




售       价:¥


202人正在读 | 1人评论 6.2

作       者:王勋,刘新玲

出  版  社:清华大学出版社


字       数:67.7万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 实用英语



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Where is god?


Kids theories of science...

Choose the Right One

Czech Dissident

Working in the garden

Frozen to death

Translate your CV

Signs & Notices

Advertising Terms 1

Advertising Terms 2

The Bank Robber

Mother In Law

The Balloonist and the Programmer

Two-Cow philosophy

Out of the mouths of babes

Product Labels

A rich man goes to heaven...

Air hostess

Climbing the stairs

Yet another “technical support”...

Birthday belief systems

Doctors & mechanics

The Microsoft waiter

You and your boss

Swapping professional secrets

Hit the floor—A true story

The job interview

Farmer joes accident

A bad hairdresser day

Woman held hostage by pillsbury biscuit

George W. Bush Bible—His favorite Bible verse

The “noisy cactus” That Turned out to Have Thousands of Tarantulas In It

Live on a Cruise Liner Rather than a Retirement Facility?

The hunters who end up dynamiting a brand new SUV and their dog on a frozen lake

The danger of Green Grass Snakes

The Louisiana lawyer who was asked to prove title on a piece of property “back to its origin.”

The Arkansas woman who thought the rapture was taking place and got killed on a highway

Insulting voice mail at Pacific Palisades High School

Stories about crazy questions from government employees to travel agents

The man who owed zero and had to pay zero to correct his bill

A dogs eye view of the world

Adopt an NBA player

A French teachers memories: a short nap

A French teachers memories: boys are not born in cabbage fields

A French teachers memories: first day at school

A happy relationship with animals

A true story from the Japanese embassy in US

Customer care in 2020

Eternal wit

Funniest letters to God from children

Funny sayings—simply bad life tips

Hello sir!

How to spot a fib

Humor quotations—top 35 funny quotations by famous comedians

I got to play an April fools joke before I was born

Interview repartees

Losing your voice

Memo: forbidden colors

Mick’s curriculum vitae

My pet peeves

Not your average Sunday morning

Politically correct Christmas carols and holiday songs

Practical jokes list

Psychiatric psychiatrist—a joke on psychiatry

Re-incarnation is real

Sell your phones

Teacher arrested

The top 10 all time worst jokes about piano players

Three tortoises

To see or not to see

When the father becomes the groom

Assorted parenting funnies

Birthing drugs for dads

The bus driver’s name

Football fever

I am NOT superwoman!

In the eyes of the beholder

Family life with jordy

Parents of teenagers: all we ask for is just a little information

Losin’ it

I married a computer fanatic

Mixed nuts

Mommy Olympics

My mom, the spy

Pleasant Evening Out

Potty Mouth

President mom

Incorporating a referee’s techniques into real life

Salad days

A Self-Diagnostic for Mothers with Deficient Noun Disease

Sensory warfare

Teaching sons to date


It was the night before Christmas when all through the mall

A mother’s perspective on Valentine’s Day

It’s a wonderful life—before you read between the lines

You may be the parent of a teenager if...

Speeding ticket

Big game hunting


Excuse notes received by teachers

Things you did not know

Robber tried to deposit loot at the same bank

A nice idea...

Honest advertising

Female reindeer

Announcements from the pulpit

The deaf man

A new job

Insurance claim

More technical support...

Sleeping at work?

Famous mothers

Army insurance

Don’t you remember

Never work again

Feel like a woman

Good communication

The crow and the rabbit

Strange laws

Give generously and sleep better?

Help with statistics

Florida court sets atheist Holy day

Actual Australian court docket 12659 case of the pregnant lady

The Saga of the Hotel Soap

“Freezing the balls off the brass monkey,” a navy phrase about cannon balls

Declaration of revocation

Website that offers a search of U.S. driver’s licenses

Correspondence Between a Naval Officer and His Superiors in 1870

The two friends who died trying to get into a metallica concert and earned a darwin award

Burning mouse takes revenge by burning down house

Healings at barack obama rallies

The width of railroad tracks is based on a history that extends back to roman chariots

The word “shit” meant “ship high in transit”

Kerry supporter who stole bush campaign sign is arrested for multiple crimes

15 reasons why salesmen are the best lovers

911-actual call

Bad breath love

Bad days and bad timing

Bv chronicles

Car broken down

Chocolate prison

Circus owner in bar

Confessions of a reality TV junkie

Donkey eats buyer’s money

Double peppermint schnapps on the rocks

Driving distractions: do you need cream and sugar?

Duct tape

Dumb luck

Eye spy potatoes

Fed up candy lashes out at unsuspecting parade goers

Finding lost children

First month routine

Funny things we dream

Give them an inch

Heaven gets re-zoned

He had it coming, your honor

How to get attention, or: as you read this, you feel an irresistible urge to go on reading!

How to marry a wealthy guy

I do not like Cable T-V !!!

I killed Santa Claus

Important safety tip

It’s all about seeing the signs

Junior economics

Keeping Manfred clean

Laughing toward truth: six tips for lighthearted thinkers

Learning precision

Lizard induced schoolgirl screams

Making 2006, like, a big deal and stuff

Military wives

Mri humor: its still resonating, by golly!

New mobile applications shock market

Opposites attract laughter

Painful lessons from the maternity ward

Paying for the War

Pee here now

(not so) outgoing mail

Perks of global warming

Picking politicians as hurricane names

Politician offices of nano tube construction

Pool sweep shark robot

Potent pachyderms

Read this article if you want to hunt the spotted owl

Rock and roll dance—is it heaven or is it hell?

Rural relocation—considerations and adjustments

Saving SpongeBob using high tech

Should all lawyers be killed?

Slip-sliding on a peel

Someone at Walmart hates me

Spare change

Stained glass studio humor helps to overcome adversity—don’t be like Milo

Stopping bad breath bart

Stun gun cat food robotic shocker

Survival instinct

Sweet vengeance

Tales of a spectator

The alternating traffic merge amendment to the constitution

The brilliant rejection dating maneuver

The day the toilet bit me

The drowning spool

The drunk goose massacree

The finer points of poverty

The hidden driveway

The jokes on you—who should be the butt of your jokes?

The long way around

The road to obesity

The way it used to be

They are finally revealed

This song won’t be turned into a dance

To make and break!

Very precise fortune cookies

View from the stage: six pounds tall!

Wanted: treadmill for an elephant

What are you in for?

What if bird flu is listening to the news reports

When humans and dogs collide: negotiations for todays changing times

When pigs fly

Who are they trying to fool?

The diary of a 4 years old boy

A mother’s perspective on a balanced universe


Because she’s your mother—That’s why!

Blarney and chocolate fudge

Boys and their toys

Trust during a business trip

Children, in order to have a Merry Christmas, please follow these rules

Children’s future: bursting bubbles

How I spent my Christmas vacation

Dancing with Math

Delusions of Christmas grandeur

Dining out with women

How to discipline your parents

Be mine—You foolish, foolish man

Funny quotes from kids

Say goodbye to travelling light

Hide and speak

Husband sickness (or sick of my husband)

Infant as a second language

A good Interior decorator never tacks bobby Sherman to her wall

The joy of a box

Kid code of honor

Laundry is a heavy load

The laundry queen

Days of whine and (someone send me) roses

Little boys

Lost mommie

Missing my maternal memory

Math homework help: a calculated response

Maximum Security HELL

Merging traditions

Mommy bill of rights

The mommy rat race

Mom quits smoking—family in withdrawal

Conversation? Momversation

Mother’s Day: my favorite no fuss holiday

Mum’s the word—on school calendars

NASCAR (全国汽车比赛协会)

Hey you! Outta the kitchen!

Peanut butter: kid’s secret for beautiful skin

Permit Day

Pickles and hiccups

Mom is not a mantra

Relationships top 10

Road trip

Sins of the mother

Sugar and spice

The terminator

The bad word

The things we do for love...

This old (dog) house

Three kids in a parking lot

Virtual bonding

Wanted: insomniac group

Wardrobe worries

Prayer of a stay-at-home mother in mid August

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