狗 The Brazier and His Dog

22.兄妹 The Brother and the Sister

23.小丑和农夫 The Buffoon and the Countryman

24.吹牛的旅行者 The Boasting Traveler

25.公牛和牛犊 The Bull and the Calf

26.公牛、母狮和打野猪的猎人 The Bull,the Lioness,and the Wild-Boar Hunter

27.一捆木棒 The Bundle of Sticks

28.蚂蚁和鸽子 The Ant and the Dove

29.笼中鸟和蝙蝠 The Cage Birdand the Bat

30.骆驼 The Camel

31.跳蚤和公牛 The Flea and the Ox

32.猫女 The Cat-Maiden

33.猫和公鸡 The Cat and the Cock

34.猫和老鼠 The Cat and the Mice

35.烧炭人和漂洗工 The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller

36.黑仆人 The Aethiop

37.战马和磨坊主 The Charger and the Miller

38.螃蟹母子 The Crab and Its Mother

39.螃蟹和狐狸 The Crab and the Fox

40.乌鸦和墨丘利 The Crow and Mercury

41.乌鸦和水瓶 The Crow and the Pitcher

42.乌鸦和蛇 The Crow and the Serpent

43.贪婪和嫉妒 Avaricious and Envious

44.虚荣的寒鸦 The Vain Jackdaw

45.蜜蜂和朱庇特 The Bee and Jupiter

46.年轻的贼和他母亲 The Young Thief and His Mother

47.给猫系铃铛 Belling the Cat

48.海豚、鲸鱼和鲱鱼 The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat

49.鸽子和乌鸦 The Dove and the Crow

50.鹰和捕鹰人 The Eagle and His Captor

51.鹰和箭 The Eagle and the Arrow

52.鹰和寒鸦 The Eagle and the Jackdaw

53.鹰、猫和野猪 The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow

54.鹰和狐狸 The Eagle and the Fox

55.母鹿和狮子 The Doe and the Lion

56.狗和厨子 The Dog and the Cook

57.狗的家 The Dog’s House

58.狗和倒影 The Dog and the Shadow

59.狗和狼 The Dog and the Wolf

60.狗、公鸡和狐狸 The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox

61.农夫和他的儿子们 The Farmer and His Sons

62.农夫和鹤 The Farmer and the Cranes

63.农夫和狐狸 The Farmer and the Fox

64.农夫和蛇 The Farmer and the Snake

65.小鹿和母鹿 The Fawn and His Mother

66.鞋匠改行当医生 The Cobbler Turned Doctor

67.杉树和刺藤 The Fir-Tree and the Bramble

68.渔夫 The Fisher

69.渔夫和渔网 The Fisherman and His Nets

70.渔夫和小鱼 The Fisherman and the Little Fish

71.驴和马 The Ass and the Horse

72.苍蝇和蜂蜜罐 The Flies and the Honey-Pot

73.四头公牛和一头狮子 The Four Oxen and the Lion

74.捕鸟人和毒蛇 The Fowler and the Viper

75.狐狸和刺藤 The Foxand the Bramble

76.狐狸和猫 The Fox and the Cat

77.狐狸和猴子 The Fox and the Monkey

78.狐狸和乌鸦 The Fox and the Crow

79.狐狸和葡萄 The Fox and the Grapes

80.狐狸和刺猬 The Fox and the Hedgehog

81.狐狸和豹子 The Fox and the Leopard

82.狐狸和山羊 The Fox and the Goat

83.狐狸和狮子 The Fox and the Lion

84.没有尾巴的狐狸 The Fox Without a Tail

85.狐狸和伐木工 The Fox and the Woodcutter

86.狐狸、公鸡和狗 The Fox, the Cockand the Dog

87.挤奶姑娘和奶桶 The Milk-Women and Her Pail

88.狼和狐狸 The Wolf and the Fox

89.狼和山羊 The Wolf and the Goat

90.狼和马 The Wolf and the Horse

91.狼和看家狗 The Wolf and the Housedog

92.狼和小羊 The Wolf and the Lamb

93.狼和羊 The Wolf and the Sheep

94.狼和牧羊人 The Wolf and Shepherd

95.狼和狮子 The Wolf and the Lion

96.披着羊皮的狼 The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

97.狼和羊 The Wolves and the Sheep

98.狼和牧羊狗 The Wolves and the Sheepdogs

99.妇人和她的母鸡 The Woman and HerHen

100.樵夫和蛇 The Woodman and Serpent

101.风和太阳 The Wind and theSun

102.青蛙和公牛 The Frog and the Ox

103.青蛙和井 The Frogs and the Well

104.蝙蝠和黄鼠狼 The Bat and the Weasels

105.蝙蝠、鸟和兽 The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts

106.蚊子和公牛 The Gnat and the Bull

107.蚊子和狮子 The Gnat and the Lion

108.山羊和驴 The Goat and the Ass

109.牧羊人和野山羊 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats

110.好事和坏事 The Goods and the Ills

111.下金蛋的鹅 The Goose With the Golden Eggs

112.野兔和狐狸 The Hares and the Foxes

113.野兔和青蛙 The Hares and the Frogs

114.野兔和狮子 The Hares and the Lions

115.野兔和猎狗 The Hare and the Hound

116.龟兔赛跑 The Hare and the Tortoise

117.朋友众多的野兔 The Hare With Many Friends

118.鹿和猎人 The Hart and the Hunter

119.鹿和藤蔓 The Hart and the Vine

120.鹰、鸢和鸽子 The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons

121.蚂蚁和蚱蜢 The Ants and the Grasshopper

122.母牛和公牛 The Heifer and the Ox

123.母鸡和金蛋 The Hen and the Golden Eggs

124.赫拉克勒斯和帕拉斯 Hercules and Pallas

125.赫拉克勒斯和马车夫 Hercules and the Wagoner

126.牧人和走失的公牛 The Herdsman and the Lost Bull

127.马和驴 The Horse and the Ass

128.马、猎人和鹿 The Horse, Hunter, and Stag

129.马和骑兵 The Horse and His Rider

130.猎人和骑马者 The Hunter and the Horseman

131.猎人和伐木工 The Hunter and the Woodman

132.安德罗克勒斯 Androcles

133.墨丘利木像和木匠 The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter

134.寒鸦和鸽子 The Jackdaw and the Doves

135.寒鸦和狐狸 The Jackdaw and the Fox

136.松鸦和孔雀 The Jay and the Peacock

137.捕鸟人、山鹑和公鸡 The Birdcatcher,the Partridge,and the Cock

138.朱庇特和猴子 Jupiterand the Monkey

139.朱庇特、尼普顿、密涅瓦和莫摩斯 Jupiter,Neptune,Minerva,and Momus

140.小羊和狼 The Kidand the Wolf

141.国王的儿子与狮子的画像 The King’s Sonand the Painted Lion

142.狮子的王国 The Kingdom of the Lion

143.老人和死神 The Old Man and the Death

144.鸢和天鹅 The Kites and the Swans

145.农夫和蛇 The Laborer and the Snake

146.云雀和小云雀 The Lark and HerYoung Ones

147.狮子和海豚 /The Lion and the Dolphin

148.狮子和野猪 The Lion and the Boar

149.狮子和鹰 The Lion and the Eagle

150.蚂蚁和蛹 The Ant and the Chrysalis

151.狮子和狐狸 The Lion and the Fox

152.狮子和野兔 The Lion and the Hare

153.坠入爱河的狮子 The Lionin Love

154.狮子、狐狸和野兽 The Lion,theFox,and the Beasts

155.狮子、朱庇特和大象 The Lion,Jupiter,and the Elephant

156.狮子、熊和狐狸 The Lion,the Bear,and the Fox

157.狮子和老鼠 The Lion and the Mouse

158.狮子、狐狸和驴 The Lion,the Fox,and the Ass

159.狮子、狼和狐狸 The Lion,the Wolf,and the Fox

160.狮子的份额 The Lion’s Share

161.秃头骑士 The Bald Knight

162.小男孩和命运女神 The Little Boy and Fortune

163.男人和两个心上人 The Man and His Two Sweethearts

164.男人和妻子 The Man and His Wife

165.公鸡和宝石 The Cock and the Jewel

166.男人和萨提儿 The Man and the Satyr

167.人和树林 The Man and the Wood

168.男人、男孩和驴 The Man,the Boy,and the Donkey

169.人、马、牛和狗 The Man,the Horse,the Ox,and the Dog

170.杀人犯 The Manslayer

171.老鼠和黄鼬 The Mice and the Weasels

172.恶狗 The Mischievous Dog

173.守财奴 The Miser

174.猴子和骆驼 The Monkey and the Camel

175.猴子和海豚 The Monkey and the Dolphin

176.猴子和渔夫 The Monkey and the Fishermen

177.骆驼和朱庇特 The Camel and Jupiter

178.橡树和芦苇 The Oak and the Reeds

179.老鼠和公牛 The Mouse and the Bull

180.老鼠、青蛙和鹰 The Mouse,the Frog,and the Hawk

181.骡子 The Mule

182.骡子和强盗 The Mules and the Robbers

183.老猎狗 The Old Hound

184.老妪和医生 The Old Woman and the Physician

185.猫头鹰和鸟 The Owl and the Birds

186.牛和青蛙 The Ox and the Frog

187.牛和屠夫 The Oxen and the Butchers

188.豹子和牧羊人 The Panther and the Shepherds

189.山鹑和猎人 The Partridge and the Fowler

190.孔雀和鹤 The Peacock and the Crane

191.农夫和老鹰 The Peasant and the Eagle

192.小猪、绵羊和山羊 The Piglet,the Sheep,and the Goat

193.顽皮的驴 The Playful Ass

194.预言家 The Prophet

195.青蛙冒充医生 The Quack Frog

196.富人和皮匠 The Rich Man and the Tanner

197.河与海 The Rivers and the Sea

198.玫瑰和不凋花 The Rose and the Amaranth

199.盐商和他的驴 The Salt Merchant and His Ass

200.蝎子和青蛙 The Scorpion and the Frog

201.海边的旅行者 The Seaside Travelers

202.蛇和锉刀 The Serpent and the File

203.母山羊和胡子 The She-Goats and Their Beards

204.牧羊人和羊 The Shepherd and the Sheep

205.牧羊人和狼 The Shepherd and the Wolf

206.狼来了 The Shepherd’s Boy

207.落水还不忘说谎的骗子 The Shipwrecked Impostor

208.病鸢 The Sick Kite

209.病牡鹿 The Sick Stag

210.麻雀和野兔 The Sparrow and the Hare

211.败家子和燕子 The Spendthrift and the Swallow

212.牡鹿、狼和羊 The Stag,theWolf,and the Sheep

213.燕子和别的鸟 The Swallow and the Other Birds

214.燕子、蛇和法庭 The Swallow,the Serpent,and the Court of Justice

215.天鹅和鹅 /The Swan and the Goose

216.贼和他的母亲 The Thief and His Mother

217.小偷和看门狗 The Thief and the Housedog

218.贼和客栈老板 The Thief and the Innkeeper

219.口渴的鸽子 The Thirsty Pigeon

220.三个工匠 The Three Tradesmen

221.乌龟和鹰 The Tortoise and the Eagle

222.城里老鼠和乡下老鼠 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

223.旅行者和他的狗 The Traveler and His Dog

224.两个旅行者和梧桐树 The Travelersand the Plane-Tree

225.树和芦苇 The Tree and the Reed

226.受诸神庇护的树 The TreesUndertheProtection of the Gods

227.被俘的号兵 The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner

228.两个旅伴和熊 The Two Fellows and the Bear

229.两只袋子 The Two Bags

230.两只狗 The Two Dogs

231.两只青蛙 The Two Frogs

232.两只螃蟹 The Two Crabs

233.两个罐子 The Two Pots

234.两个士兵和强盗 The Two Soldiers and the Robber

235.两个旅行者和斧子 The Two Travelers and the Axe

236.葡萄和山羊 The Vine and the Goat

237.毒蛇和锉刀 The Viper and the File

238.狐狸和狮子 The Vixen and the Lioness

239.核桃树 The Walnut-Tree

240.黄鼠狼和老鼠 The Weasel and the Mice

241.寡妇和她的小女仆 The Widow and Her Little Maidens

242.寡妇和羊 The Widow and the Sheep

243.野猪和狐狸 The Wild Boar and the Fox

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