1.青蛙王子 The Frog-King,or lron Henry
2.猫和老鼠交朋友 Cat and Mouse in Partnership
3.圣母玛利亚的孩子 Our Lady’s Child
4.少年闯世界,学习什么是恐惧 The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
5.狼和七只小山羊 The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids
6.忠实的约翰尼斯 Faithful John
7.好买卖 The Good Bargain
8.奇怪的乐师 The Strange Musician
9.十二个兄弟 The Twelve Brothers
10.一群无赖 The Pack of Ragamuffins
11.小弟弟和小姐姐 Brother and Sister
12.野莴苣 Rapunzel
13.森林里的三个小矮人 The Three Little Men in The Wood
14.三个纺线女 The Three Spinners
15.汉塞尔和格蕾特尔 H?nsel and Gretel
16.三片蛇叶 The Three Snake-Leaves
17.白蛇 The White Snake
18.稻草、火炭和豆子 The Straw,the Coal,and the Bean
19.渔夫和他的妻子 The Fisherman and His Wife
20.勇敢的小裁缝 The Valiant Little Tailor
21.灰姑娘 Cinderella
22.谜语 The Riddle
23.老鼠、鸟和香肠 The Mouse,the Bird,and the Sausage
24.风雪婆婆 Mother Holle
25.七只乌鸦 The Seven Ravens
26.小红帽 Little Red-Cap
27.不来梅镇上的乐师 The Bremen Town Musicians
28.唱歌的骨头 The Singing Bone
29.长着三根金发的魔鬼 The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs
30.小虱子和小跳蚤 The Louse and the Flea
31.无手姑娘 The Girl Without Hands
32.聪明的汉斯 Clever Hans
33.三种语言 The Three Languages
34.聪明的爱尔莎 Clever Elsie
35.裁缝在天国 The Tailor in Heaven
36.魔桌子、金驴子和袋子里的小棍子 The Wishing-Table,the Gold-Ass,and the Cudgel in the Sack
37.大拇指 Thumbling
38.狐狸太太的婚礼 The Wedding of Mrs.Fox
39.小精灵 The Elves
40.强盗新郎 The Robber Bridegroom
41.考伯斯先生 Herr Korbes
42.教父 The Godfather
43.特露德夫人 Frau Trude
44.死神教父 Godfather Death
45.大拇指漫游记 Thumbling’s Travels
46.菲切尔的鸟 Fitcher’s Bird
47.杜松树的故事 The Juniper Tree
48.老苏坦 Old Sultan
49.六只天鹅 The Six Swans
50.睡美人 Little Briar-Rose
51.拾来鸟 Fundevogel
52.尖下巴国王 King Thrushbeard
53.白雪公主 Little Snow-White
54.背包、帽子和喇叭 The Knapsack,the Hat,and the Horn
55.古怪的姓氏 Rumpelstiltskin
56.情人罗兰 Sweetheart Roland
57.金鸟 The Golden Bird
58.狗与麻雀 The Dog and the Sparrow
59.弗雷特尔和卡特丽斯 Frederick and Catherine
60.两兄弟 The Two Brothers
61.小农夫 The Little Peasant
62.蜂王 The Queen Bee
63.三根羽毛 The Three Feathers
64.金鹅 The Golden Goose
65.杂毛姑娘 Allerleirauh
66.兔子的新娘 The Hare’s Bride
67.十二个猎人 The Twelve Huntsmen
68.小偷和师傅 The Thief and His Master
69.约琳德和约林格尔 Jorinda and Joringel
70.三个幸运儿 The Three Sons of Fortune
71.六个好汉闯遍天下 How Six Men Got on in the world
72.狼和人 The Wolf and the Man
73.狼和狐狸 The Wolf and the Fox
74.狼婆与狐狸 Gossip Wolf and the Fox
75.狐狸和猫 The Fox and the Cat
76.紫丁香 The Pink
77.聪明的格蕾特尔 Clever Gretel
78.爷爷和孙子 The Old Man and His Grandson
79.水妖 The Water-Nixie
80.小母鸡之死 The Death of the Little Hen
81.逍遥自在的人 Brother Lustig
82.赌徒汉斯 Gambling Hansel
83.幸运的汉斯 Hans in Luck
84.汉斯结婚 Hans Married
85.金童 The Gold-Children
86.狐狸和鹅 The Fox and the Geese
87.穷人和富人 The Poor Man and the Rich Man
88.又唱又跳的云雀 The Singing,Soaring Lark
89.放鹅女 The Goose-Girl
90.一个年轻的巨人 The Youne Giant
91.矮人精 The Gnome
92.金山之王 The King of the Golden Mountain
93.乌鸦 The Raven
94.聪明的农家姑娘 The Peasant’s Wise Daughter
95.老希尔德布兰特 Old Hildebrand
96.三只小鸟 The Three Little Birds
97.生命之水 The Water of Life
98.万事通医生 Doctor Knowall
99.瓶子里的妖精 The Spirit in the Bottle
100.魔鬼灰兄弟 The Devil of Sooty Brother
101.懒汉 Bearskin
102.鹪鹩和熊 The Willow-Wren and the Bear
103.香甜的米粥 Sweet Porridge
104.一群聪明人 Wise Folks
105.蛤蟆的故事 Tales of the Paddock
106.可怜的磨坊学徒和猫 The Poor Miller’s Boy and the Cat
107.两个旅伴 The Two Travellers
108.刺猬汉斯 Hans the Hedgehog
109.小寿衣 The Shroud
110.荆棘丛中的犹太人 The Jew Among Thorns
111.本领高强的猎人 The Skillful Huntsman
112.天上的打谷棒 The Flail From Heaven
113.两个国王的孩子 The Two Kings’ Children
114.聪明的小裁缝 The Cunning Little Tailor
115.灿烂的阳光下显真相 The Bright Sun Brings it to Light
116.蓝灯 The Blue Light
117.任性的孩子 The Wilful Child
118.三个军医 The Three Army Surgeons
119.七个施瓦本人 The Seven Swabians
120.三个学徒 The Three Apprentices
121.天大胆的王子 The King’s Son Who Feared Nothing
122.菜驴 Donkey Cabbages
123.森林中的老太婆 The Old Woman In The Wood
124.三兄弟 The Three Brothers
125.魔鬼和他的祖母 The Devil and His Grandmother
126.忠实的费尔南德和不忠实的费尔南德 Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful
127.铁炉子 The Iron Stove
128.懒惰的纺纱妇 The Lazy Spinner
129.本领高强的四个兄弟 The Four Skilful Brothers
130.一只眼、两只眼和三只眼 One-Eye,Two-Eyes,and Three-Eyes
131.美丽的卡特琳娜勒和皮夫·帕夫·波尔特里 Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie
132.狐狸和马 The Fox and The Horse
133.跳破了的鞋 The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces
134.六个仆人 The Six Servants
135.白新娘和黑新娘 The White Bride and the Black Bride
136.铁汉斯 Iron Hans
137.三个黑衣公主 The Three Black Princesses
138.克诺衣斯特和他的三个儿子 Knoist and His Three Sons
139.布拉克尔的姑娘 The Maid of Brakel
140.我的一家 My Household
141.小羊和小鱼 The Lambkin and the Little Fish
142.泽姆西山 Simeli Mountain
143.旅行 Going a Travelling
144.毛驴 The Donkey
145.不孝之子 The Ungrateful Son
146.萝卜 The Turnip
147.返老还童 The Old Man Made Young Again
148.上帝的动物和魔鬼的动物 The Lord’s Animals and the Devil’s
149.雄鸡驮木梁 The Beam
150.要饭的老太婆 The Old Beggar-Woman
151.三个懒人 The Three Sluggards
152.十二个懒仆人 The Twelve Idle Servants
153.牧童 The Shepherd Boy
154.星币 The Star-Money
155.偷藏的钱 The Stolen Farthings
156.选择未婚妻 Looking for a Bride
157.扔掉的东西 The Hurds
158.麻雀和它的四个孩子 The Sparrow and His Four Children
159.极乐世界的童话 The Story of Schlauraffen Land
160.不可置信的童话 The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders
161.谜语童话 A Riddling Tale
162.雪白的玫瑰和红玫瑰 Snow-White and Rose-Red
163.聪明的仆人 The Wise Servant
164.玻璃棺材 The Glass Coffin
165.懒人海因茨 Lazy Harry
166.大鹏 The Griffin
167.强壮的汉斯 Strong Hans
168.农夫进天堂 The Peasant in Heaven
169.瘦子丽莎 Lean Lisa
170.林中小屋 The Hut In The Forest
171.同甘共苦 Sharing Joy and Sorrow
172.篱笆王 The Willow-Wren
173.比目鱼 The Sole
174.大麻鸟和戴胜鸟 The Bittern and the Hoopoe
175.猫头鹰 The Owl
176.月亮 The Moon
177.寿命 The Duration of Life
178.死神的使者 Death of Messengers
179.鞋匠师傅 Master Pfriem
180.井边放鹅女 The Goose-Girl at the Well
181.夏娃的孩子各不相同 Eve’s Various Children
182.池塘里的水妖 The Nixie of the Mill-Pond
183.小矮人的礼物 The Little Folks’ Presents
184.巨人和裁缝 The Giant and the Tailot
185.钉子 The Nail
186.墓中可怜的孩子 The Poor Boy in the Grave
187.真正的新娘 The True Bride
188.兔子和刺猬 The Hare and the Hedgehog
189.纺锤、梭子和缝衣针 The Spindle,the Shuttle,and the Needle
190.农夫和魔鬼 The Peasant and the Devil
191.桌子上的面包屑 The Crumbs on the Table
192.海兔 The Sea-Hare
193.贼王 The Master-Thief
194.鼓手 The Drummer
195.麦穗 The Ear of Corn
196.坟丘 The Grave-Mound
197.老林克兰克 Old Rinkrank
198.水晶球 The Crystal Ball
199.梅琳姑娘 Maid Maleen
200.牛皮靴 The Boots of Buffalo-Leather
201.金钥匙 The Golden Key
202.森林里的圣者约瑟夫 St. Joseph in the Forest
203.十二使徒 The Twelve Apostles
204.玫瑰 The Rose
205.贫穷和屈辱可以使人上天堂 Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven
206.上帝之食 God’s Food
207.三根绿树枝 The Three Green Twigs
208.圣母杯 Our Lady’s Little Glass
209.老太婆 The Aged Mother
210.天堂的婚礼 The Heavenly Wedding
211.榛子树 The Hazel-Branch