《我爱读好英文》系列是一套与美国人同步阅读的中英双语丛书。该丛书由美国英语教师协会推荐,优势如下: ★内文篇目取自世界上*经典、*有影响力的故事,适于诵读。 ★每篇文章附带“实战提升”部分,包括单词注解、实用句型和智慧点津。 ★附赠地道美语朗读MP3光盘,让你随时随地愉悦跟读。 ★精选数篇短小精悍,蕴含深刻哲理的故事。让你在品读英文中,收获生活的智慧。跟着朗诵光盘练习,全面提升英文听说读写实战能力。
售 价:¥
说起来容易,做起来难啊/It is not hard to say things; it is harder to do them
The Candle That Can't Be Lighted/点不亮的蜡烛
The Gold Chain/金链子
The Young Thief and His Mother/小偷和他的母亲
The Bad Kangaroo/淘气的袋鼠
The North Wind and the Sun/北风和太阳
The Soldier and His Horse/士兵和他的马
The Big Oven/大火炉
The Sapling/小树
An Insignificant Act of Kindness/微不足道的善举
Now and Then/此一时,彼一时
An Old Gardener and a Tortoise/园丁与乌龟
The Greedy Badger/贪婪的獾
The Dog and the Cat/狗和猫
Real Courage/真正的勇气
Boat Fare/摆渡费
The Austere Governor/一丝不苟的州长
The Purse of Gold/金钱包
The Owl and the Ass/猫头鹰和驴
The Belly and Its Members/肚子和它的器官
The Number One Scholar and the Beggar/状元和乞丐
The Cat and the Bell/猫和铃铛
The Proud Oyster/骄傲的牡蛎
The Mole and His Mother/鼹鼠和它的妈妈
The Eagle and the Bee/老鹰和蜜蜂
The Boy and His Axe/男孩和他的斧头
Three Craftsmen/三位工匠
A Boy and His Nail/男孩和钉子
有些事并不像看上去那样/Things aren't always what they seem
The Polite Rabbit/有礼貌的兔子
The Donkey and the Frog/驴和青蛙
Fox and Cock/狐狸和公鸡
A Story of the Angel/天使的故事
Seven Lions and a Cow/七只狮子和一头牛
The Toad Looks for Food/蟾蜍寻食
The Dog That Had a Bad Friend/交友不慎的狗
The Scorpion and the Tortoise/蝎子和乌龟
The Fox and the Stork/狐狸和鹳
The Lion and the Mouse/狮子和老鼠
The Lonely Old Man/孤独的老人
Jupiter and the Sheep/丘比特和绵羊
The Sweetest Melody/最动听的歌
The Blind Man and the Lame Man/瞎子和瘸子
The Fox without a Tail/断尾的狐狸
The Wolf and the Crane/狼与鹭鸶
The Goatherd and the Wild Goats/牧羊人和野山羊
The Crane and the Crab/鹤与螃蟹
多一点儿包容,多一点儿爱/Who has greater tolerance, will have more love
Daughter and Daughter-in-Law/女儿和媳妇
The Greatest Gift of All/最贵重的礼物
Mouse Daughter to Marry/老鼠嫁女
The Difference of the Rich and the Poor/贫富的差异
The Eyesight of the Vulture/秃鹫的视力
The Monkey and the Crab/猴子与螃蟹
The Miser/守财奴
The Farmer and His Sons/农夫和儿子
The Wise Son/聪明的儿子
Purgatory May Be Paradise/炼狱能成天堂
Love and Time/爱与时间
Our Problem/我们的问题
The Four Wives/四个妻子
The Clever Beauty/机智的美女
How Poor We Really Are/我们是多么贫穷
A Heart's-Ease/心安草
Flower in the Desert/开在沙漠中的小花
The Cracked Water Pot/有裂痕的罐子
It Is As You Will/由你决定
Lady, Are You Rich?/太太,您富有吗?
The Frogs and Their King/青蛙和它们的国王
Sharing Up/分红
即使是小小的冒险,也能增加人生的乐趣/Even the taking of small risks will add excitement of life
Do Clothes Make a Man?/人靠衣装?
I Am Blind, So I Can Find the Way/我是盲人,所以我能找到路
The Lobster and the Crab/龙虾和螃蟹
The Lazy Donkey/懒驴
The Two Donkeys/两头驴
The Harebrained Monkey/浮躁的猴子
The Land of the Halt/瘸子之乡
The Old Woman and the Physician/老妇和医生
The Statue/雕像
A Clever Donkey/聪明的驴
A Foolish Boy/愚蠢的少年
Beyond Your Own/不断超越自己
The Sparrow/麻雀
The First Try/第一次尝试
The Old, Old Wine/陈年老酒
A Young Apple Tree/一棵小苹果树
The House of 1000 Mirrors/千镜之屋
A Bundle of Sticks/一捆树枝