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作       者:Norman Gilliland,李波

出  版  社:外语教学与研究出版社


字       数:27.5万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 实用英语



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  • 读书简介
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将系列场景置一个引人胜的对话体侦探小说之中,涉及当代美国文化的方方面面。 本书的目的是为了使读者学习口语,以应对各种会话场合。本书中的短语采用惯用的口头语,而不是那些可能一两年就过时的、会贻笑大方的短暂俚语。<br/>






本书主要人物表 Character List

Act One Strange Happenings Where IWork 第一幕 公司里的蹊跷事

Scene 1.1 Job-seeking Preparations

场景1.1 求职准备

Scene 1.2 A Preliminary Interview

场景1.2 公司初试

Scene 1.3 The Follow-up Interview

场景1.3 招聘复谈

Scene 1.4 Celebrating Getting a Job

场景1.4 庆祝找到工作

Scene 1.5 Showing Around the Workplace

场景1.5 带新同事参观

Scene 1.6 How to Play Golf

场景1.6 学打高尔夫球

Scene 1.7 Safety Procedures in the Workplace

场景1.7 工作场所安全措施

Scene 1.8 The First Day in the Office

场景1.8 上班第一天

Scene 1.9 Answering Inquiries from a Client

场景1.9 应付客户咨询

Scene 1.10 Setting Up an Important Meeting

场景1.10 安排重要会议

Scene 1.11 Asking Help from Others

场景1.11 拉哥们儿一把

Scene 1.12 Helping a Drunk

场景1.12 帮助醉汉

Scene 1.13 Attending a Staff Meeting and Speaking

场景1.13 开会发言

Act TW0 The Reporters Smell a Story 第二幕 秘密乍泄

Scene 2.1 Celebrating that First Paycheck

场景2.1 庆祝第一次领薪

Scene 2.2 Assigning Work to a Secretary

场景2.2 给秘书派活儿

Scene 2.3 Checking Memos

场景2.3 查看备忘录

Scene 2.4 How May I Direct Your Call?

场景2.4 请问您要找谁?

Scene 2.5 Reporting Progress to the Manager

场景2.5 向经理汇报工作进展

Scene 2.6 Overwork

场景2.6 加班

Scene 2.7 Arranging an Exhibition of a New Project

场景2.7 安排新项目展示会

Scene 2.8 Attending a Conference

场景2.8 参加会议

Scene 2.9 Some Rumors About Layoffs

场景2.9 裁员传闻

Scene 2.10 Rumors About an Office Romance

场景2.10 办公室绯闻

Scene 2.11 Visiting a Client

场景2.11 拜访客户

Scene 2.12 Signing a Contract

场景2.12 签定合同

Scene 2.13 Preparing for a Business Trip to China

场景2.13 准备中国商务考察

Scene 2.14 Something Fishy Going on

场景2.14 狐尾初露

Act Three A Newspaper in Crisis 第三幕 报社危局

Scene 3.1 Getting Praise from a Higher-up

场景3.1 上司表扬咱

Scene 3.2 Asking for a Raise

场景3.2 要求加薪

Scene 3.3 Taking Sick Leave

场景3.3 请病假

Scene 3.4 Taking Personal Leave

场景3.4 请事假

Scene 3.5 Quitting a Job

场景3.5 辞职

Scene 3.6 Trying to Keep Someone from Quitting

场景3.6 辞职挽留

Scene 3.7 In a Supermarket

场景3.7 在超市

Scene 3.8 In a Post Office

场景3.8 在邮局

Scene 3.9 In a Bar

场景3.9 在酒吧

Scene 3.10 In a Restaurant

场景3.10 在餐馆

Scene 3.11 In a Chinese Restaurant

场景3.11 在中国餐馆

Scene 3.12 In an Ice Cream Shop

场景3.12 在冰激凌店

Scene 3.13 In a Bookstore

场景3.13 在书店

Act Four The Investigation Gets Dangerous 第四幕 越探越深

Scene 4.1 In a Hotel

场景4.1 在旅馆

Scene 4.2 Settling Complaints in a Hotel

场景4.2 旅馆投诉

Scene 4.3 In a Hospital

场景4.3 在医院

Scene 4.4 Talking with a Lawyer About a Lawsuit

场景4.4 和律师谈案子

Scene 4.5 Going to a Sauna

场景4.5 洗桑拿

Scene 4.6 At a Gas Station

场景4.6 在加油站

Scene 4.7 Talking About Stocks

场景4.7 谈谈股票

Scene 4.8 At a Grocery Store

场景4.8 在杂货店

Scene 4.9 At a Drugstore

场景4.9 在药店

Scene 4.10 Going Bowling

场景4.10 打保龄球

Scene 4.11 Repairing a Camera

场景4.11 修理照相机

Act Five Runaways 第五幕 逃亡

Scene 5.1 Running into a Long-lost Buddy

场景5.1 偶遇老友

Scene 5.2 Picking Up a Friend at the Airport

场景5.2 在机场接朋友

Scene 5.3 Taking a Friend to the Airport

场景5.3 送朋友去机场

Scene 5.4 Meeting a New Friend

场景5.4 结识新朋友

Scene 5.5 Attending a Birthday Party

场景5.5 参加生日聚会

Scene 5.6 Attention a Wedding

场景5.6 参加婚礼

Scene 5.7 Volunteering to Help

场景5.7 充当志愿者

Scene 5.8 In a Church

场景5.8 在教堂

Scene 5.9 Attending a Funeral

场景5.9 参加葬礼

Act Six More Than Just a Game 第六幕 游戏过火

Scene 6.1 Being on a Jury

场景6.1 参加陪审团

Scene 6.2 At a Concert Rehearsal

场景6.2 乐团排练

Scene 6.3 Going to a Concert

场景6.3 听音乐会

Scene 6.4 An Incident During a Concert

场景6.4 音乐会中小插曲

Scene 6.5 Playing a Video Game(1)

场景6.5 玩电脑游戏(1)

Scene 6.6 Playing a Video Game(2)

场景6.6 玩电脑游戏(2)

Scene 6.7 Playing the Guitar, Singing a Song

场景6.7 弹起吉他唱起歌

Scene 6.8 Seeing a Movie

场景6.8 看电影

Scene 6.9 Discussing a Film at an Art Center

场景6.9 在艺术中心谈论电影

Scene 6.10 Playing a Game

场景6.10 玩游戏

Scene 6.11 Playing Chess

场景6.11 下国际象棋

Scene 6.12 Playing Cards

场景6.12 打扑克

Scene 6.13 In a Casino

场景6.13 在赌场

Scene 6.14 Enjoying Pop Music

场景6.14 听流行音乐

Act Seven Pursuit 第七幕 惊慄追踪

Scene 7.1 Swimming

场景7.1 游泳

Scene 7.2 Riding a Bicycle

场景7.2 骑自行车

Scene 7.3 Jogging in the Rain

场景7.3 雨中疾行

Scene 7.4 Snow Skiing

场景7.4 滑雪

Scene 7.5 Climbing

场景7.5 爬山

Scene 7.6 Fishing

场景7.6 画“鱼”充饥

Scene 7.7 Picnicking

场景7.7 望“梅”止渴

Scene 7.8 Watching a Parade

场景7.8 观看游行

Scene 7.9 Encountering a Storm

场景7.9 遭遇暴风雨

Scene 7.10 Watching a Football Game in a Stadium

场景7.10 神游绿茵场

Scene 7.11 Joining the Army

场景7.11 参军

Scene 7.12 Getting Through a Robbery with a Ruse

场景7.12 智斗劫匪

Act Eight The ChaseGets Hot 第八幕 步步紧逼

Scene 8.1 In a Park

场景8.1 在公园

Scene 8.2 At the Zoo

场景8.2 在动物园

Scene 8.3 At an Aquarium

场景8.3 在水族馆

Scene 8.4 Speeding

场景8.4 超速狂奔

Scene 8.5 Parking at Airport

场景8.5 机场泊车

Scene 8.6 In a Museum

场景8.6 在博物馆

Scene 8.7 At a Planetarium

场景8.7 在天文馆

Scene 8.8 In the Arboretum

场景8.8 植物园魅影

Scene 8.9 Inquiring at a Bus Station

场景8.9 在巴士车站咨询

Scene 8.10 In a Train Station

场景8.10 在火车站

Scene 8.11 At a Resort

场景8.11 在度假胜地

Scene 8.12 On the Beach

场景8.12 迈阿密海滩

Scene 8.13 At Customs in an Airport

场景8.13 在机场海关

Act Nine Rendezvous with Fate 第九幕 法网恢恢

Scene 9.1 Stuck in a Traffic Jam

场景9.1 被困迈阿密

Scene 9.2 Getting Direction at an Intersection

场景9.2 交叉路口问路

Scene 9.3 Assisting a Blind Person

场景9.3 帮助盲人

Scene 9.4 Security Check at an Airport

场景9.4 机场安检惊魂

Scene 9.5 Aboard a Plane

场景9.5 机舱里得意忘形

Scene 9.6 At the Opera

场景9.6 在歌剧院

Scene 9.7 In the Subway

场景9.7 波士顿地铁追踪

Scene 9.8 In a Nature Preserve

场景9.8 在自然保护区

Scene 9.9 Correcting a Foreigner's Pronunciation

场景9.9 纠正发音

Act Ten Tying the Knot 第十幕 终成眷属

Scene 10.1 Getting Help from the Operator

场景10.1 求助查号员

Scene 10.2 Inquiring About an Interview

场景10.2 面试咨询

Scene 10.3 Asking a Traffic Cop for Help

场景10.3 求助交警

Scene 10.4 Trying to Flee to China

场景10.4 企图逃往中国

Scene 10.5 Ordering Food

场景10.5 订餐

Scene 10.6 Inquiring About an Insurance Policy

场景10.6 保险业务咨询

Scene 10.7 Buying Football Tickets

场景10.7 买足球票

Scene 10.8 Upcoming Honeymoon

场景10.8 蜜月来临

Scene 10.9 Casual Expressions of Admiration

场景10.9 赞美的非正式表达

Scene 10.10 Expressions of Uncertainty

场景10.10 表达不确定

Scene 10.11 Experssions of Regret

场景10.11 表达悔恨

Scene 10.12 Experssions of Skepticism

场景10.12 表达怀疑

Scene 10.13 Expressions of Enthusiasm and Agreement

场景10.13 表达热心与赞同

Scene 10.14 Farewells

场景10.14 告别

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