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作       者:汤红娟

出  版  社:电子科技大学出版社


字       数:3109

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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随着外语教学改革的深入发展,充分利用现代化教育手段和教学方法改变过去单一的讲授式教学,在课堂中以学生为中心,调动师生教与学的互动,给外语课堂带来了别开生面的气氛,有效地促进了教学效果。但目前这样的教学仅多见于实践课、知识课的课堂中。也许是我少见寡闻,还没听说过用现代化教育手段在专业知识理论课堂上教学的。所以当汤红娟老师把她近期的学术研究成果《CAI 简明英语词汇学》送来时,着实让我吃惊不小。她送来的不是厚厚的一摞书稿,而是两张软盘:不是用Word 去阅读文本,而是用PowerPoint 去展示每一章节。我完全被这种新颖的构思、巧妙的设计和大信息量的理论知识所吸引住。在电脑上把全书看完,真是感触良多。






Episode 1 A General Survey of Word

Ⅰ. Terminologies

1. Vocabulary

2. Lexicology

Ⅱ. Definition of WORD

4. Semantics

2. Bloomfield’s Definition

4. Our Consideration

Ⅲ. Theory of Naming

1. Saussure’s Signifier and Signified

Ⅴ. Sense and Meaning

3. Our Interpretation

Ⅵ. The Referential Theory of Meaning

Ⅶ. Classification of Senses

1. Denotative/Conceptual/Lexical/DictionarySense

3. Social/Stylistic Sense

4. Affective Sense

6. Reflected Sense

Episode 2 Main Characteristics of English Vocabulary

Ⅰ. The Development of EV

1. Old English/Anglo-Saxon Period

2. Middle English Period

3. Modern English Period

Ⅱ. Reasons of Its Newest Development

1. Marked Progress of Science and Technology

2. Socio-Economic, Political and Cultural Changes

3. The Instability of the World Pattern

Ⅲ. Main Characteristics

Ⅳ. Classification of EV

Episode 3 Morphological Structure of English Words

Ⅰ. Morpheme

Ⅲ. Classification of Morphemes

Ⅳ. Root · Stem · Base

Ⅴ. Morphological Structure

Ⅵ. A General Survey of Word- formation Processes & Percentage of Words Formed by These Processes after World War Ⅱ

Episode 4 Major Processes of Word-formation

Ⅰ. Derivation/Affixation

1. Definition

Ⅱ. Conversion

1. Definition:

Ⅲ. Compounding

1. Definition

3. Features of Compounds

4. Classification of Compounds

5. Orthographic Principles of Compounds

Episode 5 Minor Processes of Word-Formation

Ⅰ. Blending

Ⅱ. Acronymy

1. Initialism

2. Acronym

Ⅲ. Clipping/Shortening

1. Definition

3. Notes

Ⅳ. Back-formation

1. Definition

Ⅴ. Commonization of PNs

Ⅵ. Reduplication

1. Definition

2. Notes for Reduplication

Ⅶ. Neoclassical Formation

Ⅷ. Miscellaneous

1. Coinage

2. Analogy

Episode 6 Motivation

Ⅰ. Definition

Ⅲ. Types of Motivation

1. Onomatopoeic Motivation

2. Morphological Motivation

4. Etymological Motivation

6. Socio-cultural Motivation

Ⅳ. Loss of Motivation

Episode 7 Semantic Features & Componential Analysis

Ⅰ. Semantic Features

1. Definition

4. SF of Verbs and Adjectives

Ⅱ. Componential Analysis

1. Definition

2. Advantages

3. Disadvantages

Ⅲ. Semantic Relations Case Grammar Syntactic Relations

Episode 8 Semantic Changes

Ⅰ. Pairs of Meanings in Semantic Changes

Ⅱ. Diachronic and Synchronic

Ⅲ. Types of Semantic Changes

Ⅳ. Reasons of Semantic Changes

Episode 9 Polysemy & Homonymy

Ⅰ. Polysemy

1. Definition

3. Sources of Polysemy

Ⅱ. Homonymy

1. Definition

Ⅲ. The Relation between Polysemy and Homonymy

3. Sources of Homonymy

Ⅳ. Problem of Polysemy and Homonymy

Ⅴ. Stylistic Value of Polysemy and Homonymy

Episode 10 Sense Relations

Ⅰ. Sense Relations in General

Ⅱ. Hyponymy

1. Semantic Fields

2. Definition of Hyponymy

4. Types of Words in Semantic Fields

5. Notes

Ⅱ. Synonymy

1. Definition

3. Sources

4. Notes

Ⅲ. Antonymy

1. Definition

3. Notes

Episode 11 Association and Collocation

Ⅰ. Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations

Ⅱ. Association

1. Definition

Ⅲ. Collocation

3. Exemplification of Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Rules of Association

2. Features of Collocation

3. Types of Collocations

Ⅳ. Application of Association and Collocation

1. Association and collocation of synonymous structures

3. Association and collocation centering on a given subject

Episode 12 English Idioms

Ⅰ. Definition

Ⅲ. Sources

Ⅳ. Classification

Ⅴ. Phrasal Verbs

1. Definition

3. Notes

Ⅵ. Proverbs

1. Definition

Ⅶ. Metaphorical and Similized Idioms

Ⅷ. Binomials and Trinomials

1. Definition

3. Features

5. Relations between Components

Ⅸ. Flexible Use of Idioms——Parody

Episode 13 American English: History and Characteristics

Ⅰ. History and Growth of American English

1. Origins and Circumstances

2. Noah Webster’s Contribution and American Literature

4. The Status of American English

Ⅱ. Characteristics of American English

Ⅲ. Differences between AmE and BrE




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